
The following are Transaction Services’ deadlines prior to the Holidays:

Travel (advances and expense reports)

  • Advances, non-FST expense reports and Professional Development Fund received by the Travel Desk by December 3rd at 5:00 p.m. will be processed by December 21st.
  • FST expense reports and Advances received by the Travel Desk by December 14th at 5:00 p.m. will be processed by December 21st.
Classified as: travel, Payment Requests, accounts receivable, AR, expense reports, deposits, invoices, accounts payable, ADV, EXR, deadlines, purchase orders, advance, Professional Development Fund, PDF, banking services
Published on: 1 Dec 2015

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to remind you that we now offer an online course OLC 450 – Advances and Expense Reports for Faculty, Staff and Students. You may register for this course through the Employee menu in Minerva (ICS Training Menu > Online Training > select OLC 450 Advances and Expense Reports).

This course includes policy highlights, FAQs, sample receipts with explanations for data entry, along with tutorials and simulations for the various Minerva menu options.

Classified as: Financial Services, advances, expense reports, ADV, EXR
Published on: 22 Jan 2014
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