
Adrien Peyrache and Stuart Trenholm will study epilepsy and vision

Two researchers from The Neuro are among just ten nationwide to receive Early-Career Capacity Building Grants this year from the Azrieli Foundation in partnership with the Brain Canada Foundation. Researchers Adrien Peyrache and Stuart Trenholm will study epilepsy and vision, respectively. The grants support early-career investigators who are conducting transformative research to advance understanding of the brain, in illness or health.

Classified as: Adrien Peyrache, stuart trenholm, epilepsy, Brain Canada, Azrieli Foundation, vision
Published on: 11 Mar 2019

The Azrieli Centre for Autism Research will foster innovations in therapy and a better understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

A new research centre in Montreal will help lift the shroud of mystery surrounding autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and lead to the development of better diagnostic tools and more effective therapies for people with autism.

Classified as: autism, Azrieli Centre for Autism Research, Azrieli Foundation, Guy Rouleau, ACAR Stories
Published on: 23 Oct 2017

A new research centre in Montreal will help lift the shroud of mystery surrounding autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and lead to the development of better diagnostic tools and more effective therapies for people with autism.

Classified as: Azrieli Foundation, Montreal Neurological Institute, donation, autism
Published on: 23 Oct 2017
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