Les cours fondamentaux du programme vous fourniront les concepts, les compétences et les outils nécessaires pour réaliser des ingénieries et des conceptions vers des produits, des infrastructures et des services plus durables. Vous comprendrez les multiples concepts et paradigmes de durabilité, apprécierez la complexité des problèmes de durabilité, analyserez des problèmes complexes en utilisant des cadres systémiques, évaluerez des mesures de durabilité et comprendrez les rôles professionnels et de leadership dans la résolution des défis de durabilité.
À la fin du programme, vous serez équipé pour concevoir des solutions en utilisant des stratégies holistiques, appliquer la pensée systémique et la durabilité, et évaluer les solutions proposées par rapport aux mesures quantitatives de durabilité.
Le programme comporte un noyau de huit cours obligatoires en durabilité (27 crédits) qui fournissent une base solide en matière de durabilité, de pensée systémique et de compétences analytiques importantes. Cette base est renforcée par six cours complémentaires (minimum 18 crédits) centrés sur quatre domaines de durabilité spécifiques ou flux :
Les quatre flux de cours complémentaires sont construits à partir de cours de plusieurs départements et écoles de la Faculté de génie.
Cours de base (27 crédits)
SEAD 500
Fndns of Sust for Eng & Des
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Sustainability in Eng & Design: Perspectives and debates from different disciplines and fields on sustainability and how it may be conceptualized, operationalized and evaluated; its implications for
problem formulation and policy analysis, ethical considerations and strategies of implementation related to engineering and design; the need for integrating
multiple perspectives and dimensions; stakeholder perspectives.
Offered by: Trottier Inst Sust,Eng&Design
- (3-0-6)
- Restriction: Only open to students in the Faculty of Engineering. Students outside of the Faculty of Engineering may register with permission of the instructor.
- NOTICE: Students in the TISED Master program only may enroll in this course
SEAD 510
Energy Analysis
4 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Sustainability in Eng & Design: Critical analysis of the importance of energy to society, the unsustainability of the current energy system, and potential options for a sustainable energy system. Topics include: peak oil and climate change, fundamental energy metrics, traditional and alternative primary and secondary power systems, and energy storage technologies. Quantitative energy analysis is applied to a set of case studies investigating energy use, energy generation, and energy storage and transport.
Offered by: Trottier Inst Sust,Eng&Design
- (3-0-9)
- Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
- Restrictions: Restricted to students registered in the Faculty of Engineering (including the School of Architecture and the School of Urban Planning).
- Not open to undergraduate students in Chemical Engineering.
SEAD 520
Life Cycle-Based Env Footprint
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Sustainability in Eng & Design: Introduction to Life Cycle-Based Environmental Footprinting and the application of basic methods for life-cycle environmental inventory and impacts modeling. LCA theory and quantitative analysis, approaches for assessing and reducing the
environmental impacts of product, process, and technology systems. System boundary and functional unit design approaches, process-based and input-output-based methods for modeling mass and energy flows in life-cycle systems. How LCA
can facilitate sustainable technology innovation and deployment, behavioural and societal changes, and policies, standards and regulations.
Offered by: Trottier Inst Sust,Eng&Design
- (3-0-6)
- Restrictions: Restricted to students registered in the Faculty of Engineering (including the School of Architecture and the School of Urban Planning).
SEAD 530
Econ for Sust in Eng & Des
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Sustainability in Eng & Design: Micro and macroeconomics of sustainability, market structures, principles of substitution, market failures and externalities, monetization and pricing of externalities. Policy instruments, permits and licenses, mandates, incentives, penalties, taxation and eco-social principles, mechanism design, the principles of life cycle analyses and the circular economy. Impact of engineering on ecological and economic sustainability.
Offered by: Trottier Inst Sust,Eng&Design
- (3-0-6)
- Restriction: Only open to students in the Faculty of Engineering. Students outside of the Faculty of Engineering may register with permission of the instructor.
SEAD 540
Industrial Ecology and Systems
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Sustainability in Eng & Design: Industrial ecology theory, concepts, normative goals and analytical methods. Material and energy flows, environmental impacts of industrial activities, systems
thinking, transitioning from linear to closed loop systems, recent contributions to sustainable product systems, urban metabolism, optimized materials or energy
management, development of a circular economy, new environmental policies and business models based on product or material lifecycle information. Consumer and
organizational behaviour in transitioning to sustainable industrial systems.
Offered by: Trottier Inst Sust,Eng&Design
- (3-0-6)
- Restriction: Only open to students in the Faculty of Engineering. Students outside of the Faculty of Engineering may register with permission of the instructor.
SEAD 550
Dec-Making for Sust: Eng & Des
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Sustainability in Eng & Design: Role and importance of engineering decisions of environmental, social, and economic problems and the application of decision-making approaches and tools to engineering sustainability. Multi-criteria decision-making, uncertainty analysis, game theory, sustainability metrics, life cycle analysis evaluation and impact assessment methodologies, design problem formulation, stage-dependent strategies, case studies.
Offered by: Trottier Inst Sust,Eng&Design
- (3-0-6)
- Restriction: Only open to students in the Faculty of Engineering. Students outside of the Faculty of Engineering may register with permission of the instructor.
SEAD 660
Strategies for Sustainability
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Sustainability in Eng & Design: Governance models for sustainability and their competitive market advantages, sustainability investment case studies, common misconceptions and limits of
sustainability and economic theory, structural and institutional changes for sustainability, systems theory
and managerial approaches, business risk and
competitive strategies, sustainability and financial
acumen, communicating sustainability performance metrics in business.
Offered by: Trottier Inst Sust,Eng&Design
- Restrictions: Open to students in the Faculty of Engineering. Students outside of the Faculty of Engineering may register subject to approval by professor.
- 1. Must have completed a minimum of 9 credits from the list of core courses in the M.Eng. in Sustainability in Engineering and Design; Non-Thesis program.
SEAD 670
Collaborative Des for Sustain
5 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Sustainability in Eng & Design: Team project designing an improved product or service, as measured by a range of sustainable design and economic criteria.
Offered by: Trottier Inst Sust,Eng&Design
- Restrictions: Open to students in the Faculty of Engineering. Students outside of the Faculty of Engineering may register subject to approval by professor.
- 1. Must have completed a minimum of 9 credits from the list of core courses in the M.Eng. in Sustainability in Engineering and Design; Non-Thesis program.
Cours complémentaires (minimum 18 crédits)
Choisissez des cours parmi les quatre options de flux ou la liste de cours approuvés

1 Flux : Énergie renouvelable et efficacité énergétique.
Ce flux se concentre sur la génération et la distribution d'énergie à faible / zéro émission de carbone et sa relation avec le stockage et les systèmes de transport d'énergie. Les étudiants seront formés à l'évaluation technologique pour l'approvisionnement et l'utilisation durables de l'énergie, ainsi qu'à la relation entre les systèmes énergétiques et les ressources en eau. La synthèse de carburants renouvelables à partir de biomasse, de déchets et de dioxyde de carbone sera abordée. Ce flux comprend l'étude de diverses technologies de contrôle et de réduction de la pollution pour atténuer l'impact des systèmes de production d'énergie et des processus de combustion sur l'environnement. Étant donné la nécessité critique de déterminer rapidement de nombreuses voies efficaces pour réduire la production et l'utilisation d'énergie, ainsi que leur impact sur les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et le réchauffement climatique, ce flux représente un domaine critique pour l'éducation avancée en matière de durabilité. |
CHEE 511
Catal for Sust Fuels&Chemicals
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Chemical Engineering: Introduction to catalytic processes for the production of sustainable fuels and chemicals. Topics: From fossil fuel to renewable fuel. Syngas vs. platform route. Biomass upgrading. Renewable natural gas. CO2 as chemical building block. Theory of photo- and electro-catalysis.
Offered by: Chemical Engineering
- (3-0-6)
- Prerequisites: CHEE 204 and CHEE 310 or permission of instructor.
- Course open to U3 Chemical Engineering undergraduate students and graduate students in Chemical Engineering.
CIVE 677
Water-Energy Sustainability
4 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Sustainable water resources management: water requirements and frameworks for allocations for agriculture, urbanization, resource extraction, energy production and the environment. Analysis and modelling of the constraints and implications, within and across sectors, of water allocation and energy production choices and
their climate change impacts. Critical assessment of contemporary case studies
related to the water-energy nexus
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
ECSE 562
Low-Carbon Power Gen. Eng.
4 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Electrical Engineering: Primary energy resources, thermodynamics of power generation, conventional and renewable. Electric power generation principles. Rotating and static power
conversion, frequency and voltage control. Synchronous and induction generators, design and operation, grid integration requirements. Static power converter
interfaces, principles and operation. Wind and solar generation principles, control, wind and solar farms. Energy storage technologies and their role in low-carbon
power systems. Operations and planning of low-carbon power generation systems. Renewable integration studies.
Offered by: Electrical & Computer Engr
- (3-0-9)
- Prerequisites: ECSE 361 or ECSE 362 or ECSE 461
- Restrictions: Not open to students who have taken or are taking ECSE 463
- Winter semester course. Will be given in alternate years alternating with ECSE 563.
MECH 534
Air Pollution Engineering
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Pollutants from power production and their effects on the environment. Mechanisms of pollutant formation in combustion. Photochemical pollutants and smog, atmospheric dispersion. Pollutant generation from internal combustion engines and stationary power plants. Methods of pollution control (exhaust gas treatment, absorption, filtration, scrubbers, etc.).
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year

2 Flux : Processus industriels durables.
Ce flux enseigne les approches les plus avancées en matière de fabrication industrielle dans le but de réduire la consommation d'énergie, d'eau, de matériaux et de ressources ainsi que les impacts environnementaux tout en produisant des biens fonctionnels améliorés. Les cours de ce flux portent également sur l'évaluation de l'impact des produits chimiques industriels et des nanomatériaux sur l'environnement, ainsi que sur les technologies, politiques et institutions nécessaires pour mettre en œuvre des solutions durables. Les étudiants apprendront l'importance d'une boucle de rétroaction itérative entre la phase de conception, la phase de fabrication et de production, et la phase d'utilisation et de fin de vie des produits pour atteindre des produits et des systèmes industriels durables. Une attention particulière est accordée aux évaluations de cycle de vie prospectives ou conséquentielles des produits et des processus dans une perspective de pensée systémique. |
CHEE 511
Catal for Sust Fuels&Chemicals
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Chemical Engineering: Introduction to catalytic processes for the production of sustainable fuels and chemicals. Topics: From fossil fuel to renewable fuel. Syngas vs. platform route. Biomass upgrading. Renewable natural gas. CO2 as chemical building block. Theory of photo- and electro-catalysis.
Offered by: Chemical Engineering
- (3-0-6)
- Prerequisites: CHEE 204 and CHEE 310 or permission of instructor.
- Course open to U3 Chemical Engineering undergraduate students and graduate students in Chemical Engineering.
CIVE 512
Advanced Civil Engrg Materials
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Production, structure and properties of engineering materials; ferrous alloys, treatments, welding, special steels, cast iron; ceramic materials; polymers; composite materials; concrete, admixtures, structure, creep, shrinkage; asphalt and asphaltic materials; clay materials and bricks; impact of environment on material response, durability, quality assessment and control, industrial specifications; recent advances.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CHEE 521
Nanomat & the Aquatic Environ
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Chemical Engineering: Environmental impacts and applications of nanomaterials. Topics: physicochemical characterization of nanoparticles in aquatic media, colloid chemistry for understanding nanoparticle aggregation and mobility in the environment, mechanisms of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production by nanomaterials, nanomaterials for environmental remediation and water treatment, methodologies for assessing nanoparticle toxicity, novel research developments.
Offered by: Chemical Engineering
- 3-0-6
- Offered each year, one year by the Department of Chemical Engineering and one year by the Department of Civil Engineering
- Prerequisite(s): CHEE 315 or CIVE 225 or MIME 356 or equivalent; and CHEE 310 or CIVE 430 or CHEM 233 or equivalent; or permission of instructor.
- Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken CIVE 521.
CIVE 663
Environ Fate of Org Chemicals
4 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Theoretical and applied environmental organic chemistry concerning organic pollutants in aquatic and soil systems. Topics include: vapour pressure; activity coefficient and aqueous solubility; air-liquid phase partitioning; sorption; bioaccumulation and biomagnification; hydrolysis and nucleophilic substitution reactions; redox reactions; legacy pollutants; pollutants of emerging concern; novel research developments.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- Offered in alternate years.
CIVE 677
Water-Energy Sustainability
4 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Sustainable water resources management: water requirements and frameworks for allocations for agriculture, urbanization, resource extraction, energy production and the environment. Analysis and modelling of the constraints and implications, within and across sectors, of water allocation and energy production choices and
their climate change impacts. Critical assessment of contemporary case studies
related to the water-energy nexus
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
MECH 534
Air Pollution Engineering
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Pollutants from power production and their effects on the environment. Mechanisms of pollutant formation in combustion. Photochemical pollutants and smog, atmospheric dispersion. Pollutant generation from internal combustion engines and stationary power plants. Methods of pollution control (exhaust gas treatment, absorption, filtration, scrubbers, etc.).
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MECH 560
Eco-design and Product LCA
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Fundamentals of both product and process engineering with an emphasis on life cycle models and sustainability. Practical and theoretical topics, methodologies,
principles, and techniques. Practical methods such as Life Cycle Analysis, eco-design strategies, streamlined Life Cycle Assessment, environmental impact
assessment, and Life Cycle Engineering. Introduction to important product development theories and life cycle assessment theories.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
MIME 511
Adv Subsurface Ventilation&AC
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mining & Materials Engineering: Fundamentals of air flow in underground mines. Thermodynamics of mine ventilation. Gases, dust, fire and Radon control. Thermal comfort. Mine heat transfer. Refrigeration systems, Ventilation-on-Demand. Optimization of mine ventilation design.
Offered by: Mining & Materials Engineering
- (3-0-6).
- Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
MIME 588
Reliabil Analys of Mining Sys
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mining & Materials Engineering: Statistics and probability theory used in reliability. Reliability analysis, measure and networks. Reliability prediction, modelling and testing. Concepts of preventive and corrective maintenance. Reliability based maintenance. Control and management of reliability systems. Quality and safety associated with maintenance analysis. Inventory control. Reliability based optimization.
Offered by: Mining & Materials Engineering
- (3-0-6)
- Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
- **Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the third lecture day.
URBP 506
Envrnmntl Policy and Planning
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Urban Planning: Analytical and institutional approaches for understanding and addressing environmental issues at various scales; characteristics of environmental issues, science-policy-politics interactions relating to the environment, and implications for policy; sustainability, and the need for and challenges associated with interdisciplinary perspectives; externalities and their regulation; public goods; risk perception and implications; the political-institutional context and policy instruments; cost-benefit analysis; multiple-criteria decision-making approaches; multidimensional life-cycle analysis; policy implementation issues; conflict resolution; case studies.
Offered by: Urban Planning
- (3-0-6)
- Restriction: This course is open to students in U3 and above

3 Flux: Infrastructure durable
Cette filière se concentre sur la nécessité critique de repenser nos espaces et systèmes urbains actuels, en raison de la croissance rapide des populations urbaines, en particulier dans les pays en développement, et des problèmes liés au vieillissement des infrastructures et à l'étalement urbain. Actuellement, 55 % de la population mondiale vit dans les villes, mais ce chiffre devrait atteindre 68 % d'ici 2050 (ONU-DESA, 2018). Cela offre des opportunités de développement d'environnements urbains durables. Les étudiants seront initiés à la théorie et aux applications de la conception et du développement durables dans le contexte urbain. Ainsi, les cours de cette filière explorent la conception et la ré-ingénierie des environnements urbains, des lieux de résidence et des lieux publics, dans le contexte mondial et local, en vue de la revitalisation urbaine, de la croissance et de la densification pour atteindre une consommation réduite de ressources naturelles, une génération de déchets réduite et une utilisation économe de l'énergie. Les systèmes de transport sont considérés comme faisant partie intégrante de l'environnement bâti. La filière examine le développement urbain de manière holistique et interdisciplinaire en intégrant les considérations socioculturelles et environnementales dans la planification urbaine et l'architecture. |
ARCH 515
Sustainable Design
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Architecture: This course will address sustainable design theory and applications in the built environment with students from a variety of fields (architecture, urban planning, engineering, sociology, environmental studies, economics, international studies). Architecture will provide the focus for environmental, socio-cultural and economic issues.
Offered by: Architecture
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
ARCH 564
Design for Development
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Architecture: Designing for sustainable development to meet broad developmental goals. Innovative design approaches, strategies and projects to address these objectives via economic empowerment, food security, gender equity, health, sanitation,
climate-change preparedness, and shelter-sector engagements.
Offered by: Architecture
- (2-0-7)
- Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
CIVE 540
Urban Transportation Planning
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Process and techniques of urban transportation engineering and planning, including demand analysis framework, data collection procedures, travel demand modelling and forecasting, and cost-effectiveness framework for evaluation of project and system alternatives.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- (3-1-5)
- Prerequisite: CIVE 319 or permission of instructor.
CIVE 621
Sust Design of Municip Systems
4 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Design of water-related municipal services. Estimation of water demand and wastewater production rates, conception of sources water intake, construction and
maintenance of water distribution and wastewater / stormwater collection systems, selection of pumps and pipe materials, conception of pumping stations, planning
of storage, and optimization of network. Emphasis on the theory and applications of life cycle analysis and of public acceptability specific to municipal system design.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- Prerequisite: SEAD 520
- Restriction :Not open to students who are taking or who have taken CIVE 421.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
CIVE 623
Durability of Const.Materials
4 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Durability-related deterioration mechanisms relevant to construction materials with an emphasis on promoting sustainability in the construction industry. Portland cement concrete, asphalt cement concrete, masonry, steel, wood, and fibre reinforced composites. Factors affecting durability, service life prediction, diagnosis, remediation, and protective measures. Introduction to relevant standards, specifications, guides, and design codes.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 629
Sust Design: Water & WW Facil
4 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Design principles of drinking water and wastewater resource recovery facilities. Characteristics of water and wastewater developed in theory and through laboratory exercises. Conventional unit operations; derivation and application of process models. Emphasis on the theory and applications of life cycle analysis (LCA) specific to the design of water and wastewater treatment facilities.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- Prerequisite: SEAD 520
- Restriction: Not open to students who have taken or are taking CIVE 430.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
CIVE 652
Bioproces for WW Res Recovery
4 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Technologies and design approaches for reclaiming water, nutrients, carbon and energy, while achieving protection of human and environmental health in the context of enhancing sustainability. Unit processes for both wastewater and solids-handling trains. Advanced mathematical modeling to describe suspended-growth
and attached-growth multispecies bioreactors for aerobic, anaerobic and
phototrophic processes. Microbial diversity in different reactor conditions, and specific population metabolisms explaining important stoichiometries and kinetics. Advanced molecular microbiology techniques to document microbial diversity and dynamics. Bioreactor designs in the context of stakeholder interactions and energy efficiency.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
SEAD 515
Climate Change Adapt&Eng Infra
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Sustainability in Eng & Design: Climate resilience and sustainability of engineering systems such as the built environment and engineering infrastructure in the context of a changing climate, possible mitigation and adaptation strategies and associated challenges and opportunities. Review of the basic principles that underpin the science of climate
change; the role of global and regional climate models in predicting the behaviour of the climate system in response to different forcing scenarios, and the use of climate model outputs in support of across scale climate-resilience of various
engineering systems including infrastructure systems.
Offered by: Trottier Inst Sust,Eng&Design
- (3-0-6)
- Restrictions: Restricted to students registered in the Faculty of Engineering (including the School of Architecture and the School of Urban Planning).
URBP 620
Transport Economics
4 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Urban Planning: Economic and financial aspects of urban transport policies and planning. Introduction to impact assessment techniques for major transport projects and policies; discussion of political debates concerning transport financing.
Offered by: Urban Planning
- Prerequisite: An introductory course in microeconomics or permission of instructor.
URBP 651
Redesigning Suburban Space
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Urban Planning: Planning and urban design strategies for transforming suburban and exurban settings in North America to meet contemporary needs. Critical approaches to responsible practice in existing cultural landscapes. Adaptive reuse of public space, intensification, densification, transit-oriented retrofit of urban form, community-based design development.
Offered by: Urban Planning
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year

4 Flux: Développement urbain durable
Cette filière met l'accent sur l'importance de construire et d'opérer des infrastructures urbaines et régionales de manière à réduire la consommation de ressources naturelles, la production de déchets et la consommation d'énergie, afin d'atteindre la durabilité urbaine. Les villes représentent une part importante de la consommation d'énergie et des émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Selon le Programme des Nations Unies pour les établissements humains, les villes consomment 75 % de l'énergie primaire mondiale et émettent 71 à 76 % de toutes les émissions de CO2. De plus, les matériaux couramment utilisés pour les infrastructures, tels que l'acier, le ciment et le verre, ont une empreinte énergétique et une empreinte carbone élevées. Par conséquent, cette filière représente un domaine critique pour établir des voies de durabilité cruciales, comme le développement de nouveaux matériaux et systèmes de récupération des ressources et de l'énergie à partir des déchets. Les événements météorologiques extrêmes, tels que les tempêtes intenses, les inondations et les journées très chaudes, peuvent perturber les villes et causer une perte de vies et de biens catastrophique. Ainsi, les rénovations et le développement d'infrastructures sont nécessaires de toute urgence pour adapter les infrastructures au changement climatique grâce à des critères de conception, d'utilisation des matériaux et de stratégies d'exploitation basés sur les scénarios climatiques futurs. Les cours de cette filière couvrent de manière approfondie ces sujets. |
ARCH 515
Sustainable Design
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Architecture: This course will address sustainable design theory and applications in the built environment with students from a variety of fields (architecture, urban planning, engineering, sociology, environmental studies, economics, international studies). Architecture will provide the focus for environmental, socio-cultural and economic issues.
Offered by: Architecture
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
ARCH 517
Sustainable Residential Dev
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Architecture: Design strategies of sustainable residential environments at the community and the unit levels. Historic references, siting principles, high density, healthy developments, green homes, urban renewal, circulation and parking, open spaces and implementation approaches.
Offered by: Architecture
ARCH 564
Design for Development
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Architecture: Designing for sustainable development to meet broad developmental goals. Innovative design approaches, strategies and projects to address these objectives via economic empowerment, food security, gender equity, health, sanitation,
climate-change preparedness, and shelter-sector engagements.
Offered by: Architecture
- (2-0-7)
- Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MECH 534
Air Pollution Engineering
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Pollutants from power production and their effects on the environment. Mechanisms of pollutant formation in combustion. Photochemical pollutants and smog, atmospheric dispersion. Pollutant generation from internal combustion engines and stationary power plants. Methods of pollution control (exhaust gas treatment, absorption, filtration, scrubbers, etc.).
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
URBP 504
Planning for Active Transp.
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Urban Planning: The importance of transit, walking, and cycling as modes of transportation in sustainable urban environments. Planning, design, and operation of mass transit systems, bikeways, and footpaths.
Offered by: Urban Planning
URBP 620
Transport Economics
4 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Urban Planning: Economic and financial aspects of urban transport policies and planning. Introduction to impact assessment techniques for major transport projects and policies; discussion of political debates concerning transport financing.
Offered by: Urban Planning
- Prerequisite: An introductory course in microeconomics or permission of instructor.
URBP 651
Redesigning Suburban Space
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Urban Planning: Planning and urban design strategies for transforming suburban and exurban settings in North America to meet contemporary needs. Critical approaches to responsible practice in existing cultural landscapes. Adaptive reuse of public space, intensification, densification, transit-oriented retrofit of urban form, community-based design development.
Offered by: Urban Planning
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
0-6 crédits de cours complémentaires de la Liste A : |
BIEN 520
High Throughput Bio Devices
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Bioengineering: Introduction to the field of high throughput screening (HTS) analytical techniques and devices used for genomics, proteomics and other "omics" approaches, as well as for diagnostics, or for more special cases, e.g., screening for biomaterials. Introduction into the motivation of HTS and its fundamental physico-chemical challenges; techniques used to design, fabricate and operate HTS devices, such as microarrays and new generation DNA screening based on nanotechnology. Specific applications: DNA, protein and diagnostic and cell and tissue arrays.
Offered by: Bioengineering
- Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
- (3-0-6)
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
BREE 518
Ecological Engineering
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Bioresource Engineering: Concepts and practice of ecological engineering: the planned creation or management of a community of organisms, their nonliving surroundings, and technological components to provide services. Survey of applications such as constructed wetlands, aquatic production systems, green infrastructure for urban storm water management, environmental restoration. Taught cooperatively with a parallel course at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Online collaboration with an interdisciplinary, international team is an important component of the course.
Offered by: Bioresource Engineering
- One 3-hour lecture per week.
BREE 520
Food, Fibre and Fuel Elements
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Bioresource Engineering: Analysis and design incorporating the four elements required by organisms and biomass for food, fibre and fuel production (air, earth, energy, and water). Special emphasis will be placed on the demands and requirements of engineering systems to control these elements and allow optimal growth in semi-controlled and completely controlled environments.
Offered by: Bioresource Engineering
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
CHEE 541
Electrochemical Engineering
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Chemical Engineering: Electrochemical systems: electrodes, reactors. Electrochemical stoichiometry, thermodynamics and kinetics. Mass and charge transport. Current and potential distribution in an electrochemical reactor. Electrocatalysis. Fuel cells technology. Batteries. Industrial electrochemical processes. Electrochemical sensors. Biomedical electrochemistry. Passivity, corrosion and corrosion prevention. Electrocrystalization. Experimental Methods.
Offered by: Chemical Engineering
- (3-0-6)
- Prerequisite: CHEE 310 or permission of instructor.
- Restriction: Not open to students who have taken CHEE 489.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
CHEE 543
Plasma Engineering
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Chemical Engineering: Description of the plasma state and parameters, plasma generation methods, and of the related process control and instrumentation. Electrical breakdown in gases and a series of discharge models are covered. Plasma processing applications such as PVD, PECVD, plasma polymerisation and etching, environmental applications, nanoparticle synthesis, spraying and sterilization are treated.
Offered by: Chemical Engineering
- Terms
- Instructors
- Pierre-Luc Girard-Lauriault
CIVE 550
Water Resources Management
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: State-of-the-art water resources management techniques; case studies of their application to Canadian situations; identification of major issues and problem areas; interprovincial and international river basins; implications of development alternatives; institutional arrangements for planning and development of water resources; and, legal and economic aspects.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- (3-0-6)
- Prerequisite (Undergraduate): CIVE 323 or equivalent
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
ECSE 507
Optimization & Optimal Control
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Electrical Engineering: General introduction to optimization methods including steepest descent, conjugate gradient, Newton algorithms. Generalized matrix inverses and the least squared error problem. Introduction to constrained optimality; convexity and duality; interior point methods. Introduction to dynamic optimization; existence theory, relaxed controls, the Pontryagin Maximum Principle. Sufficiency of the Maximum Principle.
Offered by: Electrical & Computer Engr
MECH 535
Turbomachinery and Propulsion
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Introduction to propulsion: turboprops, turbofans and turbojets. Review of thermodynamic cycles. Euler turbine equation. Velocity triangles. Axial-flow compressors and pumps. Centrifugal compressors and pumps. Axial-flow turbines. Loss mechanisms. Dimensional analysis of turbomachines. Performance maps. 3-D effects. Introduction to numerical methods in turbomachines. Prediction of performance of gas turbines.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
MECH 559
Eng. Systems Optimization
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Introduction to systems-oriented engineering design optimization. Emphasis on i) understanding and representing engineering systems and their structure, ii) obtaining, developing, and managing adequate computational (physics- and data-based) models for their analysis, iii) constructing appropriate design models for their synthesis, and iv) applying suitable algorithms for their numerical optimization while accounting for systems integration issues. Advanced topics such as coordination of distributed problems and non-deterministic design optimization methods.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
MIME 556
Sustainable Mtls. Processing
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mining & Materials Engineering: Sustainability, population and environment impact, environmental impact indicators, materials flows, enthalpy flows, the carbon cycle, materials intensity, energy intensity, global warming potential, acidification potential, FACTOR-Two, -Four and -Ten, life-cycle-inventory/assessment, end-of-pipe strategies, supply-chain and flow-sheet redesign, recycling, waste treatment and materials case studies.
Offered by: Mining & Materials Engineering
- (3-1-5)
- Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
URBP 551
Urban Design and Planning
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Urban Planning: Fundamentals of city-building in Canada relative to municipal, regional, and provincial actions used to guide urban growth and development. Contemporary urban design in major metropolitan centres as shaped by legal, political, and cultural realities. Current preoccupations in city-building: reurbanisation and adaptive reuse of infrastructure, collaborative multi-stakeholder projects, strategic initiatives, changing relationships between professional experts and grassroots actors. Introduction to specific aspects of practice: public participation and community engagement; land development and real estate; project feasibility and
implementation; policy monitoring and evaluation; emergent city-building
Offered by: Urban Planning
- (3-0-6)
- Restrictions: Not to be taken by undergraduates before U3. Not open to M.Arch. students.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
SEAD 600
Sustainability Research 1
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Sustainability in Eng & Design: Independent research work on topic(s) chosen by consultation between the student and professor.
Offered by: Trottier Inst Sust,Eng&Design
- Restrictions: Must have completed a minimum of 9 credits from the list of core courses in the M.Eng. in Sustainability in Engineering and Design; Non-Thesis program.
- 1. Students must find a supervisor before registering for this course. Supervisors outside the Faculty of Engineering are subject to approval by the program director.
- Terms
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
SEAD 602
Sustainability Research 2
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Sustainability in Eng & Design: Continuation of the independent research work.
Offered by: Trottier Inst Sust,Eng&Design
- Restrictions: Must have completed a minimum of 9 credits from the list of core courses in the M.Eng. in Sustainability in Engineering and Design; Non-Thesis program.
- 1. Students must find a supervisor before registering for this course. Supervisors outside the Faculty of Engineering are subject to approval by the program director.
- Prerequisites: SEAD 600
- Terms
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
URBP 619
Land Use & Transport Planning
4 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Urban Planning: Analysis of transport and land use interactions in urban areas. Study of the impacts of transport systems on travel behaviour, residential and work location decisions, and urban form; discussion of implications for planning practice.
Offered by: Urban Planning
La durée cible du programme est de 16 mois (ou trois semestres universitaires, en automne, hiver et automne). Aucun cours magistral ne sera proposé pendant l'été, mais les étudiants peuvent entreprendre leurs projets de recherche (SEAD 600 et 602).