
SCI Peer Support Evaluation Tool



  • This community-university partnership has been involved in a process to identify important outcomes of SCI peer support programs and services with the goal of co-creating a SCI peer support evaluation tool.

Related Research Citations:听

  • Sweet, S. N., Shi, Z., Pastore, O., Shaw, R., Comeau, J., Gainforth H. L., McBride, C. B., Noonan, V. K., Scott, L., Flaro, H., Casemore, S., Aslam, L.b, Clarke, R., & Martin Ginis, K. A. (2024). The Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Peer Support Evaluation Tool: The development of a tool to assess outcomes of peer support programs within SCI community-based organizations. Spinal Cord.
  • Shi, Z., Michalovic, E., McKay, R., Gainforth, H. L., McBride, C. B., Clarke, T., Casemore, S., Sweet, S. N. (2023). Outcomes of spinal cord injury peer mentorship: A community-based Delphi consensus approach. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 66, 101678. Doi: .
  • Rocchi, M. A., Shi. Z., Shaw, R. B., McBride, C. B., & Sweet, S. N. (2022). Identifying the outcomes of participating in peer mentorship for adults living with spinal cord injury: A qualitative meta-synthesis. Psychology and Health, 37, 523-544.
  • Sweet, S.N., Hennig, L., Shi, Z., Clarke, T., Flaro, H., Hawley, S., Schaefer, L., Gainforth, H.L. (2021) Outcomes of peer mentorship for people living with spinal cord injury: perspectives from members of Canadian community-based SCI organizations. Spinal Cord, 59, 1301-1308. doi: 10.1038/s41393-021-00725-2.


  • This 2023 report outlines the progress of the SCI Peer Support Community-University partnership over the last 5 years while providing avenues for next steps.

PDF icon 2023 Partnership Report

  • This video shows the development process of the evaluation tool.听

  • featured our community-university partnership听in their seasonal magazine, highlighting our latest accomplishments in developing the SCI Peer Support Evaluation Tool:听PDF icon 117214-spinal-cord-injury-parascope.pdf


We crafted graphs and infographics to summarize different aspects of the development of the SCI peer support evaluation tool.

Tool Development Procedures

20 Key Peer Support Outcomes

87 Peer Support Outcomes

SCI Peer Support Evaluation Tool

Evaluation Toolkit

SCI Peer Support Evaluation Tool

The following questions are intended to get your perception of the general impact of the [peer support program]. When answering these questions, please think about your whole experience with this program from your first to most recent recalled interaction with members of the [peer support program].

Outcome (Definition)

Spinal cord injury peer support evaluation tool

Understanding/Feeling Understood

(Sharing with someone who "hears me" and "gets what I am saying")

Thinking about my experience with the [Peer Support Program], I feel _____ understood.

鈥 A lot less
鈥 Less
鈥 As
鈥 Somewhat Better
鈥 Better

(Reduced) Isolation

(Feeling (less) lonely)

Thinking about my experience with the [Peer Support Program], I feel _____ in my experience with my spinal cord injury/disability.

鈥 A lot less alone
鈥 Less alone
鈥 As alone
鈥 More alone
鈥 A lot more alone


(Having the knowledge that others have had similar experiences)

Thinking about my experience with the [Peer Support Program], I am ______ to see that other individuals with spinal cord injury/disability have experienced similar difficulties/challenges.

鈥 Much less likely
鈥 Less likely
鈥 As likely
鈥 More likely
鈥 Much more likely

Community Engagement

(Integration and

participation in the community)

Thinking about my experience with the [Peer Support Program], I participate in programs, activities, or events in the community ______.

鈥 Much less often
鈥 Less often
鈥 As often
鈥 More often
鈥 Much more often

SCI Knowledge

(Having new information and an understanding of living with SCI)

Thinking about my experience with the [Peer Support Program], I learned ______ about spinal cord injury from my peer supporter/mentor.

鈥 Nothing
鈥 Very little
鈥 Something
鈥 Quite a bit
鈥 A great deal

Rehab Transition Skills

(Learning tips and tricks for transitioning out of rehab (e.g., finding/adapting housing, finding/adapting transportation, etc.)

Thinking about my experience with the [Peer Support Program], I learned ______ from a peer supporter/mentor on how to transition to community living (for example, housing, transportation, etc).

鈥 No tips and tricks
鈥 Very few tips and tricks
鈥 Some tips and tricks
鈥 Quite a few tips and tricks
鈥 A lot of tips and tricks

Health Skills

(Learning tips and tricks for maintaining your health (e.g., managing spasm, skin care, etc.) )

Thinking about my experience with the [Peer Support Program], I learned ______ from a peer supporter/ mentor on how to maintain my health.

鈥 No tips and tricks
鈥 Very few tips and tricks
鈥 Some tips and tricks
鈥 Quite a few tips and tricks
鈥 A lot of tips and tricks

Self-care Skills

Learning tips and tricks for self-care (e.g., dressing/undressing, bowel/bladder care, personal grooming, etc.)

Thinking about my experience with the [Peer Support Program], I learned ______ from a peer supporter/mentor on how to do self-care activities (for example, dressing, managing bowel/bladder, grooming...).

鈥 No tips and tricks
鈥 Very few tips and tricks
鈥 Some tips and tricks
鈥 Quite a few tips and tricks
鈥 A lot of tips and tricks


(One's self-sufficiency)

Thinking about my experience with the [Peer Support Program], I feel ______ independent.

鈥 Much less
鈥 Less
鈥 As
鈥 More
鈥 Much more

Belief in Oneself

(One's belief in their capacity to achieve things in the future)

Thinking about my experience with the [Peer Support Program], I feel ______ to reach my goals in life.

鈥 Much less capable
鈥 Less capable
鈥 As capable
鈥 More capable
鈥 Much more capable


(Feeling self-assured about one's own qualities/capabilities)

Thinking about my experience with the [Peer Support Program], I am ______ that I can accomplish most things I set out to do.

鈥 Much less confident
鈥 Less confident
鈥 As confident
鈥 More confident
鈥 Much more confident


(A sense of worth in oneself)

Thinking about my experience with the [Peer Support Program], my sense of worth in myself is ______.

鈥 Worse
鈥 Somewhat worse
鈥 About the same
鈥 Somewhat better
鈥 Better


(The capacity to recover from difficult situations)

Thinking about my experience with the [Peer Support Program], I am ______ to bounce back quickly from difficulties or setbacks.

鈥 Much less likely
鈥 Less likely
鈥 As likely
鈥 More likely
鈥 Much more likely


(Having strategies to minimize or tolerate stress)

Thinking about my experience with the [Peer Support Program], I am ______ to cope with the stresses/demands of my spinal cord injury/disability.

鈥 Much less able
鈥 Less able
鈥 As able
鈥 More able
鈥 Much more able

Positive Attitude

(A positive way of thinking or feeling about life)

Thinking about my experience with the [Peer Support Program], I am ______ to look at things in a positive way.

鈥 Much less likely
鈥 Less likely
鈥 As likely
鈥 More likely
鈥 Much more likely


(One's ability to do something despite facing difficulties)

Thinking about my experience with the [Peer Support Program], I am ______ to keep going when problems arise.

鈥 Much less capable
鈥 Less capable
鈥 As capable
鈥 More capable
鈥 Much more capable


(One's expectations that good things will happen)

Thinking about my experience with the [Peer Support Program], I feel ______ hopeful.

鈥 Much less
鈥 Less
鈥 As
鈥 More
鈥 Much more

Mental Health

(Having feelings about one's psychological state)

Thinking about my experience with the [Peer Support Program], my mental health is ______.

鈥 Worse
鈥 Somewhat worse
鈥 About the same
鈥 Somewhat better
鈥 Better


(Feeling pleasure and contentment with life)

Thinking about my experience with the [Peer Support Program], I feel ______ happy.

鈥 Much less
鈥 Less
鈥 As
鈥 More
鈥 Much more

Quality of life

(One's standard of health, comfort, happiness, and overall wellness)

Thinking about my experience with the [Peer Support Program], my quality of life is ______.

鈥 Worse
鈥 Somewhat worse
鈥 About the same
鈥 Somewhat better
鈥 Better

Note: A higher rating on an item indicates more positive evaluation of their peer support experience on the outcome.

Glossary of Terms

  • SCI peer support: a peer interaction that aims to help individuals who share similar lived experiences adapt and/or thrive.
  • SCI peer mentorship: a purposeful and unidirectional peer support relationship, where a mentor shares their lived experience with a mentee.
  • Peer supporter/mentor: someone who acts as a source of knowledge, guidance, and/or wisdom to a peer mentee with SCI.
  • Peer mentee: an individual with a SCI who receives knowledge, guidance and/or wisdom from a peer supporter with SCI.
  • Outcome: something that follows as a result or consequence of SCI peer support.
  • [Peer Support Program]: various types of programs, service, or initiatives provided by community-based organizations to facilitate peer support among individuals with SCI. The term 鈥淸Peer Support Program]鈥 in bracket can be replaced by the specific name of an organization鈥檚 program.

Please see the link below to access the Word Version of the SCI Peer Support Evaluation Tool:

File SCI Peer Support Evaluation Tool

Evaluation Toolkit

The SCI Peer Support Evaluation Toolkit and its example is a document aimed to help users, such as organizations or peer support program leaders, to implement the Evaluation Tool/Survey within their peer support program or service. This Toolkit will take you through the process of creating and administering a personalized SCI Peer Support survey comprised of SCI peer support outcomes identified as important by Canadian SCI community organizations.

PDF icon SCI Peer Support Evaluation Toolkit

PDF icon SCI Peer Support Evaluation Toolkit Example

This research was undertaken thanks to funding from the Social Science and Humanities Council of Canada and Canada Research Chairs Program

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