

Black History Month: Award application period

Friday, December 20, 2024toTuesday, January 21, 2025 23:45

The Deadline for Black students within the SPGH has been extended to January 21st!

The SPGH Black History Month Planning Collective is excited to launch awards to raise awareness about the work of and to celebrate Black students within the SPGH. Please find below descriptions of the awards as well as information about the application process. Applications will open on December 20th, 2024 and close on January 14, 2025. Award winners will be announced on February 13th, 2025, following a panel discussion event that will address "Health promotion interventions in Black communities across Canada". Awardees will receive a $200 cash prize and a plaque. We encourage all eligible graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to apply for the awards, and we look forward to celebrating your achievements!

Teaching Assistantship Award:

This award will be presented to a Black trainee who has demonstrated significant involvement and efficiency in teaching activities as a Teaching Assistant.

  • Eligibility: Black graduate trainee (MSc, PhD or postdoctoral) at the SPGH, on a full-time or part-time basis, who has been a Teaching Assistant in an SPGH course (EPIB, PPHS, BIOS, BIOE, GPHL, OCCH) for at least one semester.
  • Application requirements:
    • Self-nomination essay: Describe why you nominated yourself for this award, including a description of your teaching philosophy and achievements (200-400 words).
    • Supporting documentation: Please include any relevant TA evaluation forms.
    • Reference letter: Provide the contact information of someone who can testify to your suitability for this award. They will be contacted by the judging committee if you are shortlisted for the award.

Dr. Oni Blackstock Community Involvement Award:

Dr. Oni Blackstock is an American primary care and HIV physician and researcher who has played a pivotal role in developing and implementing participatory racial and health equity initiatives in public health. This award, named in her honour, will be presented to a Black trainee who has demonstrated significant engagement in their community (on-campus or off-campus) in Canada or abroad.

  • Eligibility: Black graduate trainee (MSc, PhD or postdoctoral) at the SPGH, on a full-time or part-time basis.
  • Application requirements:
    • Self-nomination essay: Please describe why you nominated yourself for this award, with a focus on your community involvement in Canada or abroad. Describe what leadership roles and/or community engagement experiences you have undertaken within your community. (200-400 words)
    • Reference letter: Provide the contact information of someone who can testify to your suitability for this award. They will be contacted by the judging committee if you are shortlisted for the award.

Outstanding Research Award:

This award will be presented to a Black trainee who has performed high-quality research during their studies at the SPGH.

  • Eligibility: Black graduate trainee (MSc, PhD or postdoctoral) at the SPGH, on a full-time or part-time basis.
  • Application requirements:
    • Self-nomination essay: Please describe why you nominated yourself for this award, with a focus on your contributions to science. (200-400 words)
    • Reference letter: Provide the contact information of someone who can testify to your suitability for this award. They will be contacted by the judging committee if you are shortlisted for the award.

For any questions regarding the awards, please reach out to the aiche.danioko [at] mail.mcgill.ca (selection committee.)

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