
Micro-optics, nano-optics, and MOEMS
Diffractive and subwave-length scale structures for free-space optics and photonic integrated circuits; three-dimensional micro-optical systems for telecoms and optical interconnect applications; photonic bandgap structures; wavefront engineering; micro-optical systems which incorporate micro-mechanical components.
Nonlinear optics
Nonlinear optical processing components and devices for instrumentation, biomedecine and optical communications; ultrashort self-pulsating laser cavities and mid-infared laser cavitites; optical signal monitoring; second-order nonlinearity enhancement with periodical polling; parametric and Raman nonlinear gain media.
Optoelectronics, electro-optics, RF microelectronics, optical switching
Opto-electronic-VLSI for optical interconnects; electro-optic devices for telecommunications and instrumentation; vertically oriented optoelectronics (VCSELs, quantum wells); RF receiver design for agile, optical bust switched (OBS) networks; high speed device (optical, electrical, optoelectronic) packaging.
Ultrafast photonics and fiber optics
Femtosecond, picosecond, and multiwavelenght sources for telecommunications, instrumentation, and bio-photonics; optical pulse shaping and signal processing; optical amplifiers; microwave photonics; optical code-division multiple-access.
Photonic subsystems, systems, and networks
Implementation of agile all-photonic networks.
Photonic systems group members
Primary members | Secondary members |
Odile Liboiron-Ladouceur |
Songrui Zhao |