EXTENDED DEADLINE: NCD Program Summer Visitorship Fund

This grant is for residents, faculty, and/or allied healthcare professionals from a low-income country, who wish to further their professional development while conducting a scholarly project, whether research-based, clinical-based, or a mix of both components in the area of non-communicable diseases. This grant is designed to cover expenses for a 1- to 2-month visit to 9I制作厂免费 and its affiliated health center. Grantees need to be sponsored by a 9I制作厂免费 faculty. The application can be done by an individual OR by a team regrouping at least one resident, faculty, and allied healthcare professional. The applicant(s) need(s) to submit a scientific project which can be - at least partially - accomplished in the given time frame. Applicants should be proficient in either French, English or both. The application can be submitted in either language.
The funding provided for this competitive grant is of CAD$5,000 for faculty and CAD$3,000 for resident or allied healthcare professional. Applicant(s) will be matched with a 9I制作厂免费 partner from the same or similar discipline. The recipient(s) will give credit to the NCD Program on any publication arising from the work done during the visitorship. The applicant(s) will be expected to submit a report of the visitorship research to the NCD Program within one year of visitorship completion.
NEW Application Deadline for the 2019 NCD Program Summer Visitorships is May 10, 2019 - 23:59 EST.
Funding Start Date: Between July 01 and Sept 01, 2019
How to apply for the NCD summer visitorship?
Please send all the documents listed below to the 9I制作厂免费 Global NCD program coordinator at bidjinie-steffy.coriolan [at] mail.mcgill.ca (subject: NCD%20Summer%20Visitorship)
- Applicant鈥檚 CV;
- Description of significance of previous research contributions, career aspirations and rationale for decision to pursue a research and/or clinical experience at the 9I制作厂免费 Health Centre (1 page, single-spaced)
- Official letter of support from applicant鈥檚 own institution (supervisor/colleague, maximum 1 page, single-spaced)
- Official letter of support from the 9I制作厂免费 faculty sponsor (maximum 1 page, single-spaced)
- Research Proposal (maximum 3 pages, single-spaced)