Program Requirement:
The M.A. in Second Language Education; Non-Thesis - Project consists of coursework and individualized projects. The program provides an overview of second language acquisition theory, research and research methods, including quantitative and qualitative approaches. It covers a wide range of current topics in applied linguistics and offers opportunities to specialize in educational sociolinguistics, curricular/methods and program planning (e.g., content based language teaching, immersion), language policy and planning, and critical applied linguistics.
Required Courses (12 credits)
EDEM 690
Research Methods: Theo & Pract
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Admin & Policy Studies in Ed: Overview of the epistemological foundations of a range of research methods, including but not limited to quantitative, philosophical, qualitative, arts-based, and mixed methods. Students will learn techniques to conduct research and to develop a research proposal.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- Fall, Winter
- **Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the fifth lecture day.
EDPE 575
Statistics for Practitioners
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Ed Psych & Couns (Psychology): Understanding and interpreting basic statistical procedures used in basic and applied research, including graphs, measures of central tendency and variability, hypothesis testing, and correlations, t-tests, and basic ANOVA designs.
Offered by: Educational&Counselling Psych
EDSL 623
Second Language Learning
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Education in Second Languages: Seminar in second language acquisition theory and research and their relevance to teaching a second language.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
EDSL 627
Instrd 2nLang Acquis'n Resrch
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Education in Second Languages: Seminar in second language classroom-centred research focusing on instructional procedures and practices in relationship to learning outcomes.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
Research Project (12 credits)
EDSL 695
Project 1
6 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Education in Second Languages: Theoretical or practical supervised project to explore and analyze an area of interest relevant to second/additional/plurilingual language education and research.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- Restriction: Only open to students in the M.A. in Second Language Education; Non-Thesis - Project program.
EDSL 696
Project 2
6 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Education in Second Languages: Theoretical or practical supervised project to explore and analyze an area of interest relevant to second/additional/plurilingual language education and research.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- Prerequisite: EDSL 695
- Restriction: Only open to students in the M.A. in Second Language Education; Non-Thesis - Project program.
Complementary Courses (15 credits)
9-12 credits chosen from the following courses:
EDEC 630
Ethnographic Approaches to Res
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Curriculum and Instruction: Ethnography as a qualitative research approach that allows researchers to conduct in-depth studies of complex social and cultural practices. Hands-on experience in ethnographic field work and practice ethnographic research methods are offered. Focus on history and application of a range of ethnographic approaches including traditional, critical, visual, activist, institutional, and collaborative ethnography.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- Restrictions: Not open to students who have taken EDSL 630.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year
EDSL 601
Methods&Curric in L2 Teaching1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Education in Second Languages: Applications of current theories and models of second language development and their implications for teaching all language skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening), including lesson planning, materials selection and development, activities and assessment in various formal and community second language education settings. Principles and methods for formative and summative assessment.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- Prerequisite: EDSL 512
- Corequisite: EDSL 602
- Restriction: Restricted to students in the Graduate Certificate in TESL or with permission of the Graduate Program Director
- Attendance in this course is mandatory.
- A practicum component is integrated into this course.
- **Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the third lecture day and withdrawal is the sixth lecture day.
- **This course will be held on July 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17 & 18th. **Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the third lecture day and withdrawal is the sixth lecture day
EDSL 602
Methods&Curric in L2 Teaching2
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Education in Second Languages: Continuation of topics covered in EDSL 601 with further applications. Exploration of the kinds of information needed to make educational decisions in second language courses, different techniques for collecting that information, and ways for interpreting it.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- Prerequisite: EDSL 512
- Corequisite: EDSL 601
- Restriction: Restricted to students in the Graduate Certificate in TESL or with permission of the Graduate Program Director
- Attendance in this course is mandatory.
- A practicum component is integrated into this course.
- **Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the third lecture day and withdrawal is the sixth lecture day.
EDSL 617
Special Topics in L2 Education
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Education in Second Languages: In-depth study of current topics in Second Language Education. (Content varies from year to year.)
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year
EDSL 620
Social Justice Issues in SLE
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Education in Second Languages: An examination of social identity, non-dominant languages, and power relations among speakers, and their impact on the nature of second/additional language teaching, learning and use, from the perspective of critical applied linguistics. Topics range from the micro level of the individual to the macro level of language planning and policy-making.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year
EDSL 624
Educational Sociolinguistics
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Education in Second Languages: Seminar in the social, cultural and political dimensions of English second language learning and teaching.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
EDSL 628
Plurilg & Translg: Educ & Res
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Education in Second Languages: Dynamic vision of language and the repertoire of users of two or more languages, including recent theories of translingualism, translanguaging, and plurilingualism.
Examination of research and pedagogical implementation of these theories in diverse languages, classrooms and contexts.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
EDSL 631
L2 Curriculum
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Education in Second Languages: Research, theory and practice in curriculum development and teaching in second language education within contemporary frameworks.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
EDSL 632
L2 Literacy Development
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Education in Second Languages: Theory and research related to the teaching and learning of second language literacy. The orientation is on reading and writing as a socio-cognitive activity.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year
EDSL 640
Lang Awareness: Theory & Pract
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Education in Second Languages: Explores the concept of language awareness-learners鈥 and teachers鈥 explicit knowledge about and conscious perception of language in relation to its learning, teaching, and use. Will further outline possibilities for promoting learners鈥 language awareness in the L2 classroom.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken EDSL 617 when topic was "Language Awareness: Theory and Practice".
EDSL 651
Content-Based L2 Learning
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Education in Second Languages: Theoretical research underpinnings of learning a second language through content-based approaches and analysis of empirical studies undertaken in a wide range of immersion and other content-based L2 classrooms.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
3-6 credits selected from the following:
EDEC 604
Literacy&Learning Across Curr
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Curriculum and Instruction: Examination of the central role of language in learning across the curriculum: the processes by which pupils acquire information and understanding and the ways in which teaching must take account of these processes: learning through talk, learning by writing, learning from text.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
EDEC 606
Self-Stdy,Autoeth,&Autobcl Res
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Curriculum and Instruction: Critical and ethical engagement with the relationship between self and other through various auto/biographical approaches to research in education, such as self-study, autoethnography, currere, life writing, artistic practices, writing the self, and memory-work. Exploration of various forms of writing, representation, analysis and critical discussion
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
EDEC 612
Digital Media and Learning
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Curriculum and Instruction: This course addresses emerging theories, pedagogies, and practices related to youth learning through digital media and online participatory cultures. Through direct engagement with multiple forms of digital media and youth, students will consider implications for teaching and learning within and beyond schools.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- Fall
- **Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the fifth lecture day.
- Please note: students taking this course as part of a Teacher Education Program leading to certification will also integrate e-portfolios.
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Winter 2025
- Summer 2025
- Instructors
- Aron L Rosenberg
- Michael B Lipset
EDEC 620
Meanings of Literacy
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Curriculum and Instruction: Investigation of basic issues related to definitions of literacy. Issues include new directions in literacy and education, the need for non-print literacies in contemporary life, and the challenges these changes present for educators.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- Winter
- Restriction: Not open to students who have taken EDEM 620.
EDEC 628
Lit-Multiling/Multicult Settgs
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Curriculum and Instruction: This course examines the teaching of literacy in a range of multilingual and multicultural settings in schooling and society, primarily from the sociocultural perspectives of self and group identity as well as empowerment within majority-minority group relations.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
EDEC 635
Research Writing
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Curriculum and Instruction: The course offers a research-led introduction to processes and practices of research writing. Working to develop their research writing projects, students learn to examine, critically reflect on, and participate in the research writing practices in their fields, guided by current research on the discursive construction of knowledge.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
EDEC 648
Hist Knowledge & Social Change
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Curriculum and Instruction: This course provides a deep understanding of how individuals and societies use history for purposes of giving meaning and acting in social reality. The emphasis is on the workings of historical consciousness for addressing educational and other societal issues of concern. Special attention will be given to exploring how history can be used for fostering positive changes for the betterment of society. The aim is to exercise participants' own historical sense making processes and to help locate their social posture to serve as a springboard for making a difference as future practitioners for improving the quality of a common future life.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
EDEM 609
Critical Perspect Ed Theo&Res
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Admin & Policy Studies in Ed: Critical exploration of contemporary issues in educational theory and research, in terms of current scholarship in the field, current educational contexts, and various research paradigms. Educational issues as expressions of social, ethical, political, economic, epistemological and cultural reconfigurations. Students will learn to be critical consumers of educational theories and research.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- Fall, Winter
- **Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the fifth lecture day.
- Terms
- Instructors
- Philip S S S Howard
- Emmanuel Tabi
EDEM 637
Managing Educational Change
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Admin & Policy Studies in Ed: Explores conceptual approaches to managing school improvement and organizational change with applications such as conflict management, action planning, coaching, shared vision-building and problem solving. Uses relevant case
studies to bring theory into practice.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- Terms
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year
EDEM 644
Curriculum Develop & Implement
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Admin & Policy Studies in Ed: Explores and critiques the processes of curriculum development, implementation and evaluation in relation to the field of curriculum studies. The focus will be on the role of the educator/leader as a curriculum professional in formal and non-formal learning environments.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- Terms
- Instructors
- Brian A Benoit, Mindy R Carter
EDEM 646
Planning and Evaluation
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Admin & Policy Studies in Ed: Focuses on contemporary approaches to planning, monitoring and evaluating programs across a range of contexts (K-graduation, college, non-governmental organization, adult education centre). Areas of study include adaptive and strategic management, results-based management, log frame analysis, systems assessment, stakeholder analysis, and fourth generation evaluation.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
EDEM 660
Community Relations in Educ
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Admin & Policy Studies in Ed: Examines the role of school community relations to foster high quality learning environments. Explores and discusses methods for encouraging public involvement in education, the role of the leader in facilitating community engagement, and issues and dilemmas in community relations.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
EDER 600
Globalization, Educ. & Change
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Religious Studies: The impact of globalization on educational institutions, processes and practices. Topics may include the politics of change, teachers' work, educational reform, technology, environment, educational management and leadership.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
EDER 607
Ethics and Values in Education
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Religious Studies: Considers education as a concept and practice influenced by values (ethical, religious, aesthetic, cultural, political, etc.). Includes a critical examination of selected approaches to values education.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
EDER 608
Educ Implic of Social Theory
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Religious Studies: An analysis of some of the educational implications of various social and political theories: liberalism, Marxism and others.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year
EDER 609
Educ. & Philosophical Thought
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Religious Studies: An analysis of the educational implications of various philosophical positions concerning the nature of reality and the nature of knowledge.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- Fall
- **Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the fifth lecture day.
- Although this course follows a Monday class schedule pattern, there will be an online class on Fridays May 17 and June 21st.
- Terms
- Instructors
- Kevin McDonough
- Nasim Noroozi
EDER 614
Sociology of Education
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Religious Studies: Social context of schooling, including education and social stratification and socialization processes within and outside schools.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year
EDER 615
Intro to PhilosophyofEducation
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Religious Studies: Explores questions, aims, debates and modes of inquiry that characterize philosophical approaches to studying educational questions. Introduces philosophy of education as a distinctive field of educational research and may focus on figures or themes of contemporary interest.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- Terms
- Instructors
- Brian A Benoit
- Joseph A Levitan
EDER 622
Studies in Comparative Educ
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Religious Studies: Comparative study of the economic, political and social aspects of education systems.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year
EDER 639
Education and Development
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Religious Studies: Theories of development and the contribution of education to political, economic and social change.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
EDER 643
Women, Education&Development
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Religious Studies: This course will trace the major theoretical developments in women and development and relate them to educational issues in the formal, non-formal and informal settings. There will be an emphasis on the significance and policy implications of women's education for sustainable developments in the countries of the South.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year
EDER 649
Educ:Multicultural Societies
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Religious Studies: Majority-minority relations and their implications for educational policy and practice.
Offered by: Integrated Studies in Ed
- **Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the fourth lecture day.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year
Elective Courses (6 credits)
6 credits of courses at the 500, 600, or 700 level are chosen in consultation with the Graduate Program Director or
Coordinator, may include complementary courses listed above, and may include some of the following courses:
WCOM 642
Cornerstones of Acad Writing
1 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Written and Oral Communication: Key strategies for scholarly communication across disciplines: reading scholarly texts for structure; applying these structures in writing assignments. Four cornerstones of academic writing: audience, purpose, organization, and style. Identifying and targeting audiences, clarifying the purposes served by different writing projects, organizing ideas, and developing mastery of rhetorical and stylistic conventions.
Offered by: 9I制作厂免费 Writing Centre
- Restriction: Not open to students who have taken CEAP 642. Only open to graduate students.
- Due to the condensed nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply.
- Grading in this course is pass/fail.
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Winter 2025
- Summer 2025
- Instructors
- Mary Towers, Yvonne Hung
- Susan Jackson, Yvonne Hung
- Yvonne Hung
WCOM 645
ESL:Fundls of Academic Writing
1 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Written and Oral Communication: Key strategies for academic writing across disciplines: reading scholarly texts for structure; applying these structures in writing assignments; developing vocabulary building strategies; identifying and practicing nuances of scholarly English syntax. Self-editing techniques to avoid common English-as-Second-Language (ESL) errors; review of English grammar and mechanics.
Offered by: 9I制作厂免费 Writing Centre
- Restriction: Not open to students who have taken CESL 641.
- Intended for graduate students whose first language is not English.
- Grading in course is pass/fail.
- Due to the condensed nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply.
- Terms
- Instructors
- Kym D Taylor, Mehdi Babaei
- Sarah A Wolfson, Mehdi Babaei
- Mehdi Babaei, Yvonne Hung
WCOM 661
Lit Rev 1: Summary & Critique
1 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Written and Oral Communication: Responsible and effective engagement with other scholars鈥 work in order to summarize and critique research literature. Focus on economic use of language and techniques for mobilizing existing scholarship in service of an original research project.
Offered by: 9I制作厂免费 Writing Centre
- Restriction: Not open to students who have taken CEAP 661.
- Grading in this course is pass/fail.
- Due to the condensed nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply.
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Winter 2025
- Summer 2025
- Instructors
- Kym D Taylor, Yvonne Hung
- Kym D Taylor, Mari猫ve Isabel, Yvonne Hung, Mary Towers
- Yvonne Hung
WCOM 662
Lit Rev 2: Estab Schol Niches
1 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Written and Oral Communication: Situating original student research in existing scholarship through analysis of literature in a discipline; application of techniques for framing contributions.
Offered by: 9I制作厂免费 Writing Centre
- Restriction: Not open to students who have taken CEAP 665.
- Grading in this course is pass/fail.
- Due to the condensed nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply.
- Terms
- Instructors
- Kym D Taylor, Yvonne Hung
- Kym D Taylor, Mari猫ve Isabel, Yvonne Hung, Mary Towers
Exceptionally, one 3-credit undergraduate language course, at any level, in a language not formally studied previously may be taken as an elective.