
Web Services top stories of 2024

The migration to the new WMS platform was our big story of 2024.
Image by Moritz Kn枚ringer on Unsplash.

Our top story: The new WMS platform

Here's a run-down of articles and resources related to the new WMS platform shared over the past year. Have you read them all?

  1. WMS migration checklist
    Get your site ready for migration! Here's a handy checklist of tasks you will need to complete pre- and post-migration.
  2. Web Services year-end presentation recording and resources
    Our recent year-end presentation featured important updates and resources for migrating websites.
  3. WMS migration project: 2024 year-end update
    A recap of need-to-know details about the WMS migration project shared by the Web Services Group's new Portfolio Manager, Matt Corks.
  4. Get by with a little help from your (Web Services) friends
    Wondering where to go to get help migrating your site? This article explains all our support options.
  5. Our "What you see is what you get!" guide to the new WMS
    Read all the details on the wide variety of content styles in the new WMS. Site managers working on the new WMS platform say this is a must-read!

  6. Interested in finding out when your site will be migrated? View this dashboard to see where your site is in the migration queue.
  7. Why and how to move into Microsoft Forms
    The new WMS will no longer support most common types of webforms. For some site managers and editors, moving WMS webforms to MS forms will be a big task to tackle. Read this article for helpful instructions and strategies.
  8. Web Services mid-year conference recordings
    Our first, full-day conference included many useful sessions for preparing your site for migration. Learn about design and content audit best practices, and get the low-down on using site analytics to guide content choices.
  9. View upcoming menu changes on your WMS site and Best practices for hiding menu items
    Read about key changes to menu administration and formatting on the new WMS platform.
  10. WMS Migration info session recordings
    We began the year with a couple of info sessions highlighting changes introduced on the new WMS platform.

The best of the rest

The migration to the new WMS wasn't our only topic of interest in 2024. Here are a few other stories we shared over the past year.

  1. Where to start when building a new website
  2. How (not) to use images
  3. Why and how to do a post-launch evaluation
  4. Follow that map...to a better way of working
  5. Digital Standards updates for use of generative AI
  6. A Conversation on Queerness and AI: Related resources
  7. How to use a VPAT to measure accessibility
  8. Make your day simpler with these free tools
  9. How to use the 9I制作厂免费 brand for websites and applications
  10. Cookies management in the WMS
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