Manon Choini猫re

Manon Choiniere is a professor of anesthesiology at the University of Montreal and a Senior Clinician-Scientist Scholar of the Fonds de la recherche en sante du Quebec. She is regarded by the pain research community as the world's expert in the field of burn pain, as a result of which she was invited to write the chapter on burn pain in the Textbook of Pain (Wall & Melzack 1989, 1994), in the Handbook of Pain . A Clinical Companion to Textbook of Pain (Melzack & Wall, 2003), and in Pain - Clinical Update (2001). Research Interests Dr Choinierees research has documented the characteristics and treatment of pain in hospitalized and non-hospitalized burn patients. Her studies have stressed the importance of reassessing the current analgesic practices in order to provide burn patients with adequate pain control, especially in those who are treated on an outpatient basis. Furthermore, she was the first to demonstrate that a large proportion of burn patients continue to feel pain and paresthesic sensations in their healed wounds even years after the injury took place. Dr Choiniere is also actively involved in several studies on the assessment and management of postoperative pain. For example, she has shown that patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) is more costly and does not offer clinical advantages for pain management after hysterectomy compared with regularly administered injections of opioids. These results have created a lot of interest and some controversy as PCA is used in many health care facilities. As a result of her findings, Dr Choiniere has been invited to give several international conferences on the issue of post-operative management. Dr Choiniere is currently involved in several studies aimed at assessing and improving the quality of analgesic practices in various hospital settings.