Tuition Fees, Practical Instruction Fees, and Lesson Quotas
General information on Tuition and Other Fees can be found in University Regulations and Resources > Undergraduate > Fees > Tuition Fees. The University reserves the right to make changes without notice in the published scale of fees.
Individual practical instruction on a main instrument or voice as indicated in the various degree and diploma programs (see Degrees and Diplomas Offered) is included at the per-credit rate and the practical instruction fee of $524.29 per term only while the student is full-time, and for a maximum number of years according to the following table:
Maximum Years of Practical Instruction at the per-credit rate, 1 hour per week | ||
Category of Student (based on academic entrance qualifications) | B.Mus. (Perf. or Jazz Perf.) | B.Mus. (non-perf. Major*) |
High School graduates (Gr.12) [Canadian, except Quebec; United States; Overseas] | 5 years | 3 years |
CEGEP graduates [Holders of DEC or DCS in Music or a non-Music specialization] | 4 years | 2 years |
Transfer students [from other colleges, universities, or 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ faculties] or degree holders | 4 years | 2 years |
Mature Students [without above academic qualifications but who are 21 years old as of Sept. 1] | 4 years | 2 years |
* B.Mus. Non-Performance Majors include Music Composition, Music Education, Music History, Music Theory, Faculty Program, and Faculty Program-Jazz concentration.
L.Mus. students are entitled to practical instruction at the per-credit rate plus the music practical instruction fee for a maximum of four years, 1 hour per week; Artist Diploma students, two years, 1.5 hours per week.
The maximum of four years of practical instruction for L.Mus. students includes instruction received while in a B.Mus. program either during or prior to registration in the L.Mus. program.
Part-time students in the Artist Diploma program and those who have exhausted the above-listed maxima will be charged a supplemental practical instruction fee of $1,232.07 per term in addition to the per-credit fee and the music practical instruction fee of $524.29 per term.
Special or part-time Visiting Students who are permitted to enrol for practical instruction will also be charged a supplemental practical instruction fee of $823.13 per term, in addition to the per-credit fee and the music practical instruction fee of $524.29 per term, as will all other students taking instruction in a second practical subject.
Voice Coaching (MUIN 300, MUIN 301) is available at the per-credit rate for a maximum of two terms for full-time voice students only. In all other cases, the extra fee for this course is $576.71 per term.
Students in the Minor in Early Music will be charged an additional $823.13 for three credits of Early Music Minor Repertoire Coaching and/or Practical Instruction.
Fees are subject to change. Consult Student Accounts for an updated fee breakdown.