
Imagine being middle aged and starting to feel that you are off balance a lot and that you are having a hard time coordinating your movements. Those are among the symptoms of Spinocerebellar ataxia type 6, known as SCA6, a rare neurodegenerative disease which typically appears in adulthood and worsens over time. Over time, other problems such as slurred speech and difficulty seeing or seeing double, may also appear. It is estimated that fewer than 5,000 people in the US have the condition, which is the result of genetic mutations in the cerebellum.

Classified as: disease, cell biology, ataxia, Alanna Watt, Biology Department
Published on: 5 Apr 2024

Using a new microscopic "fishing" technique, scientists from the Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM), Universit茅 de Montr茅al and 9I制作厂免费 have successfully snagged thousands of proteins that play a key role in the formation of the cell skeletons or cytoskeletons. Cell skeletons, whose primary function is to give the cells their shapes, are also involved in things like muscle contraction. They are made up of an interlocking network of protein filaments that connect the cell nucleus to the cell membrane.

Classified as: Research, cell biology, molecular medicine, proteins
Published on: 9 Jan 2020
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