Program Requirements
Le diplôme d’études supérieures en traduction juridique est un programme de cycle supérieur en ligne de 30 crédits conçu pour répondre à la demande de traducteurs juridiques et de jurilinguistes professionnels au Canada dans les secteurs public et privé. Ces spécialistes offrent des services de traduction, mais également de révision, de corédaction de textes juridiques et de consultation linguistique en droit dans de multiples contextes professionnels. Les apprenants aborderont les notions et les pratiques jurilinguistiques, ainsi que la traduction juridique dans des secteurs clés très recherchés. Le cursus prévoit l’utilisation d’outils de traduction assistée par ordinateur et la réalisation d’un stage ou d’un projet de recherche appliquée.
Le programme s’étend sur deux ans (six sessions consécutives – automne, hiver, été).
Le programme doit être terminé en quatre ans, au plus. Les admissions se font à l’automne et à l’hiver.
Cours obligatoires (18 unités)
CCTR 530 Principles of Jurilinguistics
(3 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Traduction : Introduction to the field of jurilinguistics. Examination of jurilinguistic practices, including: drafting, legal translation, legal terminology development, revision, interpretation of law, and other aspects of legal language, such as readability and plain language.
Terms: Automne 2024
Instructors: Jolette, Lyne (Fall)
This is a bilingual course
Restriction: Open to students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Legal Translation or with departmental approval.
CCTR 535 Introduction to Language
Technologies (3 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Traduction : Identification and classification of different types of language technologies and their components. Introduction to computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools, translation management systems, machine translation and post-editing. Hands-on experience with CAT tools usage including the creation of translation memories, file alignment, creation of terminology databases and records, as well as the translation of documents in a translation editing environment. Principles of real life meta-learning (i.e., learning how to learn).
Terms: Été 2025
Instructors: Boulanger, Ann Marie (Summer)
This is a bilingual course.
Early opening registration date for CS courses only
**Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the fifth lecture day.
CCTR 541 Legal Translation: General (3 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Traduction : Translation of legal texts. Overview of legal theory. Examination of legal translation methodology, legal terminology, phraseology, and legal citation guidelines through hands-on translation exercises of different subtypes of legal texts.
Terms: Hiver 2025
Instructors: Tellier-Marcil, Arnaud; Hübsch, Jean-Frédéric Yukio Wolfgang (Winter)
This is a bidirectional translation course (English to French and French to English). The languages of instruction are English and French.
Open to students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Legal Translation or with departmental approval.
CCTR 643 Language Management in the Justice Sector
(3 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Traduction : Critical examination of the concept of multilingualism, its management and its social and economic consequences for the justice sector. Analysis of different models of institutional and corporate language management, as well as their effects on the language industries. Implications of language technology developments on language management in the justice sector, including in crisis communication management.
Terms: Hiver 2025
Instructors: Pomerleau, Marc (Winter)
Restrictions: Open to students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Legal Translation and by departmental approval. Not open to students who have taken CCTR 543.
Supplementary Calendar Info: This is a bilingual course.
CCTR 500 Translation Practicum 1 (3 unités) *
Vue d'ensemble
Traduction : Translation project supervised by faculty and/or external partner.
Terms: Automne 2024, Hiver 2025
Instructors: Girard, Marie-Hélène (Fall) Girard, Marie-Hélène (Winter)
Prerequisite: Departmental approval required.
CCTR 600 Translation Practicum 2 (3 unités) *
Vue d'ensemble
Traduction : Translation project supervised by faculty and/or external partner.
Terms: Automne 2024, Hiver 2025
Instructors: Girard, Marie-Hélène (Fall) Girard, Marie-Hélène (Winter)
Prerequisite: CCTR 500
Recherche Appliqué
CCTR 605 Applied Research Project 1 (3 unités) *
Vue d'ensemble
Traduction : Preparation of an applied research proposal and initiation of research under the supervision of a faculty member.
Terms: Automne 2024, Hiver 2025
Instructors: Girard, Marie-Hélène (Fall) Girard, Marie-Hélène; Córdoba Serrano, MarÃa Sierra (Winter)
Prerequisite: Departmental approval required.
CCTR 606 Applied Research Project 2 (3 unités) *
Vue d'ensemble
Traduction : Completion of research and submission of completed research project under the supervision of a faculty member.
Terms: Automne 2024, Hiver 2025, Été 2025
Instructors: Girard, Marie-Hélène (Fall) Girard, Marie-Hélène (Winter) Girard, Marie-Hélène (Summer)
Prerequisite: CCTR 605
* Choisir CCTR 500 et CCTR 600 ou CCTR 605 et CCTR 606.
Cours complémentaires (12 unités)
6 unités de Voie 1 ou Voie 2:
Voie Francais (6 unités)
CCTR 553 Legal Translation: Judgments (English to French) (2 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Traduction : Translation of judgments from English to French. Review of judicial systems and subject-matter jurisdiction. Examination of legal translation principles and techniques applied to judgments. Study of macro-level translation strategies specific to judgments, including structure, genre, function (of the judgment and its translation) and context, and micro-level textual specificities of judgments and their translation. Strategies used to solve specific terminological and phraseological translation problems. Research techniques and use of appropriate references and tools when translating judgments.
Terms: Été 2025
Instructors: Jolette, Lyne (Summer)
Prerequisite: CCTR 541
Restriction: Open only to students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Legal Translation.
**Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the fifth lecture day.
Early opening registration date for CS courses only
CCTR 555 Legal Translation: Contracts (English to French) (2 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Traduction : Translation of contracts from English to French. Overview of the legal framework for contracts translated in Canada, including differences between the civil law principles applied in Quebec and the common law principles applied in the rest of Canada, and other translation problems typical of international contracts. Examination of the structure of contracts. Application of context-specific translation strategies. Translation of standard and general clauses, as well as specific types of contracts. Examination of English and French terminology and phraseology in the subfield of contracts.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Restriction: Open only to students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Legal Translation.
**Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the fifth lecture day.
CCTR 557 Legal Translation: Statutes&Regulations (English to French) (2 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Traduction : Translation of legislation from English to French. Review of legislative systems in Canada. Analysis of methods of legislative translation in Canada. Legal translation principles and techniques applied to the translation of legislation. Study of macro-level translation strategies specific to statutes and regulations, including jurisdiction, sources of law, law structure, genre, function (of statutes and regulations and their translation) and context, and micro-level textual specificities of statutes and regulations and their translation. Strategies used to solve specific terminological and phraseological translation problems. Research techniques and use of appropriate references and tools when translating legislation.
Terms: Automne 2024
Instructors: Falardeau, Bruno (Fall)
Restriction: Open only to students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Legal Translation.
**Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the fifth lecture day.
CCTR 645 Legal Translation: Securities Law (English to French).
(2 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Traduction : Translation of securities documents from English to French. Overview of the legal framework governing the securities market in Canada. Examination of the common securities documents translated in Canada, including prospectuses, material change reports, business acquisition reports, annual information forms, information circulars, take-over bid circulars and directors’ circulars. Application of research techniques to find mandatory language in the English and French versions of securities regulations. Examination of English and French terminology and phraseology in the subfield of securities.
Terms: Hiver 2025
Instructors: Tellier-Marcil, Arnaud (Winter)
Open only to students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Legal Translation. Not open to students who have taken CCTR 545.
**Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the fifth lecture day.
CCTR 660 Current Trends in Legal
Translation (2 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Traduction : Selected current trends related to legal translation.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Restrictions: Open only to students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Legal Translation.
Supplementary Calendar Info: 1. This course is bilingual. Topics for discussion may vary. 2. **Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do. not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the fifth lecture day.
**Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the fifth lecture day.
Voie Anglais (6 unités)
CCTR 554 Legal Translation: Judgments (French to English) (2 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Traduction : Translation of judgments from French to English. Review of judicial systems and subject-matter jurisdiction. Examination of legal translation principles and techniques applied to judgments. Study of macro-level translation strategies specific to judgments, including structure, genre, function (of the judgment and its translation) and context, and micro-level textual specificities of judgments and their translation. Strategies used to solve specific terminological and phraseological translation problems. Research techniques and use of appropriate references and tools when translating judgments.
Terms: Automne 2024
Instructors: Roy, Vera (Fall)
Prerequisite: CCTR 541
Restriction: Open only to students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Legal Translation.
**Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the fifth lecture day.
Early opening registration date for CS courses only.
CCTR 556 Legal Translation: Contracts (French to English) (2 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Traduction : Translation of contracts from French to English. Overview of the legal framework for contracts translated in Canada, including differences between the civil law principles applied in Quebec and the common law principles applied in the rest of Canada, and other translation problems typical of international contracts. Examination of the structure of contracts. Application of context-specific translation strategies. Translation of standard and general clauses, as well as specific types of contracts. Examination of English and French terminology and phraseology in the subfield of contracts.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Restriction: Open only to students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Legal Translation.
**Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the fifth lecture day.
CCTR 558 Legal Translation: Statutes&Regulations (French to English) (2 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Traduction : Translation of legislation from French to English. Review of legislative systems in Canada, with a focus on Quebec. Analysis of methods of legislative translation in Canada. Legal translation principles and techniques applied to the translation of legislation. Study of macro-level translation strategies specific to statutes and regulations, including jurisdiction, sources of law, law structure, genre, function (of statutes and regulations and their translation) and context, and micro-level textual specificities of statutes and regulations and their translation. Strategies used to solve specific terminological and phraseological translation problems. Research techniques and use o appropriate references and tools when translating legislation.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Restrictions: Open only to students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Legal Translation.
**Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the fifth lecture day.
CCTR 642 Legal Translation: Securities
Law (French to English).
(2 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Traduction : Translation of securities documents from French to English. Introduction to the statutes, regulations and rules governing the distribution of financial products and services in Canada. Practical translation exercises include prospectus offerings, regulatory documents, judgments in securities cases, corporate securities compliance documents and shareholders agreements.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Restriction: Open only to students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Legal Translation. Not open to students who have taken CCTR 542.
**Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the fifth lecture day.
CCTR 660 Current Trends in Legal
Translation (2 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Traduction : Selected current trends related to legal translation.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Restrictions: Open only to students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Legal Translation.
Supplementary Calendar Info: 1. This course is bilingual. Topics for discussion may vary. 2. **Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do. not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the fifth lecture day.
**Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the fifth lecture day.
6 unités parmi les cours suivants:
CCTR 601 Independent Studies (3 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Traduction : Independent study under the guidance of a course supervisor specializing in the field of interest.
Terms: Automne 2024, Hiver 2025
Instructors: Girard, Marie-Hélène (Fall) Girard, Marie-Hélène (Winter)
Prerequisite: Departmental approval required
Projects will have to be arranged individually with the instructors. A detailed study proposal must be submitted to the Director or Course Supervisor during the first week of class.
To obtain approval, a detailed study proposal must be submitted to the course supervisor.
CCTR 602 Special Topics in Legal Translation 1 (3 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Traduction : Selected topics in legal translation.
Terms: Automne 2024
Instructors: Pomerleau, Marc (Fall)
Prerequisite: Departmental approval required.
Early opening registration date for CS courses only
**Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the fifth lecture day
CPAG 610 Current Issues in Public
Sector Management (3 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
CPAG : Analysis of contemporary issues and challenges faced by public administration due to political, technological, social, and economic changes. Examination of current trends, successes, failures, and alternative solutions experienced by public administration in the past.
Terms: Automne 2024
Instructors: Coburn, Veldon (Fall)
Not open to students who have taken CPAG 510.
Course may be offered in person or online with synchronous and asynchronous components.
CPAG 615 Public Regulations and Ethics in the Public Sector (3 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
CPAG : Interpretation of legal and ethical issues relevant to public services. Examination of legal principles and legal reasoning, the role of law in public sector management, such as constitutional law, administrative law, and human rights law. Exploration of the principles that inform privacy and access to information legislation and their derivation form ethical theories.
Terms: Automne 2024
Instructors: Guay, Hélène (Fall)
Restriction: Not open to students who have taken CPAG 515.
Course may be offered in person or online with synchronous and asynchronous components.
CPAG 620 Leadership and Governance in Public Organizations.
(3 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
CPAG : Analysis of leadership and governance issues, accountabilities, and responsibilities for public organization leaders; governance best practices; and administrative aspects of governance. Exploration of practical ways to improve service delivery and performance.
Terms: Hiver 2025
Instructors: Hawkes, Marc-André (Winter)
Restrictions: Not open to students who have taken CPAG 520.
Course may be offered in person or online with synchronous and asynchronous components.
Ou tout autre cours de niveau 500 ou 600 offert et approuvé.