Jeffrey Bergthorson

The development of technologies that do not rely on fossil fuels is a major challenge facing society today. Prof. Bergthorson's research program is aimed at the development and validation of models for the combustion properties of alternative and sustainable (bio-derived) fuels through a complementary experimental, computational, and analytical modeling approach. His team also investigating flames of a mixture of solid and gaseous fuels, combustion in heat recirculating burners for Stirling engine generators, the vaporization properties of biofuel/petrofuel blends, and the reaction of metal-water mixtures for hydrogen production.
Dr. Bergthorson's group studies the combustion and chemical conversion of alternative fuels in order to develop detailed models of combustion processes.
- Premixed flame studies of alternative and traditional fuels:
- Non-premixed flame studies of alternative and traditional fuels:
- Laser diagnostics for NO measurements
- Temperature and species diagnostics using raman spectroscopy
- Alternative-fuel ignition properties
- Stirling-engine burner technologies for biomass cogeneration
- Gas-solid heat transfer effects on flames in small channels
- "Hybrid" flames of gaseous and solid fuels
- Droplet vaporization of biofuel/petrofuel blends
- Metal-water reaction for hydrogen production
- Honours thesis projects
- Graduate research projects