
Exam Regulations

Examination Policy

The policies and procedures found in this section may apply to both undergraduate and graduate students.

  1. Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures 摆.辫诲蹿闭听
  2. Policies on Student Rights and Responsibilities [web]
  3. 9I制作厂免费 Exam Regulations [web]
  4. 9I制作厂免费 Student Assessment Policy [.pdf]
  5. Faculty of Law Information & Regulations for Examinations [.pdf]
  6. Students' Academic Integrity Policy [web]

If found in violation of examination regulations and policies (including those pertaining to laptop examinations), students may be subject to disciplinary actions.

Language of examination

Students can choose to write their examinations in French or in English. Students are reminded of the following Faculty policy: "Examinations are set in the language in which a course is given, but may contain materials in either French ot English." (Reg. 20)

Sauvegardez r茅guli猫rement vos travaux!

Il est essentiel de bien sauvegarder ses travaux. L鈥檃utorisation de diff茅rer un examen ou de prolonger la date de remise d鈥檜n travail ne vous sera pas n茅cessairement accord茅e si vous ne r茅ussissez pas 脿 r茅cup茅rer des fichiers perdus.

Nous vous sugg茅rons d'employer plusieurs types de sauvegarde de donn茅es 脿 la fois, tel que l'emploi d'une cl茅 USB, faire suivre des fichiers par votre adresse courriel 9I制作厂免费, et le stockage externe (ex. OneDrive, etc.).

N'oubliez pas que les membres du corps 茅tudiant 脿 9I制作厂免费 ont acc猫s 脿 un espace de 1 To sur OneDrive, pour leur usage personnel. Consultez 9I制作厂免费 IT Knowledge Base: .

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