
SBNH at Central Philippine University

Laurie Gottlieb spoke to over 400 nurses and nursing students at the Central Philippine University College of Nursing, which has adopted SBNH as its framework for nursing education and practice.

Dr. Laurie Gottlieb was the invited keynote speaker for a webinar given by the Central Philippine University College of Nursing, along with CCINAA (Central Philippine University, Capiz Emmanuel Hospital, and Iloilo Mission Hospital Nurses’ Alumni Association), in celebration of Philippine National Nurse’s Week. The College of Nursing has adopted SBNH as a framework to support students and alumni through the pandemic. 

With the theme "Caring, Compassion and Resiliency amidst the Pandemic, the CCINAA Strengths-Based Way", the webinar, held October 20, 2021, drew over 400 participants and inspired lively and productive conversation. 

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