Lingard: Truths & Myths About Interprofessional Teams
Wednesday, May 5, 2021 12:00to13:00

Join the Office of Interprofessional Education at their upcoming Grand Rounds: Dr. Lorelei Lingard, will speak on:
Truth & Myths about Interprofessional Teams and their Implications for how we Understand Competence in Healthcare
Dr. Lingard is an expert in communication, teamwork, interprofessional healthcare teams and how these various components can affect patient safety. This presentation is of key interest to all healthcare professionals looking to gain insight into working in interprofessional teams. Dr Lingard is the Founding Director and Senior Scientist, CERI; Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University and will present her address livestreamed on Zoom. We invite you to submit your questions in advance on the registration page.