Programs, courses, and other Undergraduate and Health Sciences information has been updated to reflect new program offerings and academic info for 2016–17 on the eCalendar! Browse to your specific academic unit via the Faculties & Schools overview to find out more.

Courses, programs, application procedures, and other Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies information for 2016–2017 are now available on the eCalendar! Browse to your specific academic unit via the Faculties & Schools overview.

Continuing Studies academic info has been updated with new offerings for 2016–17!
View new programs & courses designed to help you reach your goals in the Continuing Studies section of the eCalendar.

9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ's Faculty of Religious Studies has transitioned from a faculty to become the School of Religious Studies, as part of the Faculty of Arts, as of May 2016.
Visit the Faculty of Arts' School of Religious Studies section for further information on the new School's program and course offerings.

Undergraduate/professional academic information for the 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ Health Sciences is now available for the 2016–17 academic year!

Whatever your goals and current situation, the School of Continuing Studies has something for you! Browse programs and courses, as well as how to apply and register, here, and learn more about what's offered through various areas of study.
"The Liberal government is now forecasting larger than expected deficits for the next two years even before adding billions in promised spending in its first budget, which will be tabled on March 22." ()

Undergraduates can find info for the 2016–17 academic year on the eCalendar—see our new website for all program requirements; course availability; departmental & advising contacts; and other academic information!

Start planning your summer: browse all courses offered for the Summer 2016 term. Discover the various Field, Exchange, and Special Study courses available during summer, offering practical hands-on experiences to complement your learning!
"On Monday, Iowa will kick off the 2016 race for the White House, a contest in which two fiery, fringe candidates from the left and right have hijacked the national imagination and undercut the political establishment." (Source: )

The Undergraduate and Health Sciences eCalendars have been updated; browse to your faculty or school section to see what's new! This update reflects mid-year changes to undergraduate/professional programs, courses, and information for all faculties & schools. As always, academic advisors are also available to answer quesions and guide you towards academic success!

Undergraduates can find the most up-to-date info on their programs & courses at; this year's eCalendar—with registration, academic, and other info for the 2015–16 academic year—is now online!