Latest Conferences Issues
Updated: 12 hours 14 min ago
Abstracts of all contributions available under:
Thursday, December 17
16.00 鈥 16.25: Stefanie Cajka: The Six A鈥檚 for Language Safeguarding and Revitalisation Resources: a discussion of quality criteria in the context of language revitalisation and reclamation efforts
16.30 鈥 16.55: Eva Duran Eppler: The five RISE UP case study communities: why a single solution to language revitalisation can't work and an initiative to encourag
More information can be found on the conference website.
Submission guidelines:
One-page abstracts (including references and examples) for 20-minute in-person talks or posters.
Abstracts should be in PDF format and anonymous, and the accompanying message should have "TOMILLA abstract" as subject, and should indicate in the body of the message the names of the authors, their institutional link, and whether the abstract is for a talk, poster, or either.
Abstracts may be in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese. Talks and posters may be in any Indige
*Important points:*
馃摑 *Abstract submission deadline:* December 15, 2024
*Notification of acceptance:* February 1, 2025
(for other submission details, please refer to the call for contributions)
馃實 *Conference venue :* University of Hokkaid艒, Sapporo, Japan
馃搮 *Conference dates:* August 1-3, 2025
馃捇*How to submit? :* Abstracts can be submitted via the website
*Organizing Committee
Hisa茅 AKIHIRO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
The program of the First Eurasian Congress of Linguists is available on the congress website in the "Scientific Program" section:
The congress will feature 8 plenary lectures, 18 oral sessions, 22 round tables, two in-person poster sessions, and one remote poster session. The sessions and round tables cover the main subject matter of linguistics, including all language groups of Eurasia and other regions as well as general problems of linguistics.
In addition to
Seminario internazionale di Studi linguistici di genere. Spagna e Italia
Plenary Speakers:
Jasone Cenoz (University of the Basque Country)
Jean-Marc Dewaele (Birkbeck, University of London)
Ulrike Jessner (University of Innsbruck)
Christina Lindqvist (University of Gothenburg)
Roumyana Slabakova (University of Southampton)
Andreas Witt, Institut f眉r Deutsche Sprache (IDS), Mannheim
Christian Mair, English Department, University of Freiburg
Key dates:
From 1 Dec. 2024: Submission of abstracts
16 Feb. 2025: Abstract submission deadline
1 March 2025: Notification of acceptance; registration
For information see the conference website ( A full programme will be available from 15 March 2025. All inquiries should be addres
We鈥檙e excited to share the official program for the 2nd International Conference on Data & Digital Humanities 鈥 Generative Artificial Intelligence for Text and Multimodal Data! Join us from 12th of December to 13th of December at University of Minho or online.
For full details and registration, visit:
Call for papers can be downloaded from here:
The annual conference includes parallel talk sessions on linguistic subdisciplines, poster sessions, and a plenary talk by the national National Achievement Laureate. The local organizers have proposed a special session on transcription challenges for Indigenous languages, as well as a panel entitled "AI tools for under-resourced languages", featuring Anna Kazantseva & Akwirat茅kha' Martin. The day after the conference, there will be four crash-course workshops (ELAN, Data management, data stora
Key dates:
- Call for Abstracts Circulated: 13th of January, 2025
- Abstract Submission Opens: 3rd of March, 2025
- Abstract Submission Deadline: Midnight (23:59 CET) on Monday, 7th April 2025
- Notification of Acceptance: Expected by Monday, 19th May 2025
- Registration Opens: 12th of May 2025
- Conference dates: 17th 鈥 19th September 2025
To stay up to date with all the latest news and updates about XPrag 2025, we kindly invite you to follow our Facebook page and visit our official webs
Abstract Submission Opens: 1 December 2024
Abstract Submission Closes: 10 February 2025
Notification of Acceptance: 31 March 2025
Tuesday, 17 December 2024 (Central European Time)
09:00 鈥 09:10 Cecilia Poletto Opening remarks
09:10 鈥 10:10 Anna Szabolsci, "Who invokes silent negation? The view from a hybrid negative concord language"
10:10 鈥 10:50 Ebert, Fuhrmann, Guerrini, Zani, "Cancellation and varieties of non-at-issueness"
10:50 鈥 11:20 Coffee Break
11:20 鈥 12:00 Bharadwaj, Hartmann, Sementsova, Zeijlstra, "Negative scope mismatches in coordination"
12:00 - 12:40 Banafo, Sasu, Dunlap, Mursell, Hartmann, "Expected and
December 12th
9h-9h30 : Opening session - 芦 Complexity 禄 as seen by the organizers
9h30-10h30 : Invited talk- Didier Grandjean (Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, U. of Geneva, Switzerland), La complexit茅 au c艙ur de l鈥櫭﹎otion
10h30-10h50 : Coffee break
Session 1
10h50-11h20 : Pascale Feldkamp Moreira and Yuri Bizzoni (Aarhus U., Denmark), Levels of Complexity in Literary Language: A Preliminary Study
11h20-11h50 : Quentin Feltgen (Ghent U., Belgium), Language as a complex system from a str
Invited speakers include Asif Agha (University of Pennsylvania) and Barbara Johnstone (Carnegie Mellon University) (keynote speakers), J眉rgen Spitzm眉ller (University of Vienna), Betsy Evans (University of Washington), Valerie Fridland (University of Nevada, Reno), Cecelia Cutler (City University of New York), Chris Montgomery (University of Sheffield), Rob Drummond (Manchester Metropolitan University), Cara Penry Williams (University of Derby), Andrea Leone-Pizzighella (Eurac Research Bolzano),
The following plenary speakers have confirmed their participation:
- Marianne Gullberg (Lund University, Sweden)
- Ignacio M. Palacios Mart铆nez (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Espa帽a)
- Rob Schoonen (Radboud University, The Netherlands)
- Chelo Vargas Sierra (Universitat d鈥橝lacant, Espa帽a).
Thematic axes
8:30 Opening
9:00 Literacy in Spanish and English (FL)
10:25 English for sustainable employment
10:40 Self-compassion and anxiety when speaking English (FL)
11:10 Learning French (FL)
11:35 Teaching and communication
12:00 Break
2:00 Sociophonetics and Aramaic
3:00 Culture and early childhood education
3:45 Argumentation and literature
4:05 Feminism and literature
4:30 Closing/Review of poster exhibition