
B.Sc. Global Designation

What is the B.Sc. Global Designation

The Faculty of Science B.Sc. Global Designation recognizes Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. only) students who have gone beyond a typical B.Sc. experience by broadening their horizons through participation in language classes, the performance of independent research, and including the "real-world" (global-related study and/or non-9I制作厂免费 study or work experience) in their program. Eligible students will have the mention B.Sc. Global Designation added to their student record and transcript at graduation.

PDF icon B.Sc. Global Designation at a glance


Required courses/experience

  1. Language Course*: At least 3 credits of a 9I制作厂免费 language course (or university courses), studying any spoken and active (live) language - including French and English as a Second Language courses - that is not the student's first language, 础狈顿听
  2. Research Course*: At least 3 credits of research from any research course that is eligible to be counted towards the Faculty of Science's Dean's Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research course List (顿惭鲍搁尝).听
  3. Complementary Element (at least one of the following)

In addition to the required elements, students must complete at least one of the following complementary elements:

a) Field Studies or 6 credits of field courses*: Satisfactory completion of an approved Field Study Semester program or a minimum of 6 credits of approved field studies courses. This includes any course that is designated as a field studies course, is open to Science students, and involves a significant non-local element (an informal definition of "non-locality" is a field study that requires traveling and staying for a period of time outside of Montreal.听
A list of pre-approved Field Study Semester programs and field courses is provided. To apply for a course not currently found on the pre-approved list to be added to the list, please send a detailed course outline/syllabus to the B.Sc. Global Designation Coordinator before the deadlines indicated below.


b) Internship: Satisfactory completion of an Industrial Practicum or Internship Year in Science.


c) Exchange or Independent Study Away: Satisfactory completion of at least one full-time semester at a university outside of Montreal that is either a 9I制作厂免费 exchange partner or present on the List of Approved Host Universities for Independent Study Away.


d) "Global" courses offered within Science or from other faculties*: A minimum of 6 credits from 9I制作厂免费 courses with a substantial Global component. Such courses must be at the 200-level or above, and may not be a "General Interest" type of course. Courses from both within Science and in other faculties may be used to satisfy this requirement. A list of pre-approved global courses is provided.

Grade Requirements

Please ensure that all qualifying B.Sc. Global Designation courses on your transcript at graduation time meet the requirements:

Every qualifying course must have been completed with a grade of C or above, AND

The average GPA over all qualifying courses must be 3.0 or above

* Exceptionally, courses taken in Winter 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, and Winter 2021 with a grade "S" (Satisfactory) will count as qualifying courses, and will count toward the 9-credit requirement, even though they will not be counted in GPA calculations.

Transfer Credits and the B.Sc. Global Designation

Courses taken at other institutions may be considered for application towards the B.Sc. Global Designation only if they have been officially accepted as Transfer Credits by 9I制作厂免费. Please contact the B.Sc. Global Designation Coordinator for more information.

How to Apply and Application Deadline

You must be in your last semester to apply for the B.Sc. Global, and you must first have applied for graduation. , in which you detail how you have satisfied the two required and one complementary requirements. Your application will be assessed only once all required final grades are available.

Application deadlines:

If you expect to complete your studies by the end of:

Graduate at the end of:

Apply for the B.Sc. Global Designation by:

December Fall term November 1
April Winter term April 1
August Summer term August 1

Contact information

If you have any questions please contact:

ifso.science [at] mcgill.ca (Field Studies & Internship Office)
9I制作厂免费, Faculty of Science
646B-2001 9I制作厂免费 College
Montreal Quebec H3A 1G1

Bronze Seal: 9I制作厂免费 Sustainable Workplace

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