Related topics:ÌýCaregiving,ÌýDeep Brain Stimulation,Ìý¶Ù²â²õ±è³ó²¹Â²µ¾±²¹,ÌýMoveÂment Disorders,ÌýSpeech Language Therapy, Focused Ultrasound Therapy
- General information
- Treatment
- Living with Parkinson’s disease
- Caregivers & Families
- Support resources
- Research & Clinical Trials
- Videos & Audio Recordings
General information
9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ Health CentreÌý
- The Neuro's MoveÂment DisÂorÂders Clinic
- MoveÂment DisÂorÂder Clinic HandÂbookÌý(2007)
- Ìý(2018)Ìý[online booklet in collaboration with Parkinson Canada]
- Reading list on Movement Disorders (Neuro-Patient Resource Centre, 2025)
Parkinson QuébecÌý[website in French only]
- Ìý(2016)
Parkinson CanadaÌý
The CanaÂdian MoveÂment DisÂorÂder GroupÌý
PubÂlic Health Agency of CanadaÌý
- Ìý(2019)
- +
Parkinson's Foundation (USA)
AmerÂiÂcan ParkinÂson DisÂease AssoÂciÂaÂtion (USA)
- Ìý(2019)Ìý[online book]
MayÂfield Clinic (USA)
National Human Genome Research InstiÂtute (USA)
Merck Manual - consumer version (USA)
Mayo Clinic (USA)
National InstiÂtute of NeuÂroÂlogÂiÂcal DisÂorÂders and Stroke (USA)
MedÂline Plus (USA)
- Ìý(short video)
AmerÂiÂcan AcadÂemy of NeuÂrolÂogy (USA)
- Ìý(video)
9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ Health CentreÌý
- Ìý(2020)
Parkinson QuébecÌý[website in French only]
Parkinson CanadaÌý
CleveÂland Clinic (USA)
- Ìý[online book]
Parkinson's Foundation (USA)
- Ìý(2022)Ìý[online book]
- Ìý[audiobook]
Michael S. Okun MD and Pamela R. ZeilÂman MSN (USA)
AmerÂiÂcan AssoÂciÂaÂtion of NeuÂroÂlogÂiÂcal SurÂgeons (USA)
The Michael J. Fox FounÂdaÂtion for Parkinson’s Research (USA)
UpToDate (USA)
International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (MDS) (USA)
Living with Parkinson’s disease
ParkinÂson QuébecÌý
Parkinson CanadaÌý
Rachel DolÂhun MD & The Michael J. Fox Foundation (USA)
ParkinÂson FounÂdaÂtion (USA)
- [audiobook]
- [audiobook]
AmerÂiÂcan Parkinson’s DisÂease AssoÂciÂaÂtion (USA)
- Ìý(2017)
MayÂfield Clinic (USA)
International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (MDS) (USA)
Caregivers & Families
Parkinson QuébecÌý
Parkinson CanadaÌý
- Ìý(2019)Ìý[online book]
ParkinÂson FounÂdaÂtion (USA)
- Ìý(2018)Ìý[audiobook]
AmerÂiÂcan Parkinson’s DisÂease AssoÂciÂaÂtion (USA)
- Ìý(2009)
Support resources
Research & Clinical Trials
The Neuro's Clinical Research Unit (CRU)Ìý
Parkinson QuébecÌý
Parkinson CanadaÌý
Canadian Open Parkinson NetworkÌý
The Michael J. Fox FounÂdaÂtion for Parkinson’s Research (USA)
Parkinson Foundation (USA)
Videos & Audio Recordings
Parkinson QuébecÌý
- : Get information directly from Quebec specialists and researchers to better live with the disease and foster your hope for a future without Parkinson’s disease. By attending these conferences on Parkinson’s disease, you will have greater control over the decisions and actions that affect your health.
Parkinson CanadaÌý
- : Educational webinars, video and audio resources that will enhance your understanding of Parkinson’s disease.