Professor Pierre-Gabriel Jobin, Ad. E., holds a Bachelor in arts and a Bachelor in philosophy (with great distinction) from the Universit茅 Laval, a BCL from the same university, and a dipl么me d'茅tudes sup茅rieures (DES) and a doctorate in private law (with great distinction) from the Universit茅 de Montpellier I. He began his career as an associate professor at the Universit茅 Laval Faculty of Law (1972-1976) and soon after joined the 9I制作厂免费 Faculty of Law as an associate professor. He was promoted to full professorship in 1980.
In 2007, he was named the Wainwright Professor of Civil Law. Since his retirement in January 2009, he holds the title of Wainwright Emeritus Professor of Civil Law and remains an active scholar at the Faculty.
Pierre-Gabriel Jobin has dedicated his career to the development and thorough understanding of Quebec civil law from a comparative law perspective in Quebec and internationally. He teaches and publishes in the areas of general law of contracts, law of obligations, law of sale, law of leases, civil responsibility, consumer law, comparative law, and the reform of the Civil Code. He has published many articles in legal journals in Canada and abroad, including "La modernit茅 du droit commun des contrats dans le Code civil du Qu茅bec : quelle modernit茅?" (2000). He is the author of classic works on Quebec law: jointly with Justice Jean-Louis Baudouin, the renowned reference book Les obligations, 5th edition, 1998, 6th edition with the collaboration of Professor Nathalie V茅zina, 2005, and 7th edition, with Professor N. V茅zina, 2013; Le louage (2nd edition, 1996) in the Trait茅 de droit civil collection; La vente, (3rd edition, 2007, in collaboration with Professor Michelle Cumyn). He has also published Les contrats de distribution de biens techniques (1975) and is the Canadian correspondent for the Revue trimestrielle de droit civil. He has delivered many presentations as well.
Professor Jobin has received the Prix de la Fondation du Barreau du Qu茅bec for an article ("Les effets du droit p茅nal ou administratif sur le contrat : o霉 s'arr锚tera l'ordre public?", 1985) and later for his book on leases (Trait茅 de droit civil. Le ouage de choses, 1990). He was also awarded the Medal of the Canadian Bar Association, Quebec Branch, for his distinguished contribution to the profession (2003).

He was elected an associate member of the International Academy of Comparative Law (1999) and later as a full member (2000). He was given the Prix Loubers from the Universit茅 de Montpellier I Faculty of Law and Economics, awarded to the doctoral student in private law who attained the highest degree of excellence (1969-1970).
In 2010, he received the Merit Award of the Barreau du Qu茅bec for his exceptional contribution to the profession and was named advocatus emeritus (Ad. E.) for the whole of his career. In 2014, he was awarded the Justitia Prize of the Faculty of Law of Universit茅 Laval, for his academic commitment and his exceptional career.
Professor Jobin contributes actively to the profession. He remains very much involved in the Quebec Society of Comparative Law where he served as president for a number of years (1991-1997, 1999-2005) and is now a member of the board as past president. He designed the concept of the new Trait茅 de droit civil, together with Professors P.-A. Cr茅peau and J.E.C. Brierley, and wrote the first volume of that collection, Le louage.
He has been the long-time director of the Canadian Bar Review (associate editor, civil law, 1989-2003). In addition, he was director of the Cahiers de Droit (1975-1976), president of the Association des professeurs de droit du Qu茅bec (1978-1979), executive director for the Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law (1986-1990) and co-founder of the Concours interuniversitaire de Tribunal-脡cole Pierre-Basile Mignault (1978).