Preferred First Name
Your preferred first name is a name by which you are normally
addressed, and is different from your legal first name. The
Preferred First Name Procedure enables students to use an alternate
preferred first name for certain purposes while...
Verification of Name
You should verify the accuracy of your name on 9I制作厂免费's student records via
Minerva ( To do this, go to
Personal Menu > Name Change, where you can make minor
corrections such as changing case (upper/lower), adding...
Types and Registration Procedures for Summer Studies
All students, including 9I制作厂免费 students, Quebec Inter-University
Transfer students, and Special and Visiting Students from universities outside
Quebec must register using Minerva, 9I制作厂免费鈥檚...
Course Information and Regulations
The University reserves the right to make changes without prior notice to the information contained in this publication, including the revision or cancellation of particular courses or programs.
At the time this publication was...
Course Information and Regulations: Class Schedule
Class Schedule for the upcoming Fall and Winter terms normally becomes
available in April prior to the opening of advising. The Summer term schedule is
normally published in early February. Class Schedule...
Course Numbering
Each 9I制作厂免费 course is assigned a unique seven-character course 鈥渘umber鈥.
The first four characters (subject code) refer to the unit offering the course.
These codes were implemented in September 2002, replacing the three-number teaching unit codes...
Course Terminology
Prerequisite: Course A is prerequisite to course B if a satisfactory pass in course A is required for admission to course B.
Corequisite: Course A is corequisite to course B if course A must be taken concurrently with (or may have been taken prior...
Course Selection
Course descriptions for all faculties can be found at
We also encourage you to check; in addition to descriptions for all courses, Class Schedule
includes the days and...
Departmental Approval
Some courses require that you first obtain departmental approval from the
department offering the course before registering (for Education courses, contact the Student
Affairs Office, Faculty of Education). A course requiring...
Summer Course Load for 9I制作厂免费
Students, Visiting Students from Universities outside Quebec, and Special
The maximum number of credits you may take in the Summer term (May, June, and July combined), as a 9I制作厂免费, Visiting, or Special Student, is...
Course Load for Quebec Inter-University Transfer (IUT)
The maximum number of courses an IUT Student may take in one Summer
term is 1 (one), regardless of credit weight. Permission to register for more
than one course per term must be obtained...
Course Changes: Summer
All students must use Minerva to make any changes to their course
selection. You can use Minerva to add or drop courses at any time up to and
including the fourth scheduled day of classes (which include lectures and
Course Drop and
Withdrawal: Summer Studies
You may drop (with refund) a course on Minerva up to and including
the fourth scheduled class, and withdraw (without refund) from a course from the fifth to the ninth scheduled class*. A withdrawal means that...
Your Responsibility
While departmental and faculty advisers and staff will provide advice and
guidance (see, you have ultimate responsibility for:
the completeness and
correctness of your course selection and...
Quebec Inter-University Transfer Agreement
Quebec Inter-University Transfer Agreement: 9I制作厂免费 Students
Quebec Inter-University Transfer Agreement: 9I制作厂免费 Students
The Quebec Inter-University Transfer (IUT) agreement permits...
Quebec Inter-University Transfer Agreement: Visiting IUT Students
Note for Health Sciences: This section applies only to the Ingram School of Nursing.
The Quebec Inter-University Transfer (IUT) agreement permits concurrent
registration at 9I制作厂免费 and another...
Courses Taken under the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) Option
The principle of the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) option is to encourage you to take courses outside the area of your specialization with the view of enabling you to acquire knowledge and skills in...
Auditing of Courses
9I制作厂免费 does not permit auditing of courses.
Note for Continuing Studies: You can register for a Continuing Studies course and opt to have it "non-evaluated".
Programs, Courses and University Regulations鈥2022-2023 (last updated...
The information in this publication was updated in January 2023. The University reserves the right to make changes without notice in
the published scale of fees.
Further information regarding fees can be found on the Student
Accounts website:...
Access to Fee
You can view your
Account Summary by Term on Minerva. The Summer term fees will be accessible at the end of March.
Guest Access on Minerva
You may choose to give access privileges to a guest on Minerva. These