Mathematics-related programs
Students planning to major in a mathematics-related program should take MATH 139 or MATH 140, MATH 141 and MATH 133 if they do not have equivalents for them. Stronger students who are hoping to graduate with in an Honours Mathematics program should consider taking MATH 150 and MATH 151 in place of MATH 140 and MATH 141.
Science Placement Exams
For students wishing to take a placement exam to exempt them from either MATH 122, MATH 123, MATH 133, MATH 140 and/or MATH 141 please visit the Science Placement Exam website.
Click on the links to expand.
Freshman Calculus Courses -- first semester:听Calculus 1
All of these courses require that you to have taken a "functions course" previously.Calculus for Management 1听(MATH 122)
MATH 122
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci): Review of functions, exponents and radicals,exponential and logarithm. Examples of functions in business applications. Limits, continuity and derivatives. Differentiation of elementary functions. Antiderivatives. The definite integral. Techniques of Integration. Applications of differentiation and integration.Trigonometric functions are not discussed in this course.
Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics
- Offered by the Faculty of Science. Students intending to pursue the major program or the minor programs offered by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics in the Desautels Faculty of Management should take MATH 140 [or MATH 139] and MATH 141 instead.
- 3 hours lecture, 1 hour tutorial
- Prerequisite: A course in functions.
- Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 139 or MATH 140 or MATH 150 or CEGEP objective 00UN. MATH 139, MATH 140, MATH 141, MATH 150 , and MATH 151 are not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 122, except by special permission of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Open to Desautels Faculty of Management students only.
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Instructors
- Brahim Abdenbi
Calculus听(MATH 139)
MATH 139
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci): Review of trigonometry and other Precalculus topics. Limits, continuity, derivative. Differentiation of elementary functions. Antidifferentiation. Applications.
Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics
- Fall
- 4 hours lecture, 1 hour tutorial
- Prerequisite: a course in functions
- Restriction: 1) Not open to students who have taken CEGEP objective 00UN or equivalent.2) Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 140 or MATH 150. 3) Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 122, except by permission of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
- Students continue in MATH 141
- Each Tutorial section is enrolment limited
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Instructors
- Hovsep Mazakian, Sidney Trudeau
Calculus 1听(MATH 140)
MATH 140
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci): Review of functions and graphs. Limits, continuity, derivative. Differentiation of elementary functions. Antidifferentiation. Applications.
Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics
- 3 hours lecture, 1 hour tutorial
- Prerequisite: High School Calculus
- Restriction(s): 1) Not open to students who have taken MATH139 or MATH 150 or CEGEP objective 00UN or equivalent. 2) Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 122, except by permission of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
- Each Tutorial section is enrolment limited
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Winter 2025
- Summer 2025
- Instructors
- Sidney Trudeau, Marcin Sabok, Artem Kalmykov
- Peiyuan Huang, Sidney Trudeau
Calculus A听(MATH 150)
MATH 150
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci): Functions, limits and continuity, differentiation, L'Hospital's rule, applications, Taylor polynomials, parametric curves, functions of several variables.
Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics
- Fall
- 3 hours lecture, 2 hours tutorial
- Students with no prior exposure to vector geometry are advised to take MATH 133 concurrently. Intended for students with high school calculus who have not received six advanced placement credits
- Restriction(s): 1) Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 139 or MATH 140 or CEGEP objective 00UN or equivalent. 2) Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 122,except by permission of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
- MATH 150 and MATH 151 cover the material of MATH 139, MATH 140, MATH 141, MATH 222
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Instructors
- Djivede A Kelome
Please note that听Mathematics for Management 1听(MATH 130) and听Mathematics for Management 2听(MATH 131) previously available to Faculty of Management students have now been retired.
Freshman Calculus Courses -- second semester: Calculus 2
Calculus 2 (MATH 141)
MATH 141
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci): The definite integral. Techniques of integration. Applications. Introduction to sequences and series.
Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics
- Prerequisites: MATH 139 or MATH 140 or MATH 150.
- Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken CEGEP objective 00UP or equivalent.
- Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 122,except by permission of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
- Each Tutorial section is enrolment limited
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Winter 2025
- Summer 2025
- Instructors
- Andrei Zlotchevski, Sidney Trudeau, Hazem A Hassan
- Sidney Trudeau, Bartosz Syroka, Antoine Poulin
- Linan Chen
Calculus B听(MATH 151)
MATH 151
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci): Integration, methods and applications, infinite sequences and series, power series, arc length and curvature, multiple integration.
Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics
- Winter
- 3 hours lecture; 2 hours tutorial
- Each Tutorial section is enrolment limited
- Prerequisite: MATH 150
- Restriction(s): 1) Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 141 or CEGEP objective 00UP or equivalent. 2) Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 122, except by permission of the Department of Mathematic sand Statistics.
- Terms
- Winter 2025
- Instructors
- Charles Roth
Freshman Linear Algebra Courses:
Vectors, Matrices and Geometry听(MATH 133)
MATH 133
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci): Systems of linear equations, matrices, inverses, determinants; geometric vectors in three dimensions, dot product, cross product, lines and planes; introduction to vector spaces, linear dependence and independence, bases. Linear transformations. Eigenvalues and diagonalization.
Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics
- 3 hours lecture, 1 hour tutorial
- Prerequisite: a course in functions
- Restriction(s): 1) Not open to students who have taken CEGEP objective 00UQ or equivalent. 2) Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 123, except by permission of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Winter 2025
- Summer 2025
- Instructors
- Jeremy Macdonald, Antoine Giard, Miguel Ayala, Romain Branchereau
- Th茅o Pinet
Enriched Linear Algebra and Geometry听(MATH 134)
Please note that Foundation Year advising is done at the Faculty level: please see the SOUSA website