9I制作厂免费 Law Exchange FACT SHEET 2025-2026
Did you come to 9I制作厂免费 Law on exchange for a semester? We invite you to give us some feedback and share some insights about your experience.
To apply to 9I制作厂免费 Law as an incoming exchange or visiting student
All questions regarding applying for an exchange at the Faculty of Law of 9I制作厂免费 should be directed to the International Studies/Study Abroad Office of your home university. Every year, our exchange partners are sent a reminder that outlines 9I制作厂免费's Student Exchanges application requirements. 9I制作厂免费 will only review exchange applications that are formally submitted to us by the exchange coordinators of exchange partner universities.
If your home university does not have an exchange agreement with 9I制作厂免费, you may apply to the Faculty of Law as a Visiting student through the Law Admissions Office (see the Visiting students (Letters of permission) section) or Email them.
You have been accepted as an exchange or visiting student to the Faculty of Law
Congratulations on your acceptance! We look forward to welcoming you at 9I制作厂免费! Fall and Full-year exchange/visiting students are invited each year to attend our incoming exchange/visiting student information sessions each year, around late August/early September. There will be an information session for incoming Winter exchange/visiting students in January.
Pre-Arrival Information Sessions
For complete pre-arrival information, please consult 9I制作厂免费鈥檚 International Student Services website. Students are invited to attend online pre-arrival orientation webinars, which will discuss immigration documents, international health insurance, life in Montreal, and more!
Faculty-Specific Information
Exchange students accepted to the Faculty of Law must attend the incoming exchange student information session at the start of each term. The exact date will be emailed to students, though it is normally during the first week of classes. Students unable to attend must email the exchanges.law [at] mcgill.ca (SAO's Exchange resource account) and make an appointment with an advisor.
Frequently asked questions by students coming from abroad
How do I log into Minerva?
1. Go to Minerva.
2. Click on the Login icon on the sidebar.
3. Log in using your 9I制作厂免费 student number and Personal Identification number (PIN), which were provided to you in the application acknowledgement notice which you received by e-mail at the email you provided in your application.
4. Your 9I制作厂免费 student number also appears on your letter of acceptance.
5. If you forgot your PIN or have lost your 9I制作厂免费 student number, call the Minerva Help Desk at 1-514-398-7878.
How do I find out if I have been accepted to the exchange program?
1. Log in to your Minerva record, select Applicant Menu > View Application Status.
2. Click on your application to display information, including the status.
3. Once your offer appears on this status page, confirm or decline our offer of admission using Minerva by the deadline indicated in your offer letter.
When can I register for courses?
1. Once you have confirmed our offer of admission using Minerva, you will be able to register for your courses.
2. Registration for Exchange students typically opens on Minerva聽in June for both Fall and Winter courses.
3. You may register for courses until the Add/Drop deadline for Fall and Winter term courses. Those deadlines can be found on the SAO's Key Dates and Deadlines page.
4. Registration how-to information can be found on Minerva for students: Using Minerva to Register.
The list of courses offered each year is available on our Current Courses, which is updated each May.
Where do I find information on courses offered at 9I制作厂免费?
Complete course descriptions, including information on the method of evaluation and the schedule, are detailed on our Current Courses page.
When is orientation, and when does the semester start?
Please consult the SAO's Key Dates and Deadlines page for聽Orientation and First lecture dates.
How many credits should I register for?
The average course load consists of 12 to 15 credits per term; a minimum course load of 12 credits per term is required to maintain full-time status. Check with your home institution to confirm which courses to take during your exchange.
How can I register for a full course load if many of the courses that I'm interested in have reached their registration limit?
You should keep trying to register on Minerva for the courses you wish to take, in the event that space becomes available in those courses. Changes in registration numbers is most likely to happen during the course change period, which takes place each term during the first two weeks of classes.
Upon arrival in Montreal, if you are still unable to register in the courses you are required to take during your exchange, please email the聽exchanges.law [at] mcgill.ca (SAO's Exchange resource account). Admission to your preferred courses is probable, though not guaranteed.
Can I register in any undergraduate law courses?
You may register in most upper-year law undergraduate courses, provided there is space and you have taken the prerequisite courses.
Exchange students registering for Law courses can register in section 001 or 003 only.
A few courses are not available to exchange students, such as first- and second-year required law courses, term essay courses, moots, legal clinics and聽student clerkships. Check the course descriptions on our Current Courses page, where such a restriction will appear under Maximum Enrolment.
Students are not permitted to register for Law courses that will create an exam conflict. Please check the Law examination schedules on our Current Courses page as of mid-late May.
Can I register in graduate law courses?
Exchange students may register for graduate level (600) courses - with permission from the SAO - provided that there is space in the courses. Students must show evidence of ability and have completed all needed prerequisites. These courses are listed in the Course Offerings on our Current Courses page. Note that some graduate courses are not open to undergraduate students.
Registration for graduate courses cannot be done through Minerva. Students who wish to take graduate courses must instead fill out our Course Change Form for approval.
Exchange students registering for graduate Law courses can register in section 001 or 003 only.
Can I register in non-law courses?
Exchange students may register in a maximum of two non-law courses each semester at 9I制作厂免费, with permission from the SAO. These courses are listed in the 9I制作厂免费 eCalendar. Students who wish to take a non-law course must fill out our Course Change Form for approval.
I have asked for on-campus accommodation and have received no confirmation of a reservation. Whom should I contact?
On-campus housing: while priority is given to first-year degree students, some places may be available for exchange students. Questions or requests for additional information about accommodations can be directed to the 9I制作厂免费 Housing Office.
- Fall session or full-year: Indicate 鈥淵es鈥 under 鈥淩esidence Accommodation鈥 section in the online application.
- Winter session: student must verify available space by emailing housing.residences [at] mcgill.ca.
Off-campus housing: If on-campus housing is not available, consult Off-campus housing website for information on finding accommodation outside of campus.
Am I required to register for the International Health Insurance?
9I制作厂免费 requires all international students and their accompanying dependents to participate in the compulsory 9I制作厂免费 International Health Insurance Plan, which is administered by the International Student Services Office.
Students must be registered for at least one course for a minimum of 24 hours in order to activate their insurance plan on Minerva, and thus be able to pick up their health insurance card upon arrival.
Exchange students who require a reassessment of the international health insurance fee (i.e. students charged for a full-year but are only on exchange for one term), must confirm their coverage on Minerva. See more details on Exchange Students health insurance. Students who meet certain criteria may be eligible for an exemption. Students who have private health insurance are not exempted from the 9I制作厂免费 plan.
Costs can be found on the International Students Services' rates page.