All final exams are governed by the University regulations and by the specific regulations of the Faculty administering the course.
Faculty regulations:
- No candidate for an examination may bring into the examination room any books, notes or other material containing information pertaining to the examination unless the examiner has given instructions that such material will be allowed. Anything brought into the examination room is subject to inspection.
- Calculators are not allowed unless otherwise specified. It is the candidate's responsibility to ascertain whether the use of calculators is permitted, and, if it is, whether any restrictions are imposed on the types of calculators that may be brought to the examination.
- Translation dictionaries (e.g., English-French) are allowable except in courses where knowledge of a language is one of the objectives of the course. Translation dictionaries must not include any definitions or synonyms.
- Other dictionaries (thesaurus, definitions, technical) are not allowed unless otherwise specified.
- Notwithstanding the above, electronic dictionaries, whether they are translation or otherwise, are never allowed.
- Talk or any other form of communication between candidates is forbidden.
- Candidates must not use or attempt to use any improper source of information. No information of any kind that might be of assistance to another candidate is to be written on the question paper.
- Students writing examinations are responsible for arriving at the right time and place. Forgetfulness or inadvertently arriving at the wrong time or place cannot be considered acceptable excuses. Candidates will be permitted to enter the examination room quietly up to one hour after the scheduled start of the exam. After this time they will be admitted only by special permission of the Deputy Invigilator or the Chief Invigilator.
- Students must have with them their 9I制作厂免费 student identification cards.
- Candidates are not permitted to leave the examination room until one hour after the examination has begun, and in no case before the attendance has been taken.
- A candidate who leaves before the examination is over must hand in all completed and attempted work. All work must be done in accordance with the examination instructions, and must be handed in to the invigilator.
- The Exam Security Computer Monitoring Program may be used to detect pairs of students with unusually similar answer patterns on multiple-choice exams. Data generated by this program can be used as admissible evidence, either to initiate or corroborate an investigation or a charge of cheating under Section 16 of the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures.
- Any breach of these regulations will be reported to the Chief Invigilator and to the Disciplinary Officer of the student's faculty for appropriate action. A student found guilty of cheating or attempting to cheat is liable to expulsion from the University.
- If books, notes, etc., cannot be left outside the examination room, they must be put in a place designated by the invigilator before the candidate.
- The doors of the examination room will normally be opened 10 minutes before the starting hour.
- Students may not leave the examination room during the last fifteen minutes of the exam.
- Candidates must remain seated. A candidate needing to speak to the invigilator (e.g., to ask for additional supplies or to request permission to leave the examination room for any reason) should so indicate by raising his or her hand.
- Questions concerning possible errors, ambiguities or omissions in the examination paper must be directed to the invigilator, who will investigate them through the proper channels. The invigilator is not permitted to answer questions other than those concerning the examination paper.
- At the close of the examination, candidates must stop writing and submit their work at once.