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Music Placement Examinations All new Bachelor of Music or Licentiate in Music students, including students from other faculties who are interested in pursuing a music minor with prerequisites, may sit diagnostic placement examinations in theory (courses with MUTH...
Readmission to the Schulich School of Music Students who are not on a Leave of Absence, and have no course registrations in Fall and/or Winter semester are considered inactive students. In order to continue in the program, they must submit a program readmission...
Tuition Fees, Practical Instruction Fees, and Lesson Quotas The typical annual tuition fee for a Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.) or Licentiate in Music (L.Mus.) student can be found on the Student Accounts website. B.Mus. and L.Mus. students who are registered in...
Academic Policies in the Schulich School of Music This section contains information on the following academic topics: General Academic Requirements Academic Requirements by Program Academic Standing Ensemble Policy and...
Schulich School of Music Ensemble Policy and Regulations Preamble Preamble The ensemble program is designed to provide an enriched and cohesive curriculum in...
Accompanying Bachelor of Muisc (B.Mus.) and Licentiate in Music (L.Mus.) students registered for practical instruction (including elective practical instruction) in one of the eligible instruments may request Accompanist Funding for a designated set of hours....
Academic Category All Music students are registered in one of the following categories: Academic Categories Major: B.Mus. candidates may choose one or more of several majors as described under Browse Academic Units & Programs...
Auditing Students are not permitted to audit a course with credit(s) without officially registering. This includes ensembles (courses with MUEN prefix). For information on auditing, see University Regulations and Resources > Undergraduate > Registration...
Electives Electives Electives The Schulich School of Music has three types of electives in a Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.) program: non-music electives, music electives and free electives. An updated list of suggested electives for music...
Distance Education (Online) Courses Students may take a maximum of 6 credits of non-Music elective courses taught through distance education toward their B.Mus. degree at 9I制作厂免费. Courses taught through distance education from institutions other than 9I制作厂免费...
Course Changes and Withdrawal for Students in the Schulich School of Music Students are permitted to change courses and/or sections of a course during the add/drop period in each term. This is referred to as the official Course Change period. Course and...
Incompletes At the discretion of the instructor, a mark of K (Incomplete) may be given to a student who, due to extenuating circumstances, has not finished the coursework on time. The deadline for completion and submission of the required work shall be set by...
Examinations for Students in the Schulich School of Music The following information pertains to examinations for students in the Schulich School of Music. Deferrals Deferrals Deferred examinations are permitted in the case of...
Graduation Requirements for the Schulich School of Music The successful completion of all courses and proficiency requirements as specified in the candidate's program is required to meet graduation requirements. Students registered in two programs...
Browse Academic Units and Programs in the Schulich School of Music The Department of Music Research offers undergraduate degrees (Bachelor of Music) in Music Composition, Music Education, Music History, Theory, and the Faculty Program. The Department also offers...
Department of Music Research: Composition; Music Education; Music History; Theory; Faculty Program At both the undergraduate and graduate levels, the Department embraces the disciplines of Composition, Music Education, Music History, and Theory; Music...
The Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.); Major in Composition program offers students a solid grounding in the basics of classical music composition for instruments and voices, with or without electronics. This is achieved through lecture courses and tutorials (private...
The Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.); Major in Music History requires 124 credits. This program focuses on the place of music in different cultural contexts, the social conditions of musicians, the evolution of performing styles, and the different ways music can...
The Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.); Major Theory program requires 124 credits and features coursework centered in the development of models and methods of musical languages. How specific pieces of music are put together and how this may be generalized to relate to the...
The Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.) - Faculty Program Music requires 123 credits and has been designed to accommodate those students who are either undecided about the area of music in which they wish to specialize, or who are interested in a pattern of specialization...


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