

Stewart Biology: Next Steps and Possible Re-opening

Last Thursday, we noted that some areas of the Stewart Biology Building would be re-cleaned, and that a fresh round of air tests would determine whether the building could re-open sometime this week. The re-cleaning was completed over the weekend, and new air samples will soon be taken from the North and South Blocks for testing.

Published: 20 Feb 2023

Update on Stewart Biology Building

Since our previous update, extensive testing has taken place in the North Block of the building, and the affected areas have undergone comprehensive cleaning under asbestos safety protocols. Results so far are encouraging.

Published: 16 Feb 2023

Update on opening timelines for Stewart Biology Building

We are writing to provide users of the Stewart Biology Building with an update as to timelines for a safe re-opening. While damage occurred in both the North and South blocks, the North will be able to open sooner than the South.

Published: 13 Feb 2023

Stewart Biology closure extended

As mentioned in the message sent to the Stewart Biology listservs and posted on the web this morning, tests revealed the presence of asbestos in some building materials damaged by flooding. To be cautious, testing has been extended to other areas of the building not covered in the initial round of tests.

Published: 8 Feb 2023

Assessment, testing and clean-up ongoing in Stewart Biology Building

Assessment, testing, and clean-up are well underway in the Stewart Biology Building, following the flooding on Sunday caused by burst pipes. As many of you are aware, the building contains asbestos, as do many buildings of its era. Out of an abundance of caution, testing protocols and follow-up cleaning procedures (where indicated by test results) have therefore been undertaken in the affected areas.

Published: 8 Feb 2023

Burst pipe in Stewart Biology Building

Extreme temperatures over the weekend have caused pipes to burst in the Stewart Biology Building.

It will take at least two more days to complete the clean-up and thoroughly assess the extent of the damage. Therefore, the building (North and South blocks) will remain closed until at least Thursday morning.

Published: 7 Feb 2023


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