

On this page:

  1. How to apply for graduation
  2. Graduation review process
  3. Convocation and diplomas

1. How to apply for graduation

Consult the steps below for information on how to apply for graduation and the graduation review timeline.

1) Before you apply for graduation, be sure you have completed the following:

  • You have reviewed and fulfilled your degree and program requirements for graduation (consult appropriate requirements here: B.Sc. requirements / B.A. & Sc. requirements). If you are unsure whether you have done so, contact your degree and program advisors.
  • You have resolved any unpaid fees, including library fines. While this will not prevent graduation, if you have a fee hold on your Minerva transcript (just below your name and ID info), you may not be able to get your diploma or order official transcripts until the hold is cleared. If you have questions about your fees, see Service Point.

2) Apply on Minerva.

  • The Minerva Application for Graduation is available to students who have registered for their final year (U3). The deadlines to apply can vary, but will generally be a few months before the end of term.
  • Missed the deadline to apply for graduation? Complete the form here.
  • Note that applying for graduation does not affect your ability to change your courses or your programs, and you do not have to wait for your final grades to show on your transcript, even if you have deferred an exam from a previous term.

3) Select the correct term of graduation. See table below. (if you cannot select the term you want, contact your degree advisor).

  • When entering a term of graduation, you must ensure that you do not have courses on your Minerva record for the next term of study. For example, if you enter a Fall term of graduation, you must remove your Winter term course registration to be eligible to graduate at the end of December.
  • If you are taking one or more courses at another university during your final term (on exchange, ISA, or via Inter-University Transfer) will delay your graduation to the next available term of graduation. You cannot graduate in the same term in which you are taking course(s) at another university. In this case, you must select the next available term of graduation.
Graduation term Graduation and Convocation
Winter May graduation, June convocation
Summer October graduation, November convocation
Fall February graduation, June convocation

4) Once you have applied for graduation, you will be able to view the status of your request by accessing Minerva > Student Menu > Student Records Menu > Graduation Approval Query - but ONLY once this function become available (see Graduation Review Timeline for details). The status of your request will remain "Pending" until the graduation review process has been completed.

NOTE: If you try to re-submit a graduation request or view your status using the Minerva Graduation Approval Query BEFORE the date this function opens, you will receive a message stating that your record is Not Active 鈥 this is no reason for concern as long as your 鈥淯nofficial Transcript鈥 on Minerva displays the correct term of graduation.

2. Graduation review process

Review of your graduation record is not automated. Once you select a term of graduation on Minerva, you will not receive a personal confirmation. Staff members will be assigned to review your request at both the Program and Degree level only when the review for your graduation term begins.

Graduation Term Student access to Minerva Graduation Approval Query Deadline for Program review Deadline for degree review Degree shows as "granted" on Minerva (following Senate approval) Graduation and Convocation
Winter Mid-April First week of May Mid-May End of May May graduation, June convocation
Summer Mid to end of September Last week of September End of September to Mid-October Mid to end of October October graduation, November convocation
Fall Mid to end of January Last week of January End of January to Mid-February Mid to end of February February graduation, June convocation

Your Minerva graduation record will be reviewed using the following steps according to the graduation review period listed above.

1) ALL final grades for courses must be on your Minerva record in order for the graduation review to begin. Missing grades will postpone the review of your graduation request - this includes听deferred exams, "K" extensions, reassessment requests and the like.

2) The programs listed on your Minerva Unofficial Transcript are accurate. Any errors in your programs will delay the review of your graduation record.

3) Program advisors (for each of your programs) must enter confirmation on the Minerva Graduation Approval Query that your program requirements (Liberal, Major(s), Minor(s), Honours, Joint programs, Faculty Programs) have been completed.

4) Your Minerva graduation record will be placed in your Degree advisors queue for review. You will be contacted via your 9I制作厂免费 email account should any issues or barriers to graduation be identified. Please check your 9I制作厂免费 email regularly during this period to avoid delays.

NOTE: In order to process all graduation files in a timely manner, Degree advisors are unavailable for appointments or emails during the graduation review period. If you have an urgent, graduation-related matter to bring to your advisor's attention, email advisor.science [at] mcgill.ca (subject: Urgent%20Graduation%20Issue) .

5) The status of the Minerva Graduation Approval Query will change from "Pending" to "Approved" once your Program and Degree graduation requirements have been reviewed and successfully met.

6) Your Minerva transcript will be updated to indicate 鈥淏achelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts and Science Granted鈥 only once the university鈥檚 Senate has approved the list of graduating students. At this point, you can request a letter confirming your graduation through Minerva (select Student Records Menu then Letters - Proof of Enrolment and Proof of Enrolment Letters).

NOTE: At this stage, your 9I制作厂免费 record and graduation is considered to be final.

3. Convocation and diplomas

Convocation and the distribution of Graduation Diplomas is not overseen by SOUSA. You will receive your diploma at the convocation ceremony that corresponds to your term of graduation.

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