- Search documents by CELEX documents: CELEX is the documentation system for EU documents produced by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (EUR-OP). Also available through , , or No longer updated, see the new site. Similar to but more complete and with more advanced search facilities than EUR-Lex. Login name: enlu0000 Password: europe.
- Legislation - Each legislative file has a bibliographic record attached, including information on the Treaty legal base, the proposal, legislation amended or repealed, date of entry into force and end date, cross-links to cited or related legislation, legislation implemented at the national level and links to other pertinent documents.
- Treaties (founding and accession treaties).
- Secondary legislation (passed and not yet in force, binding and non-binding: decisions, directives, regulations, etc).
- International agreements (with non-member states or international organizations, also includes treaty instruments).
- Preparatory acts. Since 1995. Includes documents published before legislation is passed: proposals, opinions, common positions, etc.
- Parliamentary questions
- Written and Oral
- Questions at question time
- European Court Reports
- Court of Justice and Court of First Instance (since 1990)
- Staff cases (since 1995)
- Legislation - Each legislative file has a bibliographic record attached, including information on the Treaty legal base, the proposal, legislation amended or repealed, date of entry into force and end date, cross-links to cited or related legislation, legislation implemented at the national level and links to other pertinent documents.
- Community Legal Acts - European Union 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ. Definitions and comparisons between the acts created by different treaties.
- Recommended. Portal to EU law.
- Full text to L & C series since 1998.
- 1952-1972: GovInfo ZZ EM O30 (print)
- 1973-1976:
- series C: GovInfo ZZ EM O23 (print)
- series L: GovInfo ZZ EM O24 (print)
- 1977-1999:
- series C: GovInfo ZZ EM O23 (microfiche)
- series L: GovInfo ZZ EM O24 (microfiche)
- . Founding and accession treaties.
- Includes COM documents
- Full text to L & C series since 1998.
- .
- Green and white papers, communications, reports, COM and SEC documents, Commission working documents, search by chronological or numerical order.
- Guide for doing research on the EU (PDF) , find:
- Case law
- Judgements
- Legislation, current (consolidated)
- Legislation, unpassed or not yet in force
- Legislation, past or present, without a reference to the OJ
- Legislation, implemented at the national level
- Policies, current only
- Policies, past or present
- Treaties
- (PDF) European Parliament (1984-1999).
- Legislative Interinstitutional procedures and associated publications - Detailed chart of each steps and associated publications for EU legislative procedures
- Agreement (ACC) - Graphic representation 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ
- Assent (AVC) - Graphic representation 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ
- Co-decision (COD) - 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ. Explained in the Consolidated version of the Treaty establishing the European Community, article 251
- Co-decision - Commision, comprehensive site on the co-decision procedure
- - Council, detailed explanation of each steps of the co-decision procedure
- - Council
- Graphic representation:
- Graphic representation - After the Amsterdam Treaty - 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ
- Before the Amsterdam Treaty - Graphic representation - 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ
- Consultation (CNS) - Explained in the Consolidated version of the Treaty establishing the European Community, article 252
- Consultation - Graphic representation 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ
- Cooperation (SYN)
- Graphic representation (PDF) 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ
- (OEIL). Progress of proposed legislation either unpassed or concluded since July 1994. Summary with links to relevant documents. Similar to PreLex, but from the Parliament's point of view and with a summary of most documents. Provides info on all inter-institutional legislative, budgetary, assent and non-legislative consultation procedures. Expands on PreLex by including procedures relating to the Rules of Procedures, appointments, own-initiative reports of Parliament and resolutions on topical and urgent subjects.
- Portal to national legislation of the Member States of the European Union.
- Progress of proposed legislation. Timeline with links to relevant documents. Traces the path of all Commission proposals (legislative and budgetary dossiers, conclusions of international agreements, since 1975, full text since 1999) and communications from their transmission to the Council or the European Parliament right through to their adoption, rejection or withdrawal.
- Objective summary of the Court of Justice decisions.
- Fact sheets summarizing EU legislation on specific topics.
- (PDF). Introduction to the EU legal order for non-lawyers.
- Treaties and Treaty reforms of the EU 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ. Overview of founding and accession treaties, dates and outcome.
- Complete and explanatory texts.