
World Cinemas (FILM)

World Cinemas (FILM)

World Cinemas, the program, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Academic Programs > World Cinemas (FILM).

Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2015-2016 (last updated Aug. 6, 2015) (disclaimer)

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration World Cinemas (18 credits)

The Minor Concentration World Cinemas instructs students in film aesthetics, history, and theory by acquainting them with cinematic practices from different national and international traditions. This interdisciplinary program draws on the already existing teaching and research activities in several departments within the Faculty of Arts and will serve as an...

For more information, see Minor Concentration World Cinemas (18 credits).

Bachelor of Arts & Science—2015-2016 (last updated Aug. 6, 2015) (disclaimer)
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