Steps to completing an application for the FMHS
NSERC requires students and supervisors to use their online system to submit Form 202 (parts 1 and 2) along with the student's transcript.
Please note that the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences does not have viewing access to forms/transcripts submitted via NSERC's online system. A copy of these 3 components must therefore be submitted separately to 9I制作厂免费 for review. The Faculty also requires 3 additional components as part of their review: a personal statement from the student + Checklist + submission of an online application form.
Once the student has obtained a copy of their official transcript and has chosen a supervisor, here are the steps to follow:
- Student must complete Form 202 - part 1 using NSERC's online system (see info below)
- Supervisor must complete Form 202 - part 2 using NSERC's online system (see info below)
- Supervisor must verify + submit for NSERC to receive Form 202 - parts 1 and 2 along with the transcript
- Student must prepare a personal statement for 9I制作厂免费 using this form:听
- Student must prepare one of the checklists,听NSERC USRA Checklist听辞谤听SSHRC & CIHR Checklist听filling out 1.Applicant & 2. Supervisor.
- Student must complete and submit the 9I制作厂免费 Online Application Form (login required for 9I制作厂免费 students; non-9I制作厂免费 students must request a copy of the form by email at [at] mcgill.ca听)
- Student must prepare a clear, single PDF copy of the application file required by 9I制作厂免费 (in this order: Form 202 - parts 1 and 2, personal statement, transcript, checklist)
- Student must name their 9I制作厂免费 application file as LastName_FirstName_NSERC 2025听and send it to [at] with the subject heading NSERC USRA Application
For more information, consult the website for the听.
It is important that students obtain all of their required university transcripts as soon as possible in order to complete Part 1 of NSERC's online application process:
- An up-to-date official transcript from the home university is required (showing Fall 2024听grades + listing of Winter 2025听courses)
- For 9I制作厂免费 students, an official eTranscipt will be accepted
- If current Winter 2025听courses are not normally listed on the university's transcript, an official attestation from the registrar's office must be included with the application
- In the case where courses were taken at another university, an official or unofficial copy of grades/credits for the term away will be accepted
- One copy of each transcript marking legend must be included (for 9I制作厂免费's eTranscript, the transcript key will appear embedded in the official PDF received)
- If 2 different transcripts are to be included, the student must scan/combine both to provide a single and clear PDF copy (including only 1 copy of each marking legend)
- If using a paper copy of a protected official transcript to create a PDF file, it is normal for the word 'COPY' to appear on the scan
NSERC's online system
- Students and supervisors are required to use NSERC's online system in order to make an electronic submission of Form 202 - parts I and 2 + a single PDF file of the student's official transcript
- Before creating an application using NSERC's online system, students and proposed supervisors should review the application instructions on
- Students and proposed supervisors will need to access (first-time users must register beforehand)
- A reference number will be generated when the student completes Part 1 of the application; the proposed supervisor will need this number in order to complete Part 2 of the application
- For questions about NSERC's online system, please refer to NSERC's
- For online assistance, you may contact NSERC's Online Services Helpdesk at webapp [at]; be sure to include your e-mail address and telephone number in your message
NSERC Form 202 - part 1
- Degree = Bachelor's + Name of discipline = Science or Engineering
- Students must indicate their home university email address at the bottom of the form
- Once Form 202 - part 1 is completed, a reference number will be generated; this number must be shared with the supervisor in order to complete part 2
NSERC Form 202 - part 2, subject code and research proposal
- It is important for students and supervisors to ensure that their proposed project falls within NSERC's research mandate; please see link to for examples
- Due to possible restrictions imposed by COVID-19 (e.g. on-site work, lab capacity), remote work with planned frequent supervision will be permitted; students and supervisors can therefore plan for a remote research project or one that involves partial on-site work along with partial remote work; either plan will be considered acceptable in showing that a full project can be completed this summer
- Project title should be as concise as possible in order to fit within the character limit set for this field
- Proposed start date is either May 2 or May 9
- A 4 digit research subject code corresponding to the proposed project must be indicated/selected from the list on ; the code will assist in identifying eligible candidates for the Canadian Forest Sector Workforce Diversity undergraduate supplement
- It is important for students to have a clear and significant role in the proposed project
- In the discussion for expected quality of training and mentorship to be received, primary supervision should be given by the supervisor rather than a post doc/senior lab member
- When part 2 is finalized (and no more editing is needed), select 'Verify' to ensure that all the required information has been entered
- Once verification is done, the status of the application will be changed to 'Completed'; you should not make any changes to this form once it is completed
- After pressing 'Verify', the final step will be to select the 'Submit to LO' button; at this point NSERC will receive a copy of Form 202 (parts 1 and 2) along with student's official transcript
Application Form