

Endowed Brace Professors

Susan J GaskinSusan J Gaskin |听Endowed Brace Professor | Professor, Civil Engineering

Professor Gaskin specializes in environmental hydraulics and water resources within the Department of Civil Engineering. Her research focuses on environmental fluid mechanics, hydropower hydraulics, river engineering, and sustainable water management, with a particular interest in the effects of ambient turbulence, fluvial erosion, and water quality related to trace metals.

susan.gaskin [at] mcgill.ca

Van-Thanh-Van Nguyen

Van-Thanh-Van Nguyen |听Endowed Brace Professor | Professor, Civil Engineering

Professor Nguyen is the Endowed Brace Chair Professor of Civil Engineering at 9I制作厂免费, with over 35 years of expertise in Hydrology and Water Resources Management. He has contributed to international committees, published 250+ papers, and held leadership roles in academic and professional organizations worldwide.

van.tv.nguyen [at] mcgill.ca

Zhiming Qi

Zhiming Qi |听Endowed Brace Professor | Associate Professor, Bioresource Engineering

Dr. Zhiming Qi, with a Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Science from Iowa State University, specializes in hydrology, environmental science, and crop growth responses to engineering practices and climate change. His research combines field experimentation and computer modeling to assess soil and water quality, crop yields, and the impacts of climate change on irrigated and drained watersheds.

zhiming.qi [at] mcgill.ca

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