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General Policies and Information You must inform yourself of University rules and regulations and keep abreast of any changes that may occur. The General Policies and Information section of this document contains important details needed by you during your studies at...
Authorization, Acknowledgement, and Consent When applying for admission to the University, you are bound by and agree to observe all statutes, rules, regulations, and policies at 9I制作厂免费 University and the faculty or faculties to which you may be accepted and...
Student Rights and Responsibilities Student Rights and Responsibilities is produced jointly by the Office of the Dean of Students and the Secretariat. It contains regulations and policies governing your rights and responsibilities as a student at 9I制作厂免费,...
Language Policy The main language of instruction at 9I制作厂免费 is English. You have the right to write essays, examinations, and theses in English or in French except in courses where knowledge of a language is one of the objectives of the course. If you need to improve...
Academic Integrity Before submitting work in your courses, you must understand the meaning and consequences of plagiarism and cheating, which are serious academic offences. Inform yourself about what might be considered plagiarism in an essay or term paper by...
University Student Assessment Policy The University Student Assessment Policy includes all disparate policies with regard to all types of student assessments. This policy is meant to protect students from excessive workloads, and to ensure that all students...
Policy Concerning Access to Records The University sends statements of account and all other correspondence directly to students. You retain full control over who has access to your records or accounts; however, officers and members of the University staff...
Information Technology (IT) Policies and Regulations 9I制作厂免费 students, faculty, staff, and other members of the 9I制作厂免费 community benefit from a variety of Information Technology resources, which are used in accordance with University policies and directives...
Non-Smoking Policy Quebec law prohibits smoking in public buildings. Smoking on University property is permitted only within outdoor designated smoking areas. Smoking is prohibited outside any designated smoking area on University property. For more information,...
Policy Concerning Cannabis 9I制作厂免费 has adopted a Policy Concerning Alcohol, Cannabis and Other Drugs. This policy applies to all 9I制作厂免费 students, faculty, staff and visitors on the Downtown and Macdonald campuses, the Gault Nature Reserve, and spaces...
Student Health and Health Insurance Learn more about health insurance, your requirements as a student, and services offered for special medical needs in the following sections. Programs, Courses and University Regulations鈥2024-2025 (last...
Health Insurance 鈥 International Students International Students (Non-Canadians or Non-Permanent Residents of Canada) By Senate regulation, all international students (full-time, part-time, half-time, Additional Session, Thesis Evaluation,...
Health Insurance 鈥 Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents Canadians residing in Canada All undergraduate and graduate (classed as Canadian full-time or Additional Session, Thesis Evaluation, Non-Thesis Extension, as well as Postdoctoral candidates)...
Special Medical Needs If you have special medical needs, please book an appointment with the Student Wellness Hub to discuss how to manage your health while at 9I制作厂免费. If you anticipate encountering ongoing barriers in the academic or physical environment due to...
Personal Information You must inform yourself of University rules and regulations and keep abreast of any changes that may occur. The Personal Information section of this publication contains important details pertaining to nominative information, legal documents,...
Updating Personal Information It is important to keep your 9I制作厂免费 record up to date with your personal information, especially a mailing or billing address, as these are used by the University year-round. Upon initial registration, students are prompted to...
Submitting Legal Documents 9I制作厂免费 requires documentation from you to confirm your legal status. The following sections describe the documents needed for your specific situation and how you should proceed. Programs, Courses and University...
Legal Documents: Why Does 9I制作厂免费 Collect Legal Documents from You? Your tuition status at 9I制作厂免费 will vary depending on your legal status in Canada. In order to determine your appropriate rate of tuition (Quebec, Canadian out-of-province, or international), we...
Legal Documents: What Documents Does 9I制作厂免费 Need from You? Follow the instructions in the first row of this table that apply to you. Send clear, legible copies of documents (not originals). Quebec and Canadian Out-of-Province...
Legal Documents: Has 9I制作厂免费 Received Your Documents? Quebec/Canadian/International Fees and Immigration Status Quebec/Canadian/International Fees and Immigration Status Once 9I制作厂免费 has received your documents, it usually takes...


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