Le programme de MBA de la Faculté Desautels de l’Université 9I intègre le développement durable dans ses cours du tronc commun, de la comptabilité aux opérations. Nous nous efforçons d’offrir une expérience d’apprentissage exceptionnelle à la prochaine génération d’agents et agentes de changement par le biais de conférences interactives et d’études de cas qui constituent la base de nos cours fondamentaux :
*Cliquez sur le nom du cours pour accéder à la description.
Les spécialisations permettent aux étudiantes et étudiants de personnaliser leurs études selon leurs objectifs de carrière et leurs intérêts. Ils peuvent choisir parmi plus de 50 cours à option en gestion, et ont également la possibilité de poursuivre un projet de recherche indépendant en collaboration avec un membre du corps enseignant.
L’accent est mis sur la façon dont les entreprises lèvent des capitaux et sur leur allocation optimale pour les investissements. Les étudiantes et étudiants développent une expertise dans trois sous-domaines de la finance : les services bancaires, le financement des entreprises et les investissements. Ils acquièrent une compréhension des fonctions liées à la gestion des fonds en entreprise et à la prise de décision en matière d’investissement. Cette spécialisation les prépare à de multiples carrières, notamment dans les services bancaires d’investissement, les finances d’entreprise, la trésorerie d’entreprise, la gestion d’actifs et la gestion des risques.Pour terminer une spécialisation, les étudiants et étudiantes doivent obtenir 15 crédits parmi les cours de la liste ci-dessous.
Pour terminer une spécialisation, les étudiants et étudiantes doivent obtenir 15 crédits parmi les cours de la liste ci-dessous.
FINE 620
Corporate Mergers
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Finance: This course deals with the rationale, structuring, shareholder value creation, financial implications and management of corporate joint ventures, alliances, mergers and acquisitions, including discussion of the external and internal reasons for these alliances and combinations and the steps taken to create structure and value and then to manage their implementation.
Offered by: Management
- Prerequisite: FINE-622.
- Restriction: MBA students only.
- Note: This course requires advance preparation based on each new case study presented each week.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
FINE 622
Modern Corporate Finance
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Finance: Foundations of modern corporate finance theory. Key topics: Capital structure in a perfect market as well as imperfections arising from debt and taxes, and bankruptcy costs. Dividend and payout policy. Capital budgeting and valuation with leverage. Corporate governance. Corporate risk management.
Offered by: Management
FINE 630
Fixed Income Markets
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Finance: Fixed income securities and their uses for financial engineering as well as risk management at both the trading desk and the aggregate firm level. This will involve a treatment of basic fixed income mathematics, risk management concepts, term structure modelling, derivatives valuation theory and credit risk analysis.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
FINE 632
Global Environ&Econmc Policies
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Finance: Survey of the frameworks and tools that managers use to analyze the macro-economic environment in which organizations operate. Emphasizes macro-economic
theories to show the links between the domestic economic environment and changes in the global economy. Includes theories of trade, fiscal and monetary policy, interest rates, exchange rates, balance of payments, trading blocs and currency unions, growth, economic development, and financial integration.
Offered by: Management
- Restriction: Open only to students in the Desautels Faculty of Management
FINE 639
Derivatives & Risk Management
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Finance: This course studies the field of investments related to options and futures. The course will concentrate on trading strategies and analytical models for valuing options and futures contacts.
Offered by: Management
FINE 541N1
Applied Investments
1.5 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Finance: Students are exposed to practical aspects of managing investment portfolios. A principal activity of students is participation in the management of a substantial investment fund.
Offered by: Management
- Corequisite (Undergraduate): FINE 441. Limited enrolment.
- Prerequisite: MGCR 341
- Students must also register for FINE 541N2
- No credit will be given for this course unless both FINE 541N1 and FINE 541N2 are successfully completed in a twelve month period
- Restriction: Open to U2 students. Open to U3 students returning for an additional Fall term, who must register by emailing the BCom Office.
FINE 541N2
Applied Investments
1.5 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Finance: See FINE 541N1 for course description.
Offered by: Management
- Prerequisite: FINE 541N1
- No credit will be given for this course unless both FINE 541N1 and FINE 541N2 are successfully completed in a twelve month period
- Restriction: Open to U2 students. Open to U3 students returning for an additional Fall term, who must register by emailing the BCom Office.
FINE 646
Investments & Portfolio Mgmt
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Finance: The prime objective is to provide the student with a rational framework for investment. The portfolio and capital market theory of FINE 650 is extended and the empirical evidence supporting these and competing hypotheses is investigated for both individual securities and portfolios.
Offered by: Management
FINE 648
Applied Corporate Finance
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Finance: Concepts and techniques developed in earlier courses are extended and/or applied to problems faced by managers in Corporate Finance. Such problems include: working capital management, capital budgeting, capital structure, dividend policy, cost of capital and mergers and acquisitions. Stresses the application of theory and techniques and extensive use is made of case studies.
Offered by: Management
- Prerequisite: FINE-622 Modern Corporate Finance.
FINE 664
Mng Pension & Retirement Funds
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Finance: The management of pension and retirement funds, including the essentials of liability-hedging strategies, long-term portfolio strategies across multiple asset classes, and the integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards in the investment process. The differences in retirement systems around the world and how to design a sustainable retirement system.
Offered by: Management
FINE 691
Advanced Topics in Finance 2
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Finance: Current topics in finance.
Offered by: Management
FINE 692
Advanced Topics in Finance 3
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Finance: Current selected topics in finance.
Offered by: Management
FINE 693
Global Capital Markets
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Finance: The international financial environment as it affects the multinational manager. In-depth study of the various balance of payments concepts, adjustment of the external balance, and the international monetary system will be followed by a review of theory and institutional aspects of the foreign exchange and the international (Eurodollar) markets.
Offered by: Management
- Prerequisite: MGCR-651 Managing Resources.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
ACCT 618
Financial Rep: Structure&Ana
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Accounting: An in-depth analysis of corporate financial reporting principles and practices, with emphasis on developing the abilities of the student to discriminate between the form and substance of corporate financial reports. Analysis of all components of the financial statements with the effect of reference to alternative practices on financial reports.
Offered by: Management
BUSA 692
Advanced Topics in Mgmt 3
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Business Admin: Current topics in management.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
ճè : Merger and Acquisition Strategy
INSY 642
Tech. and Tools for Analytics
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Information Systems: The methods and tools needed to analyze business data and to improve business decision making, including data manipulation, analysis, visualization and interpretation of real-world data.
Offered by: Management
BUSA 620
Independent Study 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Business Admin: Research reading or field projects, permitting independent study under the guidance of a Faculty member. Projects to be arranged individually with instructors.
Offered by: Management
- A detailed student proposal must be submitted to the instructor and it should be approved by the MBA Advising Office during the first week of the term.
- Terms
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
* Les crédits de recherches indépendantes en finances doivent être approuvés par le .
(Cette liste est provisoire et susceptible d’être révisée.)
Cette spécialisation est axée sur le développement de compétences afin de comprendre les clients et les marchés, ainsi que sur la création de valeur par le biais de produits et services, l’évaluation de l’efficacité des programmes de marketing et la gestion des relations avec les clients. L’accent est mis sur la compréhension du marché et sur le développement de stratégies marketing réussies dans tous les types d’environnements. Tout comme les entreprises de produits de consommation qui commercialisent leurs biens, les agences gouvernementales, les organismes sans but lucratif et les autres organisations publiques fournissent des services qui doivent être commercialisés. Les responsables du marketing doivent définir soigneusement le produit, renseigner le public à son sujet, le présenter de la meilleure manière possible et en déterminer le prix. La façon dont ces activités sont menées est au cœur de la stratégie d’une organisation. Cette concentration prépare l’effectif étudiant à différentes carrières, notamment dans les secteurs de la gestion des marques et des produits, de la publicité, des études de marché, de la gestion de projet ou du marketing et des services généraux de consultation.
Pour terminer une spécialisation, les étudiants et étudiantes doivent obtenir 15 crédits parmi les cours de la liste ci-dessous.
MRKT 645
Winning at Brands
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Marketing: This course is designed to convey the structures, frameworks and evolving best practices of effective brand management. Core brand management techniques examined include launching new brands, rehabilitating damaged brands and various brand extension options. The valuation of brands and the development and optimization of brand equity profiles are also covered.
Offered by: Management
- Restriction: Not open to students who have taken MRKT 690 (when topic was Winning at Brands)
- The course is delivered using a mixture of concept briefings, case simulations and class debates.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MRKT 652
Competitive Marketing Strategy
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Marketing: Analyzing marketing actions from a competitive perspective and designing marketing strategies following a customer-centric philosophy. It combines case study methodology with competitive simulations to deliver a high-impact experience that demonstrate the results of marketing actions in different competitive scenarios.
Offered by: Management
MRKT 655
Marketing Planning
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Marketing: The design and implementation of marketing plans. Emphasis on management decision- making; approaches and techniques for formulating marketing objectives; identifying alternate strategies; preparing the marketing plan; implementing and controlling the plan.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MRKT 657
Customer Insights
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Marketing: Frameworks, concepts, and tools for gaining insights into customers, and using these insights to develop effective marketing programs.
Offered by: Management
MRKT 658
Marketing Intelligence
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Marketing: Marketing intelligence is essential for maximizing returns on marketing investments. This course covers the cutting edge techniques and tools available for generating marketing intelligence and provides practice on how to leverage this knowledge to make effective marketing decisions. Lectures and case study format is followed.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
MRKT 690
Advanced Topics in Marketing 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Marketing: Current topics in marketing.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
INSY 690
Advanced Topics in Mgmt IS 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Information Systems: Current ropics in management information systems.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
ճè: Big Data and Business Intelligence
ORGB 633
Managerial Negotiations
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Organizational Behaviour: Negotiating is a critical managerial skill. The purpose of this course is to allow students to learn to be more effective negotiators. The class environment used to accomplish this goal includes many exercises, personality inventories, and cases. The focus of the course will be on the processes of bargaining and the emphasis is "hands on" learning, although theories of negotiation and research examining negotiation will also be covered. Each student will have a great deal of control over how much he or she will develop into a better negotiator as a result of participating in this course.
Offered by: Management
ORGB 690
Advanced Topics in OB 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Organizational Behaviour: Current selected topics in organizational behaviour.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
ճè : Creativity, Curiosity and Guts
BUSA 620
Independent Study 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Business Admin: Research reading or field projects, permitting independent study under the guidance of a Faculty member. Projects to be arranged individually with instructors.
Offered by: Management
- A detailed student proposal must be submitted to the instructor and it should be approved by the MBA Advising Office during the first week of the term.
- Terms
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
* Les crédits de recherches indépendantes en finances doivent être approuvés par le .
(Cette liste est provisoire et susceptible d’être révisée.)
Stratégie mondiale et leadership
S’appuyant sur divers cours interdisciplinaires, entre autres en stratégie, en comportement organisationnel, en entrepreneuriat et en commerce international, cette concentration offre à la communauté étudiante une perspective intégrée sur l’orientation et l’élaboration d’une stratégie pour répondre aux enjeux commerciaux internationaux d’aujourd’hui. Les étudiants et étudiantes développent les compétences recherchées par les employeurs en lien avec les services‑conseils, la planification stratégique, le développement des affaires, la gestion de projet et dans des domaines connexes. Parmi les questions abordées, citons la manière d’internationaliser une entreprise, de diriger et de gérer les talents, de gérer une main‑d’œuvre multiculturelle, de lancer une nouvelle entreprise, de négocier efficacement et de promouvoir le développement durable.
Pour terminer une spécialisation, les étudiants et étudiantes doivent obtenir 15 crédits parmi les cours de la liste ci-dessous.
BUSA 660
CEO Insights
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Business Admin: Interaction with CEOs of global MNEs, SMEs and family businesses. We hear the narrative of the CEO's life and times and then, using academic literature as a base, discuss issues faced by CEOs.
Offered by: Management
- Restriction: Not open to students who have taken BUSA 692 (when topic was CEO Insights)
BUSA 664
Creating the Small Business
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Business Admin: Focusing on the strategies and operating policies of small business enterprises, the course is designed for individuals who are considering entrepreneurial careers either as owners or managers. Provides a practical approach to the many problems likely to be encountered in the evolving life cycle of the small business.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
BUSA 665
Managing the Small Enterprise
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Business Admin: The course is designed to teach students the concepts of entrepreneurship and the fundamentals of managing small businesses. It will explore, within the context of small entrepreneurial companies, the various interactions between financing, accounting, marketing, strategic planning, operations and human resources.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
BUSA 690
Advanced Topics in Mgmt 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Business Admin: Current topics in management.
Offered by: Management
BUSA 691
Advanced Topics in Mgmt 2
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Business Admin: Current topics in management.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
BUSA 692
Advanced Topics in Mgmt 3
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Business Admin: Current topics in management.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MGPO 630
Managing Strategy & Innovation
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Management Policy: Activities from company start-ups and turnarounds to implementing mergers and acquisitions. Examination of how strategic change works in practice and how the strategic transitions faced by organizations of all types can be addressed.
Offered by: Management
MGPO 637
Cases in Competitive Strategy
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Management Policy: The course applies the techniques for analyzing industries to a number of industries (electronics, photocopy, bicycles, chain saws, securities, fibre optics) through the use of specific company cases. The objective is to develop skills and techniques in a competitive environment and define competitive strategies through practical application.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MGPO 640
Strategies for Sustainable Dev
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Management Policy: This course aims to produce new knowledge about the multidimensional nature of sustainable development; develop skills required to formulate and implement policies that integrate economic progress with quality of life and the preservation of the biosphere.
Offered by: Management
MGPO 645
Strategy in Context
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Management Policy: Exploration of how different environments enable some competitive modes and maneuvers while constraining others. Analysis of industry structure and competitive dynamics and how they evolve; the strategic positioning of firms; how opportunities get constructed and how firm capabilities get linked to them; how competitive
advantage is developed and sustained. Introduction to the theories and frameworks will also be critiqued in light of empirical evidence and practitioner experience.
Offered by: Management
- Restriction: Not open to students who have taken BUSA 690 (when topic was Strategy in Context)
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MGPO 669
Managing Globalization
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Management Policy: M.B.A.s need to understand international competitive issues, such as: forces for industry globalization, a firm's international expansion process, and international competitive strategies. Many types of firms will be analyzed, from small U.S. and Canadian firms beginning to explore internationally to large multinationals that are managing investments around the world.
Offered by: Management
MGPO 690
Adv. Topics Strategic Mgmt 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Management Policy: Survey of advanced topics in strategic management.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
ORGB 633
Managerial Negotiations
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Organizational Behaviour: Negotiating is a critical managerial skill. The purpose of this course is to allow students to learn to be more effective negotiators. The class environment used to accomplish this goal includes many exercises, personality inventories, and cases. The focus of the course will be on the processes of bargaining and the emphasis is "hands on" learning, although theories of negotiation and research examining negotiation will also be covered. Each student will have a great deal of control over how much he or she will develop into a better negotiator as a result of participating in this course.
Offered by: Management
ORGB 680
Talent Mgmt in a Global World
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Organizational Behaviour: Effectively managing talent in the context of increasing globalization.
Offered by: Management
- Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken BUSA 690 when topic was "Global Talent Management", "Talent Management", or “Managing Talent in a Global World”.
ORGB 685
Cross Cultural Management
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Organizational Behaviour: Cross-cultural awareness and communication skills necessary to manage in multicultural organizations. The focus of the course is on the relationship between cultural values and communication styles as they affect inter-and-intra cultural communication of managers, personnel and clients of multinational and multicultural corporations and organizations.
Offered by: Management
ORGB 690
Advanced Topics in OB 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Organizational Behaviour: Current selected topics in organizational behaviour.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
ACCT 618
Financial Rep: Structure&Ana
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Accounting: An in-depth analysis of corporate financial reporting principles and practices, with emphasis on developing the abilities of the student to discriminate between the form and substance of corporate financial reports. Analysis of all components of the financial statements with the effect of reference to alternative practices on financial reports.
Offered by: Management
MRKT 652
Competitive Marketing Strategy
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Marketing: Analyzing marketing actions from a competitive perspective and designing marketing strategies following a customer-centric philosophy. It combines case study methodology with competitive simulations to deliver a high-impact experience that demonstrate the results of marketing actions in different competitive scenarios.
Offered by: Management
BUSA 620
Independent Study 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Business Admin: Research reading or field projects, permitting independent study under the guidance of a Faculty member. Projects to be arranged individually with instructors.
Offered by: Management
- A detailed student proposal must be submitted to the instructor and it should be approved by the MBA Advising Office during the first week of the term.
- Terms
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
* Les crédits de recherches indépendantes en finances doivent être approuvés par le .
(Cette liste est provisoire et susceptible d’être révisée.)
Analytique de gestion
Cette concentration donne aux étudiantes et étudiants la capacité d’appliquer des techniques et des outils d’analyse de données pour prendre de meilleures décisions de gestion et générer un rendement commercial supérieur. Ils acquerront la capacité de transformer les données en un puissant atout stratégique. Au terme de leur formation, ils connaîtront de multiples méthodes et outils d’analyse, et auront acquis une compréhension globale de l’utilisation stratégique de l’analyse pour les entreprises.
Pour terminer une spécialisation, les étudiants et étudiantes doivent obtenir 15 crédits parmi les cours de la liste ci-dessous.
INSY 642
Tech. and Tools for Analytics
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Information Systems: The methods and tools needed to analyze business data and to improve business decision making, including data manipulation, analysis, visualization and interpretation of real-world data.
Offered by: Management
MGSC 640
Fund. of Decision Analytics
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Management Science: Business applications of quantitative methods used in data analysis and decision making. Topics include: optimization models, probability, decision trees, statistical inference and sampling, simulation, and computer simulation.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
INSY 609
Technology Project Management
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Information Systems: Managing a technology consultation practice.
Offered by: Management
INSY 652
Predictive Analytics
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Information Systems: Practical methods for predictive analytics using statistical tools for handson learning, building upon regression and classification concepts covered in prior
courses. Topics covered will include analytic thinking, supervised segmentation, model performance, and text mining, with the objective of understanding how to
increase predictive performance.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
INSY 691
Advanced Topics in Mgmt IS 2
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Information Systems: Current topics in management information systems.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MGSC 656
Analytics Consulting
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Management Science: Hands-on experience with analytics consulting projects in a variety of industries. The course will be a mixture of lecture, project milestone presentations, and project-specific guest speakers.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MGSC 690
Selected Topics in Mgmt Sci 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Management Science: Current selected topics in management of science.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MRKT 658
Marketing Intelligence
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Marketing: Marketing intelligence is essential for maximizing returns on marketing investments. This course covers the cutting edge techniques and tools available for generating marketing intelligence and provides practice on how to leverage this knowledge to make effective marketing decisions. Lectures and case study format is followed.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
MRKT 690
Advanced Topics in Marketing 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Marketing: Current topics in marketing.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
ճès : Internet Marketing Analytics and Strategies et
Decision Making For Convergence Insights, Analytics, and Innovation
FINE 646
Investments & Portfolio Mgmt
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Finance: The prime objective is to provide the student with a rational framework for investment. The portfolio and capital market theory of FINE 650 is extended and the empirical evidence supporting these and competing hypotheses is investigated for both individual securities and portfolios.
Offered by: Management
ORGB 690
Advanced Topics in OB 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Organizational Behaviour: Current selected topics in organizational behaviour.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
ճè : People Analytics
BUSA 620
Independent Study 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Business Admin: Research reading or field projects, permitting independent study under the guidance of a Faculty member. Projects to be arranged individually with instructors.
Offered by: Management
- A detailed student proposal must be submitted to the instructor and it should be approved by the MBA Advising Office during the first week of the term.
- Terms
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
* Les crédits de recherches indépendantes en finances doivent être approuvés par le .
(Cette liste est provisoire et susceptible d’être révisée.)
La nouvelle spécialisation interdisciplinaire en entrepreneuriat s’inspire de la stratégie, du marketing et de l’analytique.
Ce programme s’adresse aux personnes qui :
- ont une idée de concept, de processus ou de produit, et cherchent à explorer les étapes de la commercialisation;
- ont un intérêt général pour l’entrepreneuriat;
- souhaitent faire carrière dans une petite ou moyenne entreprise en croissance ou dans un organisme sans but lucratif;
- aimeraient insuffler l’esprit d’entreprise à une grande entreprise en tant qu’« intrapreneur »;
- cherchent à développerleurs compétences générales en matière de renforcement d’équipe, de communication et de leadership.
Pour terminer une spécialisation, les étudiants et étudiantes doivent obtenir 15 crédits parmi les cours de la liste ci-dessous.
MRKT 652
Competitive Marketing Strategy
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Marketing: Analyzing marketing actions from a competitive perspective and designing marketing strategies following a customer-centric philosophy. It combines case study methodology with competitive simulations to deliver a high-impact experience that demonstrate the results of marketing actions in different competitive scenarios.
Offered by: Management
BUSA 664
Creating the Small Business
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Business Admin: Focusing on the strategies and operating policies of small business enterprises, the course is designed for individuals who are considering entrepreneurial careers either as owners or managers. Provides a practical approach to the many problems likely to be encountered in the evolving life cycle of the small business.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
BUSA 665
Managing the Small Enterprise
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Business Admin: The course is designed to teach students the concepts of entrepreneurship and the fundamentals of managing small businesses. It will explore, within the context of small entrepreneurial companies, the various interactions between financing, accounting, marketing, strategic planning, operations and human resources.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
BUSA 690
Advanced Topics in Mgmt 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Business Admin: Current topics in management.
Offered by: Management
BUSA 691
Advanced Topics in Mgmt 2
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Business Admin: Current topics in management.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
ճè : Technological Entrepreneurship
MGPO 645
Strategy in Context
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Management Policy: Exploration of how different environments enable some competitive modes and maneuvers while constraining others. Analysis of industry structure and competitive dynamics and how they evolve; the strategic positioning of firms; how opportunities get constructed and how firm capabilities get linked to them; how competitive
advantage is developed and sustained. Introduction to the theories and frameworks will also be critiqued in light of empirical evidence and practitioner experience.
Offered by: Management
- Restriction: Not open to students who have taken BUSA 690 (when topic was Strategy in Context)
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
ORGB 680
Talent Mgmt in a Global World
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Organizational Behaviour: Effectively managing talent in the context of increasing globalization.
Offered by: Management
- Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken BUSA 690 when topic was "Global Talent Management", "Talent Management", or “Managing Talent in a Global World”.
INSY 642
Tech. and Tools for Analytics
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Information Systems: The methods and tools needed to analyze business data and to improve business decision making, including data manipulation, analysis, visualization and interpretation of real-world data.
Offered by: Management
INSY 691
Advanced Topics in Mgmt IS 2
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Information Systems: Current topics in management information systems.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
Exceptionnellement offert à l'hiver 2023 en remplacement d'INSY 642
ORGB 690
Advanced Topics in OB 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Organizational Behaviour: Current selected topics in organizational behaviour.
Offered by: Management
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
BUSA 620
Independent Study 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Business Admin: Research reading or field projects, permitting independent study under the guidance of a Faculty member. Projects to be arranged individually with instructors.
Offered by: Management
- A detailed student proposal must be submitted to the instructor and it should be approved by the MBA Advising Office during the first week of the term.
- Terms
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
* Les crédits de recherches indépendantes en finances doivent être approuvés par le .
(Cette liste est provisoire et susceptible d’être révisée.)