BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T172702EDT-4069BoxXGE@ DTSTAMP:20250312T212702Z DESCRIPTION:Taylor McLinden\, PhD\n\nAdjunct Research Professor\n Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics\n Western University\n\nWHEN: Monday\, M arch 31\, 2025\, from 4 to 5 p.m.\n HERE: Hybrid| 2001 9I制作厂免费 College\, Rm 1140 | Zoom\n NOTE: Taylor McLinden will be presenting in-person\n\nAbstrac t\n\nWhile explanatory clinical trials examine interventions under strictl y controlled conditions\, pragmatic trials assess interventions in real-wo rld settings. Pragmatism can be introduced into the design\, implementatio n\, and management of a trial by embedding the study in routine care\, enr olling participants using broad eligibility criteria\, allowing for flexib le delivery of the intervention\, focusing on patient-centred outcomes\, a nd by using existing data sources (e.g.\, routinely collected health data) . This presentation will introduce the pragmatic-explanatory continuum\, d iscuss the design of trials that are fit for purpose\, and overview the He alth Data Research Network Canada (HDRN Canada) Pragmatic Trials Training Program (\n\nLearnin g Objectives\n\nAt the end of this talk\, attendees will:\n\n\n Describe th e pragmatic-explanatory continuum in the context of clinical trials\;\n Und erstand the need to design trials that are fit for purpose\;\n Explore the educational resources available through the HDRN Canada Pragmatic Trials T raining Program.\n\n\nSpeaker Bio\n\nTaylor McLinden is the Manager of the HDRN Canada Pragmatic Trials Training Program\, coordinated by the Schuli ch School of Medicine and Dentistry at Western University. He holds positi ons at the London Health Sciences Centre\, HDRN Canada\, and ICES Western. He is also an Adjunct Research Professor in the Department of Epidemiolog y and Biostatistics at Western University. Previously\, Taylor was the Sci entific Officer at the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and an Adjunct Professor at Simon Fraser University. He completed a PhD (Epidemiology) a t 9I制作厂免费\, a MSc (Epidemiology) at the University of Guelph\, a nd an Honours BSc (Biomedical Sciences) at Brock University.\n DTSTART:20250331T200000Z DTEND:20250331T210000Z SUMMARY:Building Capacity for Pragmatic Clinical Trials in Canada URL:/spgh/channels/event/building-capacity-pragmatic-c linical-trials-canada-363513 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR