
Faculty Publications in 2019

Ariya, P.A.

  • Mainak Ganguly, Yuang Yu, Bryan Lee, and Parisa A. ariya*, Natural Kaolin: Sustainable technology for instantaneous and energy neutral recycling of anthropogenic mercury emissions鈥, ChemSusChem, 12, 1-9, 2019 ()
  • Goshdastidar, J. and Parisa A. Ariya*, The existence of airborne mercury nanoparticles, Nature Publishing - Scientific Reports, 9:10733, 2019
  • Mainak Ganguly and Parisa A. Ariya*, "Ice nucleation of model nano and micro plastic: A novel synthetic protocol and the influence of particle capping at diverse atmospheric environments, Journal of ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 3, 9, 1729-1739, 2019
  • R. Mortazavii, Atti, P. A. Ariya*, Diversity of metals and metal-interactive bacterial populations in different types of Arctic snow and frost flowers: Implications on snow freeze-melt processes in a changing climate, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 690, Pages 277-289, 2019
  • Rodrigo Rangel-Alvaraz, Chelsea Willis, Vince St-Louis, J. L Kirk, Marc Amyot, Parisa A. Ariya, Athabasca Oil Sands Region Snow Contains Efficient Micron and Nano-sized Ice Nucleating Particles, Environmental Pollution, Volume 252, Part A, Pages 289-295, 2019
  • Mainak Ganguly; Parisa A. Ariya, A Novel Removal Technology of Brilliant Green from Water: Influence of Post Oxidation, Environmental Conditions and Capping", ACS Omega, 47, 12107-12120, 2019
  • Mayeesha Rahim, Devendra Pal, and Parisa A. Ariya, Physicochemical Studies of Aerosols at Montreal Trudeau Airport: The Importance of Airborne Nanoparticles Containing Emerging Metal Contaminants, Environmental Pollution, 246, 734-744. 2019
  • lmaternah, M, Isamel, E, Abusalehm A, Altwanahm, A, Ariya, P. A. The Gas-Phase Ozonolysis Reaction Methylbutenol: A Mechanistic Study, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Volume119, Issue 10, 2019
  • F Safiz, R. Raofie, P. A. Ariya, Supercritical fluid extraction followed by supramolecular solvent micro extraction method for determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon", JSSC201900886, 2019 Online version in 2019 鈥 hard copy in 2020
  • Goshdastidar, J. Ramamurthi, M. Morisette, P. A. Ariya*, Development of Methodology to Generate, Measure and Characterize the Chemical Composition of Oxidized Mercury Nanoparticles, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 1-2, Dec 2019 online copy is published - hard copy in 2020 ()

Dufour, C.

  • Sulpis, O., C. O. Dufour, D. S. Trossman, A. J. Fassbender, B. K. Arbic, B. P. Boudreau, J. P. Dunne and A. Mucci (2019): Decreasing bottom-current speeds and seafloor CaCO3 dissolution under a business-as-usual scenario. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 33.
  • Adcroft, A., W. Anderson, C. Blanton, M. Bushuk, C. O. Dufour and Co-authors (2019): The GFDL Global Ocean and Sea Ice Model OM4.0: Model Description and Simulation Features. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11.
  • Chen, H., A. K. Morrison, C. O. Dufour, J. L. Sarmiento (2019): Deciphering patterns and drivers of anthropogenic heat and carbon storage in the Southern Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 46.

Fabry, F.

  • Radhakrishna, B., F. Fabry, and A. Kilambi, 2019. Fuzzy logic algorithms to identify birds, precipitation and ground clutter in S-band radar data using polarimetric and non-polarimetric variables. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 36, 2401 鈥 2414, doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-19-0088.1.
  • Slonosky, V., R. Sieber, G. Burr, L. Podolsky, R. Smith, M. Bartlett, E. Park, J. Cullen, and F. Fabry, 2019. From books to bytes: a new data rescue tool. Geoscience Data Journal, 6, 58鈥73, doi:10.1002/gdj3.62.

Gyakum, J.

  • Barlow, M., W. J. Gutowski Jr., J. R. Gyakum, R. W. Katz, Y.-K. Lim, R. S. Schmacher, M. F. Wehner, L. Agel. M. Bosilovich, A. Collow, A. Gershunov, R. Grotjahn, R. Leung, S. Milrad, S.-K. Min, 2019: North American extreme precipitation events and related large-scale meteorological patterns: a review of statistical methods, dynamics, modeling, and trends. Climate Dynamics, 53, 6835-6875. .
  • Milrad, S. M., E. H. Atallah, J. R. Gyakum, and J. Klepatzki, 2019: The Extreme Precipitation Index (EPI): A coupled dynamic-thermodynamic metric to diagnose mid-latitude floods associated with flow reversal. Wea. Forecasting, 34, 1257-1276.
  • Domingues, R., A. Kuwano-Yoshida, P. Chardon-Maldonado, R. E. Todd, G. Halliwell, H.-S. Kim, I.Lin, K. Sato, T. Narazaki, L. K. Shay, T. Miles, S. Glenn, J. A. Zhang, S. R. Jayne, L. Centurioni, M. Le H茅naff, G. R. Foltz, F. Bringas, M. M. Ali, S. F. DiMarco, S. Hosoda, T. Fukuoka, B. LaCour, A. Mehra, E. R. Sanabia, J. R. Gyakum, J. Dong, J. A. Knaff, and G. Goni, 2019: Ocean observations in support of studies and forecasts of tropical and extratropical cyclones. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6:446, 1-23.
  • Caruzzo, A., and J. R. Gyakum, 2019: Natural hazards and decision science: an interdisciplinary insight for critical infrastructure protection in space weather events. Infrastructure Resilience Risk Reporter, 1(8), 23-35.
  • Low, Y., E. H. Atallah, and J. Gyakum, 2019: Winter mid-tropospheric weather regimes in the eastern North Pacific. 9I制作厂免费 Science Undergraduate Research Journal, 14, 12-16.
  • McCray, C. D., E. H. Atallah, and J. R. Gyakum, 2019: Long-duration freezing rain events over North America: regional climatology and thermodynamic evolution. Wea. Forecasting, 34, 665-681.
  • Bowley, K. A., J. R. Gyakum, and E. H. Atallah, 2019: The role of dynamic tropopause Rossby wave breaking for synoptic-scale buildups in Northern Hemisphere zonal available potential energy. Mon. Wea. Rev., 147, 433-455.
  • Bowley, K. A., J. R. Gyakum, and E. H. Atallah, 2019: A new perspective toward cataloging Northern Hemisphere Rossby wave breaking on the dynamic tropopause. Mon. Wea. Rev., 147, 409-431.

Huang, Y.

  • Liu, F., J. Lu, Y. Huang, L.R. Leung, and B.E. Harrop, (in press), Sensitivity of surface temperature to oceanic forcing via q -Flux Green鈥檚 function experiments. Part III: asymmetric response to warming and cooling, J. Climate.
  • Qu, Z., Y. Huang, P. A. Vaillancourt, J. Cole, J. Milbrandt, M.K. Yau, K. Walker, J. de Grandpr茅, (2019), Simulation of convective moistening of extratropical lower stratosphere using a numerical weather prediction model, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.,
  • Wang, Y. and Y. Huang, (2019), Understanding the atmospheric temperature adjustment to CO2 perturbation at the process level, J. Climate.
  • Xia, Y., Y. Hu, J. Liu, Y. Huang, F. Xie, J. Lin, (2019), Stratospheric ozone-induced cloud radiative effects on Antarctic sea ice, Adv. Atmos. Sci., doi: 10.1007/s00376-019-8251-6
  • Y. Huang and Y. Wang, (2019), How does radiation code accuracy matter? J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., .
  • Y. Huang, G. Chou, Y. Xie, and N. Soulard (2019), Radiative control of the interannual variability of Arctic sea ice. Geophys. Res. Lett.,
  • Feng, J. and Y. Huang, (2019), Diffusivity factor approximation for spectral outgoing longwave radiation. J. Atmos. Sci.
  • Xia, Y., Y. Huang, Y. Hu, and J. Yang, (2019), Impacts of tropical tropopause warming on the stratospheric water vapor, Climate Dynamics,
  • Zhu, T., Y. Huang and H. Wei, (2019), Estimating climate feedbacks using a neural network, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos.

Kirshbaum, D.

  • Kirshbaum, D. J. and D. N. Straub, 2018: . Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 145, 3129--3147. DOI:10.1002/qj.3609.
  • McTaggart-Cowan, R., P. Vaillancourt, A. Zadra, L. Separovic, and D. J. Kirshbaum, 2019: . Mon. Wea. Rev., 147(11): 4127--4149. DOI: 10.1175/MWR-D-19-0164.1.
  • Wang*, C.-C., D. J. Kirshbaum, and D. M. L. Sills, 2019: . Mon. Wea. Rev., 147(11): 3955--3979. DOI: 10.1175/MWR-D-19-0123.1.
  • Drueke*, S., D. J. Kirshbaum, and P. Kollias, 2018: . J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos, 124: 9624--9643, DOI: 10.1029/2019JD030889.

Merlis, T.

  • Merlis, T. M. and I. M. Held, 2019: Aquaplanet simulations of tropical cyclones. Current Climate Change Reports, doi:10.1007/s40641-019-00133-y. Invited review
  • Menzel, M. E. and T. M. Merlis, 2019: Connecting direct effects of CO2 radiative forcing to ocean heat uptake and circulation. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11, 2163-2176, doi:10.1029/2018MS001544.
  • Maher, P., E. P. Gerber, B. Medeiros, T. M. Merlis, S. Sherwood, A. Sheshadri, A. H. Sobel, G. K. Vallis, A. Voigt, and P. Zurita-Gotor, 2019: Model hierarchies for understanding atmospheric circulation. Reviews of Geophysics, 57, 250-280, doi:10.1029/2018RG000607.
  • Yang, J., J. Leconte, E. T. Wolf, T. M. Merlis, D. D. B. Koll, F. Forget, and D. S. Abbot, 2019: Simulations of water vapor and clouds on rapidly rotating and tidally locked planets: A 3D model intercomparison. The Astrophysical Journal, 875, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ab09f1.
  • Li, Y., D. W. J. Thompson, S. Bony, and T. M. Merlis, 2019: Thermodynamic control on the poleward shift of the extratropical jet in climate change simulations: The role of rising high clouds and their radiative effect. Journal of Climate, 32, 917-934, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0417.1.
  • Henry, M. and T. M. Merlis, 2019: The role of the nonlinearity of the Stefan-Boltzmann law on the structure of radiatively forced temperature change. Journal of Climate, 32, 335-348, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0603.1.

Preston, T.

  • Vennes, B. and Preston, T. C.* (2019) Calculating and fitting morphology-dependent resonances of a spherical particle with a concentric spherical shell. Journal of the Optical Society of America A. 36: 2089 鈥 2103.
  • Gorkowski, K.,* Preston, T. C., and Zuend, A. (2019) RH-dependent organic aerosol thermodynamics via an efficient reduced-complexity model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 19: 13383 鈥 13407.
  • Bain, A., Rafferty, A., and Preston, T. C.* (2019) The wavelength-dependent complex refractive index of hygroscopic aerosol particles and other aqueous media: an effective oscillator model. Geophysical Research Letters. 46: 10636 鈥 10645.
  • Rafferty, A., Gorkowski, K., Zuend, A., and Preston, T. C.* (2019) Optical deformation of single aerosol particles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116: 19880 鈥 19886.
  • Wallace, B. and Preston, T. C.* (2019) Water uptake and loss in viscous aerosol particles with concentration- dependent diffusivities. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 123: 3374 鈥 3382.
  • Bain, A. and Preston, T. C.* (2019) Mie scattering from strongly absorbing airborne particles in a photophoretic trap. Journal of Applied Physics. 125: 093101.

Straub, D.

Journal articles:

  • Kirshbaum, D. J. and D. N. Straub, 2019: Linear theory of shallow convection in deep, vertically sheared atmospheres. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., DOI:10./1002/qj./3609.
  • Bembenik, E, D N Straub and T Merlis, 2020 (appeared online Dec 2019), Effects of moisture in a two layer model of the midlatitude jet stream

Book Chapter:

  • Balasubramanya T. Nadiga and David N. Straub (2019), 鈥楳eridional Propagation of Zonal Jets in the Ocean鈥 in Boris Galperin and Peter L. Read (Eds.) Zonal Jets: Propagation, Genesis and Physics, pp. 286-315.

Tremblay, B.

  • Ringeisen, D., M. Losh, M., L.B. Tremblay, and N. Hutter, 2019: Simulating intersection angles between conjugate faults in sea ice with different viscousplastic rheologies, The Cryosphere, 13, 1167-1186, .
  • Brunette, C., L.B. Tremblay, and R. Newton, 2019, Winter Coastal Divergence as a Predictor for the Minimum Sea Ice Extent in the Laptev Sea, Journal of Climate, 32, 4, doi: 10.1175/JCLI- D-18-0169.1.
  • Lenetsky, J., L.B. Tremblay, C. Brunette, 2019, Variability and Predictability of the Bering Strait Ocean Heat Transport and Arctic Ocean Sea Ice Extent, 9I制作厂免费 Science Undergraduate Research Journal (MSURJ), 14, 18-22.
  • Hart, J., L.B. Tremblay, C. Brunette, C. Dufour, R. Newton, 2019, Examining the Transition from a perennial to a seasonal sea ice cover in the Arctic Ocean: A Lagrangian Approach, MSURJ, 14, 28-32.

Yau, P.

  • Davison, B., V. Fortin, A. Pietroniro, M. K. Yau, and R. Leconte, 2019: Parameter-state ensemble data assimilation using Approximate Bayesian Computing for short-term hydrological prediction. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 741-762.
  • Lai, T. K., K. Menelaou, and M. K. Yau, 2019: Inner eyewall dissipation and the barotropic instability across the moat: A numerical study of Hurricane Wilma (2005). J. Atmos. Sci., 76, 989-1013.
  • Perez Hortal, A. A., I. Zawadzki, and M. K. Yau, 2019a: A heuristic approach for precipitation data assimilation. Characterization using OSSEs. Mon. Wea. Rev., 147, 3445鈥3466.

Zuend, A.

  • Gorkowski, K., Preston, T. C., and Zuend, A.: Relative-humidity-dependent organic aerosol thermodynamics via an efficient reduced-complexity model, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 13383鈥13407, 10.5194/acp-19-13383-2019, 2019.
  • Rafferty, A., Gorkowski, K., Zuend, A., and Preston, T. C.: Optical deformation of single aerosol particles, PNAS, 201907687, , 2019.
  • DeRieux, W.-S. W., Lakey, P. S. J., Chu, Y., Chan, C. K. K., Glicker, H., Smith, J. N., Zuend, A., and Shiraiwa, M.: Effects of phase state and phase separation on dimethylamine uptake of ammonium sulfate and ammonium sulfate鈥搒ucrose mixed particles, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, , 2019.
  • Zhou, S., Hwang, B. C. H., Lakey, P. S. J., Zuend, A., Abbatt, J. P. D., and Shiraiwa, M.: Multiphase reactivity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons is driven by phase separation and diffusion limitations, PNAS, 201902517, doi:10.1073/pnas.1902517116, 2019.
  • Lam, H. K., Shum, S. M., Davies, J. F., Song, M., Zuend, A., and Chan, M. N.: Effects of inorganic salts on the heterogeneous OH oxidation of organic compounds: insights from methylglutaric acid鈥揳mmonium sulfate, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 9581鈥9593, , 2019.
  • Davies, J. F., Zuend, A., and Wilson, K. R.: Technical note: The role of evolving surface tension in the formation of cloud droplets, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 2933鈥2946, doi:10.5194/acp-19-2933-2019, 2019.
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