BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T165338EDT-1228oMTICa@ DTSTAMP:20250312T205338Z DESCRIPTION:Iain Pardoe\, PhD\n\nOpen Learning Faculty Member\n Thompson Riv ers University\n\nOscar Competition - Winter 2025\n\nPredicting the 97th A cademy Awards -\n Results from the Field\n \n WHEN: Wednesday\, March 19\, 20 25\, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.\n WHERE: Hybrid | 2001 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ College Avenue\, Room 1140\; Zoom\n NOTE: Iain Pardoe will be presenting from Nelson\n\nAbst ract\n\nEvery year since 1929\, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sci ences has recognized outstanding achievement in film with their prestigiou s Academy Award\, or Oscar. Before the winners in various categories are a nnounced\, there is intense media and public interest in predicting who wi ll come away from the awards ceremony with an Oscar statuette. There are n o end of theories about which nominees are most likely to win\, yet despit e this there continue to be major surprises when the winners are announced . This research frames the question of predicting the four major awards - picture\, director\, actor in a leading role\, actress in a leading role - as a discrete choice problem. It is then possible to predict the winners in these four categories with a reasonable degree of success. The analysis also reveals which past results might be considered truly surprising - no minees with low estimated probability of winning who have overcome nominee s who were strongly favoured to win. Further details are at https://iainpa\n\nSpeaker Bio\n\nDr. Iain Pardoe lives in Nelson\, Brit ish Columbia\, where he teaches and writes online post-secondary statistic s and mathematics courses at Thompson Rivers University. He previously tau ght at Pennsylvania State University and he was formerly an Associate Prof essor of Decision Sciences at the University of Oregon. He obtained his Ph D in Statistics at the University of Minnesota. For more information\, ple ase visit his personal website:\n DTSTART:20250319T193000Z DTEND:20250319T203000Z SUMMARY:Predicting Academy Award Winners Using Discrete Choice Modeling & O scar Competition - Winter 2025 URL:/spgh/channels/event/predicting-academy-award-winn ers-using-discrete-choice-modeling-oscar-competition-winter-2025-363759 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR