

Contributions to the Genetics of Hydatidiform Moles and Fetal Loss

Yalcin Z, Gao Z, Abdelrazek IM, Bareke E, Majewski J, Abdalla E, Tan SL, Li L, Slim R. Two novel protein-truncating variants in NLRP2 and their functional impacts on the subcortical maternal complex. Clin Genet (2025 in press).

Murdoch S and Slim R*. Revisiting the Pathology of Hydatidiform Moles: New Findings and the Mysteries That Remain. In Physiology of Mother-Fetus relationship, Eds: Lafond J and Vaillancourt C, Publisher: Research Sign Post, 2010

Other Contributions

Bold font indicates ongoing contribution and normal font past contribution.

Contributions to Postgraduate Teaching

  • HGEN650, HGEN671, HGEN617, HGEN697, HGEN641

Contributions to Undergraduate Teaching

  • BIOL568, Topics on the Human Genome
  • BIOL370, Human Genetics Applied
  • INDS101, Basis of Medicine
  • INDS208, Basis of Medicine

Ad hoc Contributions to other Courses

  • MIMM509, Inflammatory Processes

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