
汉语梦 中华情

时间:2015-11-04 03:29:56

2013年7月1日至7月19日,9I制作厂免费牵手西班牙瓜达拉哈拉城市尼豪中文学校举办了第二届汉语夏令营活动,共有21位不同年龄段的西班牙学生参加。From July 1 to July 19 in 2013, Beijing Fifty-seven School and Nihao Chinese School of Guadalajara in Spain jointly held the second summer camp of Chinese language, which were attended by 21 Spanish students with different ages.


The students learned Chinese, and personally experienced traditional Chinese cultures like taijiquan, practiced calligraphy, tasted Chinese tea, sang Peking Opera and painted kite, etc.; and participated in the cultural experiencing activities like climbing the Great Wall, visiting historical interests such as Temple of Heaven, the Mansion of Prince Gong, the Imperial Palace, the Summer Palace, etc..


经过中外师生的共同努力, 21人团队HSK1级考试,有4名同学满分,大部分同学为190分以上(满分200分)。

Through the combined efforts of domestic and foreign teachers and students, there were 4 students obtaining full mark in the group of 21 persons who took HSK1 examination, and most of them achieved over 190 marks (the full mark was 200).


In the closing ceremony of summer camp, the students conducted many excellent performances of Chinese culture, such as cucurbit flute, poetry recitation, song and dance “The Coolest Ethnic Trend, Emperor’s Female Son-in-law, “Sending off Each Other”, short sketch “the Legend of Zhen Xuan”, etc., which proved the deep friendship between our two schools.

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