Nathan McClintock
Membre régulier
INRS, Centre Urbanisation Culture Société
Intérêts de recherche
Agriculture urbaine, justice environnementale et alimentaire dans les villes nord-américaines, gestion des déchets et gaspillage, colonisation et capitalisme racial
nathan.mcclintock [at] inrs.ca (> Courriel)
Sélection de publications
Nathan McClintock and Amy K. Coplen. (2023, in press) “Help each other to help ourselves”: Viviane Barnett, the Green Fingers project, and Black agrarian upbuilding in Albina. Oregon Historical Quarterly 124:2.
Émilie Houde-Tremblay, Geneviève Cloutier, Nathan McClintock, René Audet, and Alain Olivier (2023) Compromise in the making of urban agroecology: Grassroots initiatives and the politics of prefigurative experimentation in Madrid, Spain. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems. DOI: 10.1080/21683565.2023.2207473
Nathan McClintock and Stéphane Guimont Marceau. (2023) Settler-colonial urbanisms: Convergences, divergences, limits, contestations. Urban Geography 44(2):273-277.
Thi-Thanh-Hiên Pham, Michelle Kee, Nathan McClintock, and Tammara Soma. (2023). L’emergence de la question de l’alimentation du milieu urbain à Vancouver et à Montréal. Dans S. Breux and M. Holden (dir.) Regards croisés sur les études urbaines au Québec et en Colombie-Brittanique. Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval, pp. 135-163.
Eugene McCann, Nathan McClintock, and Christiana Miewald (2022) Mobilizing ‘impermaculture’: Temporary urban agriculture and the sustainability fix. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space. doi: 10.1177/25148486221115950.
Nathan McClintock (2021). Nullius no more? Valorising vacancy through urban agriculture in the settler-colonial 'green city'. In C. O’Callaghan & C. Di Feliciantonio (eds) The New Urban Ruins: Vacancy, Urban Politics, and International Experiments in the Post-Crisis City. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 91-108.
Claire E. Bach and Nathan McClintock (2021) Reclaiming the city one plot at a time? DIY garden projects, radical democracy, and the politics of spatial appropriation. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 39(5): 859-878.
Thi-Thanh-Hiên Pham, Nathan McClintock, and Éric Duchemin. (Minor revisions, under review). Home-grown food: How do urban form, socio-economic status and ethnicity influence food gardens in Montréal? Applied Geography.