
Axis “Mobility, urban planning, and environment”


Guillaume Ethier

Axis Director

Portrait of Guillaume ÉthierAffiliation

Professor, Department of Urban Studies and Tourism (UQAM)

Discipline and fields of expertise

Sociology and theory of urban planning and architecture

Research interests

Sociology of architecture and urban planning, space/society relationship, theory of the city, urban regeneration through culture, placemaking, third-city transformation, urban heritage, digital culture and urbanism


Contact information

École des sciences de la gestion

315, Sainte-Catherine St. East
Room R-4750
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H2X 3X2

ethier.guillaume [at] uqam.ca (> Email)



Selected publications

Ethier, Guillaume, Grisot, Sylvain. 2023. La ville analogique. 2e Ă©dition. Rennes : Éditions l’ApogĂ©e.

Margier, Antonin et Guillaume Ethier, 2021. «Urban Spectacularisation and Social Housing: an Asymmetrical Relation? The Habitations Jeanne-Mance in Montreal’s Quartier des spectacles», Urban Research & Practice, p. 1-24.

Ethier, Guillaume, François Racine, Francesco Febres Caceres, Pierre Carrere, MichĂšle Becanti Bohoussou et Bernardo Emmanuel (2022). « La spĂ©cificitĂ© des espaces publics Ă  l’échelle du territoire de MontrĂ©al ». Ville de MontrĂ©al, Chaire internationale sur les usages et pratiques de la ville intelligente: 98 p.

Ethier, Guillaume. 2021. «L’icĂŽne orange de MontrĂ©al», In Les mythologies quĂ©bĂ©coises, Sarah-Louise Pelletier-Morin (Dir.). MontrĂ©al, Éditions Nota Bene, p. 139-144.

Ethier, Guillaume. 2015. Architecture iconique : les leçons de Toronto. QuĂ©bec : Presses de l’UniversitĂ© du QuĂ©bec.

Ethier, Guillaume and Antonin Margier. “Spectacularisation urbaine et logement social: la place des Habitations Jeanne-Mance dans le Quartier des spectacles de MontrĂ©al,”ÌęČŃĂ©łÙ°ùŽÇ±èŽÇ±ô±đČő, n° 24, 2019.

Ethier, Guillaume (ed.).ÌęLe spectacle du patrimoine, MontrĂ©al,ÌęPressesÌęde l’UniversitĂ© du QuĂ©bec, coll. “Nouveaux patrimoines,” 2017, 220 pages.

Ethier, Guillaume. “Le spectacle du patrimoine - une introduction,”ÌęLe spectacle du patrimoine, Guillaume Ethier (ed.), QuĂ©bec, Presses de l’UniversitĂ© du QuĂ©bec, coll. “Nouveaux patrimoines,” 2017, p. 1-16.

Ethier, Guillaume. “L’urbanisme tactique comme pratique spatiale de la ‘connectivité’?,”ÌęInter, n° 125, 2017, p. 4-9.

Ethier, Guillaume. “Connecting the Dots: How Digital Culture is Changing Urban Design,”ÌęContour Journal, vol. 1, n° 2, 2016, p. 1-10.

Ethier,ÌęGuillaume. Architecture iconique : les leçons de Toronto,ÌęQuĂ©bec,ÌęPresses de l’UniversitĂ© duÌęQuĂ©bec, coll. “Patrimoine urbain,” 2015, 348 pages.

Ethier, Guillaume. “Entre ‘l’effet Toronto’ et le ‘style Toronto’,”ÌęS’approprier la ville : le devenir-ensemble, du patrimoine urbain aux paysages culturels, Lucie K. Morisset (ed.), QuĂ©bec, Presses de l’UniversitĂ© du QuĂ©bec, coll. “Patrimoines urbain,” 2015, p. 269-286.

Ethier, Guillaume. “La vie des icĂŽnes,”ÌęStarchitecture(s) : Figures d’Architecte et Espace Urbain, Maria Gravari-Barbas and CĂ©cile Renard (eds.), Paris, Éditions de l’Harmattan, 2015, p. 221-240.

Ethier, Guillaume.ÌęPatrimoine et guerre : reconstruire la place des Martyrs Ă  Beyrouth,ÌęQuĂ©bec,ÌęÉditions MultiMondes, 2008, 166 pages.



Urbanisme et souplesse à Montréal - Lecture by Guillaume Ethier

In the space of a decade, MontrĂ©al, like many large cities, has seen the reappearance of new urban planning practices operating on a small scale and within short timeframes. Beyond the fad and the many attempts to conceptualize these trends (tactical urbanism, transitory, temporary, placemaking, etc.), is there anything left of this emerging paradigm to integrate into the making of the city? Does a city like MontrĂ©al need a more flexible urbanism, one that can engage citizens in investing their neighborhoods in a more informal and convivial way? Does the multiplication of temporary urban initiatives, in other words, wrest fragments of space and time from the increasing rationalization of cities destined to become “smart”? Or is the balance sheet bleaker, and does this new flexibility reflect the growing obsolescence of the urban project, as well as benefiting primarily those who have a stranglehold on urban space? The research presented here is based on the prolonged observation, through photography, of temporarily redeveloped spaces to see the effects of the activation of public space. This lecture in is French.

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