


Chandra Madramootoo

Chandra Madramootoo: A lifetime of service to 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ, Macdonald Campus and the world 

Distinguished James 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ Professor earns Morty Yalovsky Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Academic Leadership 

close up of water bottles with blue caps

Bottled, filtered, or tap: Is one water better than the other?

When it comes to options for safe drinking water, experts say Canadians are often confused

female facing crowd and giving a speech and canada and us flag in bubbles

Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Water at the Brace Water Centre

Advance Canada-U.S. water research at 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ’s Brace Water Research Centre through the Fulbright Canada Research Chair program. Open to scholars in water management, climate resilience, and policy.

two ports with an electric current running through them- showing lighting

Researchers blast ‘forever chemicals’ into oblivion with plasma

Experimented a little bit with biological treatments for PFAS with little success

Students of Brace in Lab coats

La traque aux contaminants émergents dans les biosolides

Développe de nouveaux moyens de détecter les substances perfluoroalkylées dans l’environnement 

A mug with a tea bag floating in it, green background

Some plastic with your tea?

Plastic teabags release billions of microscopic particles into tea

Arctic ice water with floating ice with purplish sky

Terence Corcoran: Change coming to the Canadian Arctic — but it's no looming catastrophe

A new federal report is a welcome cool-headed antidote to hot Arctic alarmism 

pond with tall grass and blue sky

Étudier l'hydrologie en collaboration avec les agriculteurs

La prévision hydrologique peut aider les agriculteurs à mieux réagir aux fluctuations de la disponibilité de l'eau.

desert dune and water

Turning the Tide on the World's Water Crisis

Brace Centre researchers plunge into water issues at home and abroad

Nathalie Tufenkji

Nathalie Tufenkji honoured for her career-long support of women in engineering

Brace member Nathalie Tufenkji recognized for her distinguished work

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