Winter Admission (Updated December 2024)
Students admitted to the Civil Engineering program from a Quebec CEGEP in Winter 2025 may be admitted to the 7-semester program. A recommended sequence of courses is provided below:
Winter 2025 Academic Curriculum for CEGEP entry - 7 Semester Program
Fall Admission (Updated October 2024)
Students admitted to the Civil Engineering program from a Quebec CEGEP or with advanced credits in basic sciences and humanities may be admitted to the 7-semester program. Other students may be required to enrol in a pre-engineering year to satisfy these requirements and will be admitted to an 8-semester program.
2024-2025 Academic Curriculum for CEGEP entry - 7 Semester Program
2024-2025 Academic Curriculum for Non CEGEP entry - 8 Semester Program
Undergraduate Student Handbook 2023-2024
The courses that must be satisfied to complete a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Civil Engineering are listed below. For a listing of the courses offered by our department, please refer to the Faculty of Engineering section of 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ's eCalendar.
Note that courses must be taken in an appropriate sequence. For details, please download the Student Handbook:
Undergraduate Student Handbook 2023-2024
7 Semester Program
8 Semester Program
- 1 credit (cr) is equivalent to 50 minutes of lecture time per week during a 13-week semester.
- Not all courses are offered each semester or each year. Please consultÌýÌýto establish which courses are offered in a particular semester.
Students should consult with their academic advisor at the beginning of each school year. This will prevent occurrence of problems that could result in an unnecessary delay in graduation. SeeÌýAcademic AdvisorsÌýon the Civil Engineering Undergraduate Program web page to determine the name of your advisor.
Please note that in the case of discrepancies between this web page and 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ's eCalendar, the calendar is considered to be the official source of program information.
Pre-engineering courses (for students admitted to the 8-semester program)*
CHEM 110
General Chemistry 1
4 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Chemistry: A study of the fundamental principles of atomic structure, radiation and nuclear chemistry, valence theory, coordination chemistry, and the periodic table.
Offered by: Chemistry
- Fall
- Prerequisites/corequisites: College level mathematics and physics or permission of instructor; CHEM 120 is not a prerequisite
- Each lab section is limited enrolment
- Terms
- Instructors
- Pallavi Sirjoosingh, Ashok K Kakkar, Maureen H McKeague, Irina Denisova
CHEM 120
General Chemistry 2
4 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Chemistry: A study of the fundamental principles of physical chemistry.
Offered by: Chemistry
- Winter
- Prerequisites/corequisites: College level mathematics and physics, or permission of instructor: CHEM 110 is not a prerequisite
- Each lab section is limited enrolment
- Terms
- Instructors
- Pallavi Sirjoosingh, Samuel Lewis Sewall, Paul W Wiseman, Irina Denisova
MATH 140
Calculus 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci): Review of functions and graphs. Limits, continuity, derivative. Differentiation of elementary functions. Antidifferentiation. Applications.
Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics
- 3 hours lecture, 1 hour tutorial
- Prerequisite: High School Calculus
- Restriction(s): 1) Not open to students who have taken MATH139 or MATH 150 or CEGEP objective 00UN or equivalent. 2) Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 122, except by permission of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
- Each Tutorial section is enrolment limited
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Winter 2025
- Summer 2025
- Instructors
- Sidney Trudeau, Marcin Sabok, Artem Kalmykov
- Peiyuan Huang, Sidney Trudeau
MATH 141
Calculus 2
4 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci): The definite integral. Techniques of integration. Applications. Introduction to sequences and series.
Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics
- Prerequisites: MATH 139 or MATH 140 or MATH 150.
- Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken CEGEP objective 00UP or equivalent.
- Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 122,except by permission of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
- Each Tutorial section is enrolment limited
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Winter 2025
- Summer 2025
- Instructors
- Andrei Zlotchevski, Sidney Trudeau, Hazem A Hassan
- Sidney Trudeau, Bartosz Syroka, Antoine Poulin
- Linan Chen
MATH 133
Linear Algebra and Geometry
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci): Systems of linear equations, matrices, inverses, determinants; geometric vectors in three dimensions, dot product, cross product, lines and planes; introduction to vector spaces, linear dependence and independence, bases. Linear transformations. Eigenvalues and diagonalization.
Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics
- 3 hours lecture, 1 hour tutorial
- Prerequisite: a course in functions
- Restriction(s): 1) Not open to students who have taken CEGEP objective 00UQ or equivalent. 2) Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 123, except by permission of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Winter 2025
- Summer 2025
- Instructors
- Jeremy Macdonald, Antoine Giard, Miguel Ayala, Romain Branchereau
- Théo Pinet
PHYS 142
Electromagnetism & Optics
4 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Physics: The basic laws of electricity and magnetism; geometrical optics.
Offered by: Physics
- Winter
- 3 hours lectures, 3 hours laboratory in alternate weeks; tutorial sessions
- Prerequisite: PHYS 131.
- Corequisite: MATH 141 or higher level calculus course.
- Restriction: Not open to students who have taken or are taking PHYS 102, or who have taken CEGEP objective 00US or equivalent.
- Laboratory sections have limited enrolment
PHYS 131
Mechanics and Waves
4 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Physics: The basic laws and principles of Newtonian mechanics; oscillations, waves, and wave optics.
Offered by: Physics
- Fall
- 3 hours lectures; 1 hour tutorial, 3 hours laboratory in alternate weeks; tutorial sessions
- Corequisite: MATH 139 or higher level calculus course.
- Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken or are taking PHYS 101, or who have taken CEGEP objective 00UR or equivalent.
- Laboratory sections have limited enrolment
FACC 100
Intro to the Eng. Profession
1 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Faculty Course: Introduction to engineering practice; rights and code of conduct for students; professional conduct and ethics; engineer's duty to society and the environment; sustainable development; occupational health and safety; overview of the engineering disciplines taught at 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ.
Offered by: Engineering - Dean's Office
- Terms
- Instructors
- David Frost
- Lawrence R Chen
xxxx xxx Impact of Technology (3 cr)
xxxx xxx Humanities/Social Sciences #1 (3 cr)
Required engineering courses (89 credits)
Non-departmental courses (28 credits)
EPSC 221
General Geology
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Earth & Planetary Sciences: An introductory course in physical geology designed for majors in civil and mining engineering. Properties of rocks and minerals, major geological processes, together with natural hazards and their effects on engineered structures are emphasized. The laboratory is an integral part of the course which includes rock and mineral identification, basic techniques of airphoto and geological map interpretation, and structural geology.
Offered by: Earth & Planetary Sciences
- Fall
- 2 hours lectures, 3 hours laboratory
- Restriction: Open to Engineering students only.
- A nominal fee is charged to cover expenses of materials and supplies for identification kits (pen magnet, streak plate, hand lens and acid bottle) used to identify minerals during laboratory exercises.
- Des frais seront prelevés pour couvrir l'usage des collections d'enseignement et les accessoires (loupe, aimant, bouteille d'acide chlorhydrique dilué, plaque de porcelaine) essentiels à l'identification des minéraux pendant les travaux pratiques.
- Terms
- Instructors
- Kim Berlo, Jeanne Paquette
MATH 262
Intermediate Calculus
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci): Series and power series, including Taylor's theorem. Brief review of vector geometry. Vector functions and curves. Partial differentiation and differential calculus for vector valued functions. Unconstrained and constrained extremal problems. Multiple integrals including surface area and change of variables.
Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics
- (3-1-5)
- Prerequisites: MATH 141, MATH 133 or equivalent.
- Restrictions: Open only to students in the Faculty of Engineering. Not open to students who are taking or have taken MATH 151, MATH 152, OR MATH 222.
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Winter 2025
- Summer 2025
- Instructors
- Rosalie Bélanger-Rioux, Kodjo R Madou, Robin S Khanfir
- Charles Roth
MATH 263
ODEs for Engineers
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci): First order ODEs. Second and higher order linear ODEs. Series solutions at ordinary and regular singular points. Laplace transforms. Linear systems of differential equations with a short review of linear algebra.
Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics
- (3-1-5)
- Corequisite: MATH 262.
- Restrictions: Open only to students in the Faculty of Engineering. Not open to students who are taking or have taken MATH 315 or MATH 325.
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Winter 2025
- Summer 2025
- Instructors
- Gabriel Martine, Jessica Lin
- Sidney Trudeau, Rosalie Bélanger-Rioux
- Jean-Philippe Lessard
MATH 264
Adv Calculus for Engineers
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci): Review of multiple integrals. Differential and integral calculus of vector fields including the theorems of Gauss, Green, and Stokes. Introduction to partial differential equations, separation of variables, Sturm-Liouville problems, and Fourier series.
Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Winter 2025
- Summer 2025
- Instructors
- Charles Roth
- Dmitry Jakobson
- Charles Roth
MECH 261
Measurement Laboratory
2 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Basic experimental laboratory measurements, such as measurement of strain, pressure, force, position, and temperature.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- (2-2-2)
- Corequisite: MATH 263
- Restriction: Civil Engineering students at U1 or higher level.
MECH 289
Design Graphics
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: The design process, including free-hand sketching; from geometry construction to engineering construction; the technology and standards of engineering graphic communication; designing with CAD software. The role of visualization in the production of engineering designs.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- (3-3-3)
- Restrictions: Students must be in Year 1 (U1) or higher. Not open to students in Mechanical Engineering.
- Terms
- Instructors
- Vincenzo Stagnitta
- Vincenzo Stagnitta
FACC 300
Engineering Economy
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Faculty Course: Introduction to the basic concepts required for the economic assessment of engineering projects. Topics include: accounting methods, marginal analysis, cash flow and time value of money, taxation and depreciation, discounted cash flow analysis techniques, cost of capital, inflation, sensitivity and risk analysis, analysis of R and D, ongoing as well as new investment opportunities.
Offered by: Engineering - Dean's Office
- (3-1-5)
- Restriction: Not open to students who have taken MIME 310.
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Winter 2025
- Summer 2025
- Instructors
- Raad Jassim
- Raad Jassim
- Raad Jassim
COMP 208
Computer Programming for PS&E
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Computer Science (Sci): Programming and problem solving in a high level computer language: variables, expressions, types, functions, conditionals, loops, objects and classes. Introduction to algorithms such as searching and sorting. Modular software design, libraries, file input and output, debugging. Emphasis on applications in Physical Sciences
and Engineering, such as root finding, numerical integration, diffusion, Monte Carlo methods.
Offered by: Computer Science
- 3 hours
- Corequisite: MATH 133 and MATH 141, or equivalents.
- Restrictions: Not open to students who have taken or are taking COMP 202, COMP 204, orGEOG 333; not open to students who have taken or are taking COMP 206 or COMP 250.
- COMP 202 is intended as a general introductory course, while COMP 208 is intended for students with sufficient math background and in (non-life) science or engineering fields.
- Terms
- Instructors
- Michael Langer, Isabeau Prémont-Schwarz
- Chad Zammar, Isabeau Prémont-Schwarz
WCOM 206
Communication in Engineering
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Written and Oral Communication: Written and oral communication in Engineering (in English): strategies for generating, developing, organizing, and presenting ideas in a technical setting; problem-solving; communicating to different audiences; editing and revising; and public speaking. Course work based on academic, technical, and professional writing in engineering.
Offered by: 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ Writing Centre
- Restriction: Not open to students who have taken CCOM 206. Only open to students in degree programs.
- Limited enrolment.
- Because this course uses a workshop format, attendance at first class is desirable.
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Winter 2025
- Summer 2025
- Instructors
- Steven Sacks, Ross Sundberg, Aaron Golish, Alana M Baskind, Kendra Besanger, Patricia Branco Cornish, André R Babyn, Yvonne Hung, Madelaine C Longman, Quinn Valencourt, Kumar Sundaram Pathak
- Steven Sacks, Ross Sundberg, Aaron Golish, Alana M Baskind, Patricia Branco Cornish, André R Babyn, Quinn Valencourt, Kumar Sundaram Pathak
- Ross Sundberg
Departmental courses (61 credits)
CIVE 202
Construction Materials
4 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Classification of materials; atomic bonds; phase diagrams; elementary crystallography;imperfections; engineering properties, uses and durability of metals, concrete, wood, polymers, composites and asphalt; sustainable development; group laboratory projects.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 205
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Systems of forces and couples, resultants, equilibrium. Trusses, frames and beams, reactions, shear forces, bending moments. Centroids, centres of gravity, distributed forces, moments of inertia. Friction, limiting equilibrium, screws, belts.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- Terms
- Instructors
- Luc E Chouinard
- Matiyas A Bezabeh
CIVE 206
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Kinematics and kinetics of particles, systems, and rigid bodies; mass-acceleration, work-energy, impulse-momentum. Moving coordinate systems. Lagrange's equations. Vibrations and waves.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 207
Solid Mechanics
4 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Stress-strain relationships; elastic and inelastic behaviour; performance criteria. Elementary and compound stress states, Mohr's circle. Shear strains, torsion. Bending and shear stresses in flexural members. Deflections of beams. Statically indeterminate systems under flexural and axial loads. Columns. Dynamic loading.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- (4-2-6)
- Prerequisites: CIVE 205 (a D grade is acceptable for prerequisite purposes) or MECH 210 (under special circumstances, the Department may permit this course to be taken as a corequisite) or equivalent
- Four laboratory sessions and weekly tutorials
CIVE 208
Civil Engineering Sys Analysis
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Introduction to civil engineering systems; system modelling process; systems approach and optimization techniques; application of linear programming; simplex method; duality theory; sensitivity analysis; transportation problem; assignment problem; network analysis including critical path method; integer linear programming method.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 210
2 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: The construction and use of modern survey instruments; transit, level, etc.; linear and angular measurements and errors; horizontal and vertical curves; error analysis, significance of figures; use of computers and software; recent developments.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- Prerequisite: MECH 289 (formerly MECH 290)
- **Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop, and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the third lecture day and withdrawal is the sixth lecture day.
- Terms
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
CIVE 225
Environmental Engineering
4 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Introduction to environmental chemistry; mass balance analyses in engineered and natural systems; water, soil and air pollution characterization and control; water quality parameters; drinking water and wastewater treatment technologies; global climate change: possible causes and effects; risk assessment for pollutant exposure; solid- and hazardous-waste management.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 290
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Macroscopic vs. microscopic viewpoint; states and processes; energy conservation and transformation; phase equilibrium; equations of state; thermodynamic properties; work and heat interactions; First Law of thermodynamics and applications; internal energy; enthalpy; specific heat; Second Law of thermodynamics; entropy; humidity and air-conditioning processes; introduction to heat transfer and renewable energy.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 302
Probabilistic Systems
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: An introduction to probability and statistics with applications to Civil Engineering design. Descriptive statistics, common probability models, statistical estimation, regression and correlation, acceptance sampling.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- (3-2-4)
- Prerequisites: MATH 262, COMP 208 (a D grade is acceptable for prerequisite purposes)
CIVE 311
Geotechnical Mechanics
4 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: The origin and formation of soils. Soil classification systems and phase composition in soils. Stress states in geotechnical materials. Total stresses, pore fluid pressures and effective stresses. Terzaghi’s concept of effective stresses. Time-dependent influences of pore pressure development during loading. Water flow in porous media. Darcy’s law. Laboratory and field measurement of hydraulic conductivity. Hydraulic conductivity of soil composites. Deformation of geomaterials. Elastic deformations and consolidation behaviour. Failure of soils. The Mohr-Coulomb criterion. Stress paths. Dilatancy, Taylor’s interpretation of stress dilatancy and applications.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 317
Structural Engineering 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: The design process; loads, sources, classifications, load factors, combinations; limit states design; structural systems and foundations; choice of materials; virtual work and energy methods; statical and kinematic indeterminacy; slope deflection method, introduction to matrix methods; analysis of indeterminate systems; force envelopes.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 318
Structural Engineering 2
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Durability and service life; fire resistance and protection; steel, reinforced concrete and timber; behaviour and design of components in tension, compression, bending and shear; slenderness, global and local instability; axial load and moment interaction; curvature, deflection, ductility; connections; bond and anchorage of reinforcement; simple footings.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 319
Transportation Engineering
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Introduction to design and operating principles and procedures for surface transportation systems, including vehicle motion and performance, pavements, geometric design of roadbeds, vehicle flow and capacity, traffic control, demand, supply and cost concepts.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 320
Numerical Methods
4 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Numerical procedures applicable to civil engineering problems: integration, differentiation, solution of initial-value problems, solving linear and non-linear systems of equations, boundary-value problems for ordinary-differential equations, and for partial-differential equations.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 323
Hydrology and Water Resources
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Precipitation, evaporation and transpiration. Streamflow, storage reservoirs, flood routing. Groundwater hydrology. Ecohydrology. Statistical analysis in hydrology, stochastic modelling. Simulations using hydrologic models. Case studies in flood damage mitigation, surface and ground water management, and water-energy-food nexus.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 324
Sustainable Project Management
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Lifecycle approach to project and construction management. Sustainable practices are introduced at all project stages: Team formation, materials and equipment use, cost estimation and economic valuation, financing, scheduling, quality control and safety, monitoring and performance assessment, decision-making.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 327
Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics
4 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Fluid properties; hydrostatics; dimensional analysis and similitude, fluxes of mass, momentum and energy; Bemoulli's equation; method of control volume; streamline curvature; potential flow and boundary layers; pipe flow, hydraulic machinery and introduction to open-channel flow.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 418
Design Project
4 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: A team-based capstone design project carried out under the supervision of an experienced engineer. Involves a design project in one or more of the subdisciplines; environmental engineering, water resources engineering, transportation engineering, geotechnical engineering or structural engineering. Includes the definition of the problem, contains an iterative solution-finding process, and results in a final design. Addresses professionalism, as well as, economic, environmental, societal,
safety and regulatory aspects of design. Contains the writing of a technical report and oral presentations. Emphasis is placed on the completion of a project of professional quality replicating the design process commonly implemented by practicing engineers.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- (1-2-6)
- Prerequisite: Completion of an approved set of required and complementary courses; normally restricted to final semester.
- Terms
- Instructors
- Colin Rogers, Paul D Rodrigue, Danilo Daronco, Sylvie Boulanger
- Sylvie Boulanger, Paul D Rodrigue, Danilo Daronco, Colin Rogers
CIVE 432
Technical Paper
1 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: A technical paper, on a suitable topic, is to be prepared in accordance with detailed instructions which are provided by the Department. This paper will normally be written in the U3 year and may be submitted in September or January.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- Terms
- Instructors
- Sherif K Kamel
- Pinar Ozcer
FACC 400
Eng Professional Practice
1 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Faculty Course: Laws, regulations and codes governing engineering professional practice. Responsibility and liability. Environmental legislation. Project and organization management. Relations between engineer and client. Technical practice - analysis, design, execution and operation.
Offered by: Engineering - Dean's Office
- (1.5-1-0.5)
- Prerequisites: FACC 250 and [at least 60 program credits for B.Eng./B.S.E. students in the Faculty of Engineering or 45 program credits for B.Eng.(Bioresource) students].
- Restriction: Not open to students who have taken MIME 221.
Complementary courses (21 credits)
Technical complementary courses (15 credits)
Fifteen credits (usually 5 courses) of technical complementaries must be completed. A minimum of six credits must be selected from list (a) below and the remaining credits are to be selected from list (a), (b) or other suitable undergraduate or 500 level courses. Courses are usually selected to acquire expertise in an area of specialization. Up to two technical complementary courses may be taken outside the Department, subject to approval by the student's advisor prior to registration.
(a) Design Technical Complementaries (minimum of 6 credits from this group)
CIVE 416
Geotechnical Engineering
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Earth pressure theory, retaining walls, sheet pile walls, braced excavations. Slope stability analysis. 2D flow through isotropic and anisotropic soils. Bearing capacity and settlement of shallow foundations, stress distribution. Deep foundations, single pile, pile groups. Geotechnical investigation and reports.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 421
Municipal Systems
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Design of water-related municipal services; sources of water and intake design; estimation of water demand and wastewater production rates; design, construction and maintenance of water distribution, wastewater and stormwater collection systems; pumps and pumping stations; pipe materials, network analysis and optimization; storage; treatment objectives for water and wastewater.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 428
Water Resrces & Hydraulic Eng.
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Application of continuity, energy and momentum equations to open channel flow; design of channels considering uniform flow and flow resistance, non-uniform flow and longitudinal profiles; design of channel controls and transitions; unsteady flow and flood routing; river ice engineering; sediment transport and river morphology; sustainability in river engineering; industry standard numerical models.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
CIVE 462
Design of Steel Structures
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Design of structural steel members: plate girders, members under combined loadings, eccentrically loaded connections, composite floor systems. Design of single-storey concentrically braced frame buildings subjected to gravity, wind and seismic loading. Introduction to design software.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 463
Design of Concrete Structures
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Design of reinforced concrete members: beams, one-way slabs, columns, disturbed regions, two-way slabs, shear walls, footings, retaining walls. Aspects of seismic design of columns and shear walls. Introduction to design software and the design of prestressed concrete members.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 430
Water Treatment&Pollut Control
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Principles of water and sewage treatment. Water and sewage characteristics; design of conventional unit operations and processes; laboratory analyses of potable and waste waters.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 440
Traffic Engineering&Simulation
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Driver, vehicle and traffic flow characteristics; origin-destination studies, traffic studies and analysis, queuing theory applications, microsimulation, highway design and capacity analysis, non-motorized facility design, HOV lane design, public transportation priority design, parking analysis, traffic signal design and control, traffic microsimulation with HCS, VISSIM and SYNCHRO.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- (3-3-3)
- Prerequisite: CIVE 319 (a D grade is acceptable for prerequisite purposes)
(b) General Technical Complementaries (9 credits from list below and/or group) (a)
CIVE 446
Construction Engineering
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Project management principles; construction equipment economics, selection, operation; characteristics of building, heavy, marine, underground and route construction projects; international projects.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 460
Matrix Structural Analysis
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Computer structural analysis, direct stiffness applied to two and three dimensional frames and trusses, matrix force method, nonlinear problems, buckling of trusses and frames, introduction to finite element analysis.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 470
Undergraduate Research Project
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Independent research project under the supervision of an academic staff member. Selection of a research problem, formulation of hypotheses and objectives, research design, literature review, analysis, discussion, report.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- (0-1-8)
- Prerequisite: Permission of the Department.
- Open to U2 students and above, CGPA ≥ 3.0
- The research project needs to be established with the supervisor before registration.
- Terms
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
CIVE 507
Wind Engineering
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Davenport wind loading chain, wind climate, atmospheric boundary layer and turbulence, wind risk and statistics, bluff body aerodynamics, wind loads and structural responses, aeroelastic effects, building code approaches to estimate design wind loads, wind energy and sustainability, and introduction to wind tunnel tests and computational fluid dynamics.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 512
Advanced Civil Engrg Materials
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Production, structure and properties of engineering materials; ferrous alloys, treatments, welding, special steels, cast iron; ceramic materials; polymers; composite materials; concrete, admixtures, structure, creep, shrinkage; asphalt and asphaltic materials; clay materials and bricks; impact of environment on material response, durability, quality assessment and control, industrial specifications; recent advances.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 520
Groundwater Hydrology
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Fundamentals of subsurface hydrological processes. Field data and simulation under parameter uncertainty. Numerical modelling. Quantifying groundwater resources and groundwater flow to wells. Groundwater sustainability from a multidisciplinary perspective including engineering and policy.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- Prerequisites: CIVE 311 and CIVE 323; Graduate students: Permission of instructor.
- Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken CIVE 546 in Winter 2012.
- Note 1: (3-0-6).
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
CIVE 521
Nanomat & the Aquatic Environ
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Environmental impacts and applications of nanomaterials. Topics: physicochemical characterization of nanoparticles in aquatic media, colloid chemistry for understanding nanoparticle aggregation and mobility in the environment, mechanisms of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production by nanomaterials, nanomaterials for environmental remediation and water treatment, methodologies for assessing nanoparticle toxicity, novel research developments.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- 3-0-6
- Offered each year, one year by the Department of Chemical Engineering and one year by the Department of Civil Engineering
- Prerequisite(s): CHEE 315 or CIVE 225 or MIME 356 or equivalent; CHEE 310 or CIVE 430 or CHEM 233 or equivalent; or permission of instructor.
- Restriction: Not open to students who have taken CHEE 521.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
CIVE 527
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Maintenance, rehabilitation, renovation and preservation of infrastructure; infrastructure degradation mechanisms; mechanical, chemical and biological degradation; corrosion of steel; condition surveys and evaluation of buildings and bridges; repair and preservation of materials, techniques and strategies; codes and guidelines; case studies, sustainable development; group project.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 528
Design of Wood Structures
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Review of wood material properties and grades. Design of sawn lumber and timber tension, bending, compression and beam-column members. Design of engineered wood products, glued-laminated and cross-laminated timber members. Design of connections. Moisture and humidity effects, deterioration and protection, fire performance, prescriptive design versus engineering design.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- Prerequisites: CIVE 318 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor
CIVE 540
Urban Transportation Planning
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Process and techniques of urban transportation engineering and planning, including demand analysis framework, data collection procedures, travel demand modelling and forecasting, and cost-effectiveness framework for evaluation of project and system alternatives.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- (3-1-5)
- Prerequisite: CIVE 319 or permission of instructor.
CIVE 542
Transport Network Analysis
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Introduction to transportation network algorithms; analytical frameworks used in traditional transportation network software, including routing algorithms, deterministic equilibrium approach, static traffic assignment, dynamic traffic assignment, vehicle routing algorithms, network reliability and design and several stochastic variants.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
CIVE 545
LCA and the Circular Economy
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Fundamentals of life cycle assessment (LCA) for civil engineering, focusing on the integration with circular economy and life cycle costing. Circular economy and LCA methods standardized by International Organization for Standardization. Integration of environmental metrics into life cycle costing. Combining LCA, circular economy and life cycle costing methods. Application of LCA in environmental and economic decision-making related to specific civil engineering projects, focused on topics such as buildings and transportation.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- Prerequisites: FACC 300 and CIVE 324 or Permission of the instructor
- Restrictions: Not open to students who have taken or are taking SEAD 520.
CIVE 546
Selected Topics in Civil Eng 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Special topics related to Civil Engineering will be presented by staff and visiting lecturers.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- (3-0-6)
- Prerequisite (Undergraduate): Permission of instructor
CIVE 550
Water Resources Management
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: State-of-the-art water resources management techniques; case studies of their application to Canadian situations; identification of major issues and problem areas; interprovincial and international river basins; implications of development alternatives; institutional arrangements for planning and development of water resources; and, legal and economic aspects.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- (3-0-6)
- Prerequisite (Undergraduate): CIVE 323 or equivalent
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
CIVE 555
Environmental Data Analysis
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Application of statistical principles to design of measurement systems and sampling programs. Introduction to experimental design. Graphical data analysis. Description of uncertainty. Hypothesis tests. Model parameter estimation methods: linear and nonlinear regression methods. Trend analysis. Statistical analysis of censored data. Statistics of extremes.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- (3-0-6)
- Prerequisite (Undergraduate): CIVE 302 or permission of instructor
CIVE 557
Microbio for Environmental Eng
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Microbiological concepts applied to the practice of environmental engineering and biotechnologies including the following topics: cellular and pathway organizations, evolution, growth, gene expression, horizontal gene transfer, metabolic microbial diversity, ecosystem structures, and quantitative mathematical modelling.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- Prerequisite: CIVE 225 or permission of the instructor
- (3-1-5)
CIVE 560
Transportation Safety & Design
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Fundamental concepts on transportation safety, traffic data collection techniques, crash database management, statistical methods for safety analysis, network screening methods, evaluation and design of treatments, railway safety analysis, surrogate safety methods, intersection safety and engineering countermeasures, non-motorized safety and facilities designs and accident severity analysis.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
CIVE 561
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Greenhouse gas inventories at various scales from national to institutional. Emission estimation methods including field measurements and engineering calculations for anthropogenic sources including fossil fuel combustion from transportation and energy production, cement production, hydroelectric reservoirs, oil and gas systems, landfills, wastewater treatment and sewer systems, and agriculture. Technical and policy options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Group project.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- (3-0-6)
- Students are expected to have a background in data mining, statistical analysis, e.g. spatiotemporal analysis, and chemistry. WHMIS and other lab training is recommended.
- Prerequisite(s): CIVE 225 and CIVE 302 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
CIVE 572
Computational Hydraulics
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Computation of unsteady flows in open channels; abrupt waves, flood waves, tidal propagations; method of characteristics; mathematical modelling of river and coastal currents.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- (3-0-6)
- Prerequisite: CIVE 327 or equivalent
CIVE 573
Hydraulic Structures
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Hydraulic aspects of the theory and design of hydraulic structures. Storage dams, spillways, outlet works, diversion works, drop structures, stone structures, conveyance and control structures, flow measurement and culverts.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
CIVE 574
Fluid Mech of Water Pollution
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Mixing, dilution and dispersion of pollutants discharged into lakes, rivers, estuaries and oceans; salinity intrusion in estuaries and its effects on dispersion; biochemical oxygen demand and dissolved oxygen as water quality indicators; thermal pollution; oil pollution.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- (3-0-6)
- Prerequisite: CIVE 327 or equivalent.
CIVE 577
River Engineering
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Fluvial geomorphology; sediment properties; river turbulence; mechanics of the entrainment, transportation and deposition of solids by fluids; threshold of movement; bed forms; suspended load, bed load and total load equations; stable channel design and regime rivers; river modelling; river engineering; and river management.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- (3-0-6)
- Prerequisite (Undergraduate): CIVE 428 or permission of the instructor.
- Corequisite (Graduate): CIVE 428
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
CIVE 584
Mechanics of Groundwater Flow
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Origins and types of groundwater; Darcy's law; hydraulic anisotropy; conservation laws; fundamental equations of porous media flow; Laplace's and Poisson's equations: analytical solution of potential flow problems; determination of hydraulic conductivity; flow in unconfined and confined acquifers; seepage modelling; unsaturated flow; transient flows in porous media; introduction to computational methods.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
- (3-1.5-4.5)
- Prerequisite: CIVE 311 or Permission of Instructor.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
Non-technical complementary courses (6 - 9 credits)
Two additional courses (six credits -- one 3-credit course in humanities and one 3-credit course in impact of technology on society) are to be selected from the Faculty of Engineering section of 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ's eCalendar in consultation with the student's academic advisor.
Total credits = 110 (excluding the pre-engineering program)