
Authors: Srinivas Kuduravalli, Samer Faraj and Steven L. Johnson

Publication: MIS Quarterly, Vol. 41, No. 1, March 2017


Despite the recognition of how important expertise coordination is to the performance of software development teams, understanding of how expertise is coordinated in practice is limited. We adopt a configural approach to develop a theoretical model of expertise coordination that differentiates between design collaboration and technical collaboration. We propose that neither a strictly centralized, top-down model nor a largely decentralized approach is superior. Our model is tested in a field study of 71 software development teams. We conclude that because design work addresses ill-structured problems with diverse potential solutions, decentralization of design collaboration can lead to greater coordination success and reduced team conflict. Conversely, technical work benefits from centralized collaboration. We find that task knowledge tacitness strengthens these relationships between collaboration configuration and coordination outcomes and that team conflict mediates the relationships. Our findings underline the need to differentiate between technical and design collaboration and point to the importance of certain configurations in reducing team conflict and increasing coordination success in software development teams. This paper opens up new research avenues to explore the collaborative mechanisms underlying knowledge team performance.

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Classified as: Samer Faraj, Information Systems, MIS Quarterly, Desautels 22
Published on: 17 Oct 2017

Authors: H. Liang, Y. Xue, Alain Pinsonneault and A. Wu

Publication: MIS Quarterly, Forthcoming


This paper investigates how individuals cope with IT security threats by taking into account both problem-focused and emotion-focused coping. While problem-focused coping (PFC) has been extensively studied in the IT security literature, little is known about emotion-focused coping (EFC).

We propose that individuals employ both PFC and EFC to volitionally cope with IT security threats, and conceptually classify EFC into two categories: inward and outward. Our research model is tested by two studies: an experiment with 140 individuals and a survey of 934 respondents.

Our results indicate that both inward EFC and outward EFC are stimulated by perceived threat, but that only inward EFC is reduced by perceived avoidability. Interestingly, inward EFC and outward EFC are found to have opposite effects on PFC. While inward EFC impedes PFC, outward EFC facilitates PFC. By integrating both EFC and PFC in a single model, we provide a more complete understanding of individual behavior under IT security threats.

Moreover, by theorizing two categories of EFC and showing their opposing effects on users鈥 security behaviors, we further examine the paradoxical relationship between EFC and PFC, thus making an important contribution to IT security research and practice.

Classified as: Alain Pinsonneault, Information Systems, MIS Quarterly, Desautels 22
Published on: 17 Oct 2017

Authors: Hilal Atasoy, Pei-Yu Chen and Kartik K. Ganju

Publication: Management Science, Vol. 64, No. 6, 2018


Electronic health records (EHR) are often presumed to reduce the significant and accelerating healthcare costs in the United States. However, evidence on the relationship between EHR adoption and costs is mixed, leading to skepticism about the effectiveness of EHR in decreasing costs. We argue that simply looking at the hospital-level effects can be misleading because the benefits of EHR can go beyond the adopting hospital by creating regional spillovers via information and patient sharing. When patients move between hospitals, timely and high-quality records received at one hospital can affect the costs of care at another hospital. We provide evidence that although EHR adoption increases the costs of the adopting hospital, it has significant spillover effects by reducing the costs of neighboring hospitals. We further show that these spillovers are linked to information and patient sharing. Specifically, the spillovers are stronger when more hospitals in the region are in health information exchange networks and in the same integrated delivery systems, which can share information more easily. Furthermore, utilizing regional characteristics that can affect the extent of patient sharing such as urban versus rural areas, population density, average distance between hospitals, and hospital density, we find that locations with higher patient and hospital concentration experience stronger regional spillovers. Additionally, spillovers are stronger after the HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health) Act that increased EHR adoption and use. Overall, our findings suggest that we need to take into account externalities to understand the benefits of health IT investments and form policy decisions.

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Classified as: Kartik Ganju, Information Systems, management science, Desautels 22
Published on: 17 Oct 2017

础耻迟丑辞谤蝉:听听Shamel Addas and Alain Pinsonneault

Publication: MIS Quarterly, Vol. 42, No. 2, January 2018

Interruption of work by e-mail and other communication technologies has become widespread and ubiquitous. However, our understanding of how such interruptions influence individual performance is limited. This paper distinguishes between two types of e-mail interruptions (incongruent and congruent) and draws upon action regulation theory and the computer-mediated communication literature to examine their direct and indirect effects on individual performance.

Two empirical studies of sales professionals were conducted spanning different time frames: a survey study with 365 respondents and a diary study with 212 respondents. The results were consistent across the two studies, showing a negative indirect effect of exposure to incongruent interruptions (interruptions containing information that is not relevant to primary activities) through subjective workload, and a positive indirect effect of exposure to congruent interruptions (interruptions containing information that is relevant to primary activities) through mindfulness.

The results differed across the two studies in terms of whether the effects were fully or partially mediated, and we discuss these differences using meta-inferences. Technology capabilities used during interruptions episodes also had significant effects: rehearsing (fine-tuning responses to incoming messages) and reprocessing (reexamining received messages) were positively related to mindfulness, parallel communication (engaging in multiple e-mail conversations simultaneously) and leaving messages in the inbox were positively related to subjective workload, and deleting messages was negatively related to subjective workload.

This study contributes to research by providing insights on the different paths that link e-mail interruptions to individual performance and by examining the effects of using capabilities of the interrupting technology (IT artifact) during interruptions episodes. It also extends the experimental tradition that focuses on isolated interruptions. By shifting the level of analysis from specific interruption events to overall exposure to interruptions over time and from the laboratory to the workplace, our study provides realism and ecological validity.

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Classified as: Alain Pinsonneault, Information Systems, MIS Quarterly, Desautels 22
Published on: 17 Oct 2017

础耻迟丑辞谤蝉:听听Dahee Han, Ashok K. Lalwani and Adam Duhachek

Publication: Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 44, No. 1, June 2017


Three studies examine the relation between power distance belief (PDB), the tendency to accept and expect inequalities in society; power, the control one has over valued resources; and charitable giving. Results suggest that the effect of PDB depends on the power held by the donor. In low-PDB contexts, people high (vs. low) in psychological power tend to be more self-focused (vs. other-focused), and this leads them to be less charitable. In high-PDB contexts, however, people high (vs. low) in psychological power tend to be more other-focused (vs. self-focused), and this leads them to be more charitable. The authors also explore several boundary conditions for these relationships and conclude with the implications of these findings.

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Classified as: Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Desautels 22
Published on: 17 Oct 2017

Authors: Peter Christoffersen, Ruslan Goyenko, Kris Jacobs, Mehdi Karoui

Publication: Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 31, No. 3, March 2018


Standard option valuation models leave no room for option illiquidity premia. Yet we find the risk-adjusted return spread for illiquid over liquid equity options is 3:4% per day for at-the-money calls and 2:5% for at-the-money puts. These premia are computed using option illiquidity measures constructed from intraday effective spreads for a large panel of U.S. equities, and they are robust to different empirical implementations. Our findings are consistent with evidence that market makers in the equity options market hold large and risky net long positions, and positive illiquidity premia compensate them for the risks and costs of these positions.

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Classified as: Ruslan Goyenko, finance, Review of Financial Studies, Desautels 22
Published on: 17 Oct 2017

The Swiss Finance Institute (SFI) has attributed its Outstanding Paper Award to "The Blockchain Folk Theorem," a research paper by Bruno Biais, Toulouse School of Economics, Christophe Bisi猫re, Toulouse School of Economics, Matthieu Bouvard, 9I制作厂免费, and Catherine Casamatta, Toulouse School of Economics, that investigates the stability of the blockchain protocol in a game-theoretic approach.

Classified as: Matthieu Bouvard, finance
Published on: 13 Oct 2017

Authors: David Schumacher

Publication: Review of Financial Studies, Forthcoming


Classified as: David Schumacher, finance
Published on: 11 Oct 2017

Authors: Robert Engle, Guillaume Roussellet, Emil Siriwardane

Publication: Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 201, No. 2, December 2017


Classified as: Guillaume Roussellet, finance
Published on: 3 Oct 2017

Authors: Alain Monfort, Fulvio Pegoraro, Jean-Paul Renne and Guillaume Roussellet

Publication: Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 201, No. 2, 2017, pp. 348-366.


Classified as: Guillaume Roussellet, finance
Published on: 2 Oct 2017

Author: MaryJane Rabier

Publication: The Accounting Review, Vol. 93, No. 1, 2018, pp. 335-362


Gupta and Gerchek (2002) argue that different acquirers can arrive at different equity valuations for the same target depending on their strategic intent. A reason for acquirers' equity valuations to vary, holding target fundamentals constant, may be that individual acquirers place different weights on underlying fundamentals. I examine this possibility using Burgstahler and Dichev (1997)'s theoretical framework. They argue that the relative importance of earnings and book value depends on expected adaptation, which is the likelihood that the existing earnings generating process will be altered. Using restructuring costs to proxy for expected adaptation at the individual acquirer level, I find that the association between the target's earnings (book value) and acquirers' bid prices is decreasing (increasing) in expected adaptation, consistent with theoretical predictions. These findings are less pronounced during merger waves and intense bid competition for the target.

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Classified as: maryjane rabier, Accounting, The Accounting Review, Desautels 22
Published on: 28 Sep 2017

Author: MaryJane Rabier

Publication: Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 38, No. 13, 2017


Research summary:

I examine how acquisition motives relate to the distribution of post-acquisition performance. I argue that acquisitions motivated by operating synergies have the potential to experience greater gains than acquisitions driven by financial synergies but are harder to value and implement, making them more uncertain. Using SEC filings, conference calls and press releases to capture acquisition motives, I find that acquirers pursuing operating synergies are more likely to experience highly positive and highly negative long-term returns than acquirers pursuing financial synergies.

I also find that acquisition experience and geographic proximity to targets soften acquirers' extreme downside outcomes in operating synergy acquisitions. My theory and results suggest that approaches that emphasize average outcomes for acquirers and use industry classifications to capture acquisition motives may be incomplete.

Managerial summary:听

Managers engage in acquisitions for various reasons. In this study, I find that reasons related to operating synergies (e.g., revenue growth through new product offerings or cost savings through economies of scale) are more likely to result in extreme high and low performance outcomes for the acquiring firm compared to reasons related to financial synergies (e.g., diversification of cash flow streams).

In addition, I find that the acquirer's prior acquisition experience and the geographic proximity between the target and acquirer help soften the extreme low performance outcomes related to operating synergies.听

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Classified as: maryjane rabier, Accounting, Strategic Management Journal, Desautels 22
Published on: 28 Sep 2017

Saurabh Mishra, Associate Professor in Marketing, has been appointed to the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS).

JAMS is devoted to the study and improvement of marketing and serves as a vital link between scholarly research and practice by publishing research-based articles in the substantive domain of marketing.

Classified as: Saurabh Mishra, Marketing
Published on: 17 Aug 2017

Authors: Pedro Piccolia, Mo Chaudhury, Alceu Souza and Wesley Vieirada Silvaa

Publication: The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. 41, July 2017


The paper investigates the behavior of individual US stocks during the 21 trading days following the event of extreme movement in the market index on a day.

Classified as: finance
Published on: 17 Aug 2017

Authors: Anand Kumar, Debjit Roy, Vedat Verter and Dheeraj Sharma

Publication: European Journal of Operational Research, Vol 264, No. 1, January 2018


Classified as: Vedat Verter, operations management
Published on: 10 Aug 2017


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