Note: This is the 2018–2019 eCalendar. Update the year in your browser's URL bar for the most recent version of this page, or .
Note: This is the 2018–2019 eCalendar. Update the year in your browser's URL bar for the most recent version of this page, or .
Check important dates for the academic year including registration, start of lectures, advising periods, exams, and study breaks at www.mcgill.ca/importantdates.
This page is a snapshot of www.mcgill.ca/importantdates/key-dates, which contains the dates around which all other academic activities are built; however, the information on this page is not comprehensive.
For specific dates and deadlines, such as registration dates, application deadlines, or convocation dates, please use theÌýImportant Dates search tool.
Class start and end dates vary according to the schedule pattern and on what day, if applicable,Ìýthe make-up lecture day is held.* | ||
If your course has a schedule pattern of: |
Your first class is on: | Your last class is on: |
Monday (M) | Monday, Jan. 8 | Monday,ÌýApr. 16 |
Tuesday (T) | Tuesday, Jan. 9 | Tuesday, Apr. 10 |
Wednesday (W) | Wednesday, Jan. 10 | Wednesday, Apr. 11 |
Thursday (R) | Thursday, Jan. 11 | Thursday, Apr. 12 |
Friday (F)* | Friday, Jan. 12 | Friday, Apr. 13* |
Mon-Wed (MW) | Monday, Jan. 8 | Monday, Apr. 16 |
Mon-Wed-Fri (MWF)* | Monday, Jan. 8 | Monday, Apr. 16* |
Wed-Fri (WF)* | Wednesday, Jan. 10 | Friday, April 13* |
Tues-Thurs (TR) | Tuesday, Jan. 9 | Thursday, April 12 |
Mon-Tues-Thurs (MTR) | Monday, Jan. 8 | Monday, Apr. 16 |
Tues-Thurs-Fri (TRF)* | Tuesday, Jan. 9 | Friday, April 13* |
The schedule patterns in this table follow the same convention as course listings in Minerva Class Schedule.Ìý Each pattern indicates the days on which a course is normally held – for example, a course with a MWF pattern isÌýheld on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
*There is no make-up lecture day scheduled this term; there is a shortfall of 1 to 3 contact hours for these schedule patterns.
Administrative offices are closed on the following dates:
Library hours are availableÌýon the Library website.
Class start and end dates vary according to the schedule pattern and on what day, if applicable,Ìýthe make-up lecture day is held.* | ||
If your course has a schedule pattern of: |
Your first class is on: | Your last class is on: |
Monday (M)* | Monday, Sept. 10 | Tuesday, Dec. 4* |
Tuesday (T)* | Tuesday, Sept. 4 | Tuesday, Nov. 27* |
Wednesday (W) | Wednesday, Sept. 5 | Wednesday, Nov. 28 |
Thursday (R) | Thursday, Sept. 6 | Thursday, Nov. 29 |
Friday (F) | Friday, Sept. 7 | Friday, Nov. 30 |
Mon-Wed (MW)* | Wednesday, Sept. 5 | Tuesday, Dec. 4* |
Mon-Wed-Fri (MWF)* | Wednesday, Sept. 5 | Tuesday, Dec. 4* |
Wed-Fri (WF) | Wednesday, Sept. 5 | Friday, Nov. 30 |
Tues-Thurs (TR)* | Tuesday, Sept. 4 | Thursday, Nov. 29 |
Mon-Tues-Thurs (MTR)* | Tuesday, Sept. 4 | Tuesday, Dec. 4* |
Tues-Thurs-Fri (TRF)* | Tuesday, Sept. 4 | Friday, Nov. 30* |
The schedule patterns in this table follow the same convention as course listings in Minerva Class Schedule.Ìý Each pattern indicates the days on which a course is normally held – for example, a course with a MWF pattern isÌýheld on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
*Tuesday, Dec. 4 will follow a Monday schedule to make up for classes lost on Thanksgiving Monday, Oct. 8.
Administrative offices are closed on the following dates:
Library hours are availableÌýon the Library website.