Tuition Fees, Practical Instruction Fees, and Lesson Quotas
Note: The fee rate presented in this section is in reference to the 2022-2023 academic year, and is subject to change for the 2023-2024 academic year. Review current Schulich School of Music fee rate...
Academic Policies in the Schulich School of Music
This section contains information on the following academic topics:
General Academic Requirements
Academic Requirements by Program
Academic Standing
Ensemble Policy and...
Schulich School of Music Ensemble Policy and
The ensemble program is designed to provide
an enriched and cohesive curriculum in practical...
Music students registered for practical instruction (including
elective practical instruction) in one of the eligible instruments may request Accompanist Funding up to a maximum number of hours. Further details are available from the Department of...
Academic Category
All Music students are registered in one of the following categories:
Academic Categories
Major: B.Mus. candidates may choose
one or more of several majors as described under Browse Academic Units & Programs...
Students are not permitted to audit a course with credit(s) without officially registering. This includes ensembles (courses with MUEN prefix).
For information on auditing, see University Regulations and Resources > Undergraduate > Registration...
Free/Music Electives
Free/Music Electives
Unless otherwise specified, any music course that is not a required course in the student's program can be counted as a Free and/or Music Elective in the B.Mus. program subject to...
Distance Education
(Online) Courses
Students may take a maximum of 6 credits of non-Music elective courses
taught through distance education toward their B.Mus. degree at 9I制作厂免费.
Courses taught through distance education from institutions other than 9I制作厂免费...
Course Changes and Withdrawal for Students in the Schulich School of Music
Students are permitted to change courses and/or sections of a course
during the add/drop period in each term. This is referred to
as the official Course Change period. Course and...
At the discretion of the instructor, a mark of K (Incomplete) may be
given to a student who, due to extenuating circumstances, has not finished the
coursework on time. The deadline for completion and submission of the required
work shall be set by...
Examinations for Students in the Schulich School of Music
The following information pertains to examinations for students in the Schulich School of Music.
Deferred examinations are permitted in the case of...
Requirements for the Schulich School of Music
The successful completion of all courses
and proficiency requirements as specified in the candidate's program is required to meet graduation requirements. Students
registered in two programs...
Browse Academic Units and Programs in the Schulich School of Music
The Department of Music Research offers undergraduate degrees (Bachelor of Music) in Music Composition, Music Education, Music History, Theory, and the Faculty Program. The Department also offers...
The goal of this Minor is to provide instruction in practical and creative applications of technology for musical purposes. This program will help prepare students for production-oriented jobs in the creative arts.
This program is open to students from any...
This Minor focuses on interdisciplinary topics in science and technology as applied to music. The goal of the program is to help prepare students for commercial jobs in the audio technology sector and/or for subsequent graduate research study. This Minor is...
Practical Subjects in the Schulich School of Music
All new and returning students must submit a Practical Instruction Request Form by the assigned deadline in the spring if they wish to register for practical instruction and/or voice coaching lessons in the...
Practical Assignment and Lessons for Music Students
Registration for practical instruction (MUIN lesson course numbers) is not available
on Minerva. Students are...
Examinations and Goals in Practical Music Subjects
Different levels of achievement are required of students depending upon
the program of study for which they are registered. These levels are defined in
part by the difficulty of material and length of the...
Concentration Study in the Schulich School of Music
Students in the:
B.Mus. Faculty Program;
Faculty Program 鈥 Jazz concentration; or
Major in Music Composition, Music
Education, Music History, or Music Theory
are obliged to present one
examination in...
Study in the Schulich School of Music
A student majoring in Performance must show talent
for this field before being admitted to the program. The practical requirement
for these programs comprises examinations and recitals as specified in the...