

Covid-19 Support

At the IHDW, we are doing everything we can to support students, faculty and the community at large during these strange times. Below are a list of resources and activites that are shared by our community members and that we are organizing ourselves to continue establishing the Well-being of all, especially in this most inopportune time. For further information on any of the programs below, or to share news with us please be sure to contact us at ihdw.education [at] mcgill.ca


The Educational Impact of COVID-19: from messages to action

A dialogue led by IHDW Visiting Professor Dr.ÌýPrachi Srivastava on educational planning and policy actions.

Student Mental Health: Voices on Campus

Dr.Nancy Heath , Co-Director of the IHDW is featured in this resource for Improving Student Mental Health During the COVID-19 Crisis


Mental Health and Well-being

Community Discussion on Educational Improvement

Speculative Design and Education In (and Beyond) Troubled Times

Creativity and Community

Initiatives for young women and girls in Africa

by Girl Up initiative in Uganda

Innovative Women

Writing and Publishing

Submission to Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal

on the theme of

Girls’ and Young Women’s Lives in the Time of Covid-19

due by 30 May 2020

see submission details here

Creativity and Community

Summer Internship Program

Learn about new programs developing with our interns, and prepare to apply for next year's program.

See the Details of our Summer Internship Program here


Student Support

2020 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ Spring International Cellphilm Festival

for our 2020 Cellphilm festival before June 1, 2020, or watch the festival online on June 12, 2020

Prizes will be awarded to the best films in the following categories:

1st prize: $750 2nd prize: $500 3rd Prize: $250
Peoples choice: $250 Children’s category: $250

Prizes are provided by CODE, a proud partner of 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ and the Institute for Human Development and Well-Being:


Creativity and Community



Finally some good news

As a continuation of the spirit of the Symposium Well-being: The Future of Education, The Future of Humanity, organized at Trafalgar School for Girls, Principal Kathy Nikidis continues the discussion beyond our future physical space, into our future psyche, about how we share an obligation to seek collective, societal, well-being, above and beyond the individual.



Hope News



Toolkits for Arists and Educators

Creative Toolkits for Artists and Educators


coming soon


Community Support

Série des webinaires

Lancement - Série de 3 webinaires - COVID-19: Bien-être des intervenant.e.s et accompagnement des personnes réfugiées

(Webinars on the Well-Being of Aid Personnel and Support for Refugees)

Offered in French ( Offert en Francais par le Centre d’expertise sur le bien-être et l’état de santé physique des réfugiés et des demandeurs d’asile)

Pour participer à la présentation, merci de vous inscrire via ce lien:

Consultez le site-web pour des informations utiles concernant le Covid-19, Information and toolkits on Covid-19 support can be found at :

Refugee Support

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