
June 15, 2021 | COVID-19 infection rates in Toronto have plummeted. But analysis of infection and vaccination statistics across different neighbourhoods in the city lays bare the discriminatory outcomes produced by government missteps at every stage of the pandemic.

MPP candidate Rudayna Bahubeshi dove into the data, penning an .

Classified as: Rudayna Bahubeshi, mpp perspectives, max bell school, max bell school of public policy, MPPs in Policy Magazine
Published on: 14 Jun 2021

April 26, 2021 | MPP candidate Rudayna Bahubeshi writes in The Philanthropist about the impacts of systemic anti-Blackness in the non-profit sector.

Read the article .

Classified as: max bell school, max bell school of public policy, mpp perspectives, Rudayna Bahubeshi
Published on: 5 May 2021
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