
List of Research Publications

A.P.S. Selvadurai

William Scott Professor and Distinguished James 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ Professor


Updated 15 August 2023



³§±ð±ô±¹²¹»å³Ü°ù²¹¾±,Ìý´¡.±Ê.³§. (2023) Theoretical Developments for the Interpretation of Cavity Flow Permeability Tests Conducted on Intact Lac du Bonnet Granite, Geosciences, 13, 241.

338. Kasani, H.A. andÌýSelvadurai, A.P.S.Ìý(2023) A review of techniques for measuring the Biot coefficient and other effective stress parameters for fluid-saturated rocks,ÌýApplied Mechanics ReviewsÌýÌý
337. Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2022) Mechanics of pressurized planar hyperelastic membranes, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Series A, 380: 20210319.
336. Yang, T., Selvadurai, A.P.S., Wang, P., Wang, Z.-H. Liu, H.(2022) Hydro-mechanical coupling of rough fractures that exhibit dilatancy phenomena, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. .

Liu, Z., Wang, H., Li, Y., Wang, X. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2022) Triaxial compressive strength, failure and rock burst potential of granite under high-stress and ground temperature coupled conditions, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,

334. Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2022) On Spencer’s displacement function approach for problems in second-order elasticity theory, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids,

Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Suvorov, A.P. (2022) Poroelastic properties of rocks with a comparison of theoretical estimates and typical experimental reports, Scientific Reports,

332. Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2022) On the compression of a rigid disc by finitely deformed elastic halfspaces, International Journal of Solids and Structures, .
331. Yang, T., Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Wang, Z.-H. (2021) Study of the reliability and seepage characteristics of a tunnel roof under dynamic disturbances, Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 7, 92, .
330. Chen, Y., Liang, W., Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Zhao, Z. (2021) Influence of asperity degradation and gouge formation on flow during rock fracture shearing, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 143, 104795,

Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2021) On the poroelastic Biot coefficient for a granitic rock, Geosciences,11, 219.

328. Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2021) Irreversibility of soil skeletal deformations: The pedagogical limitations of Terzaghi’s celebrated model for soil consolidation, Computers and Geotechnics, 135, 104137.

Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Samea, P. (2021) Mechanics of a pressurized penny-shaped crack in a poroelastic halfspace, International Journal of Engineering Science, 163, 103472

326. Rezaei Niya, S.M. and Selvadurai A.P.S. (2021) Modeling of the Closure of Non-Mated Rock Fractures Under Quasi-static Normal Stress Cycles, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
325. Chen, Y., Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Zhao, Z. (2021) Modeling of flow characteristics in 3D rough rock fracture with geometry changes under confining stress, Computers and Geotechnics 130, 103910.
324. Nguyen, H.N.G., Zhao, C.-F., Millet, O. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2021) Effects of surface roughness on liquid bridge capillarity and droplet wetting, Powder Technology 378: 487-496.
323. Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Suvorov, A.P. (2020) Influence of pore shape on the bulk modulus and the Biot coefficient of fluid-saturated porous rocks, Scientific Reports 10:18959 |

Selvadurai, A.P.S., Blain-Coallier, A. and Selvadurai, P.A. (2020) Estimates for the effective permeability of intact granite obtained from the eastern and western flanks of the Canadian Shield, Minerals: Special Issue on Hydro-Mechanics of Crystalline Rocks, 10(8)667.

321. Samea, P. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2020) A contact problem for a poroelastic halfspace containing an embedded inextensible membrane, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 44: 2167-2188, .

Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Samea, P. (2020) On the indentation of a poroelastic halfspace, International Journal of Engineering Science,149: 103246.

319. Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2020) In-plane loading of a bonded rigid disc inclusion embedded in a pre-compressed elastic interface: The role of non-linear interface responses, Mechanical Systems and Signals Processing, 144, 106871.
318. Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Rezaei Niya, S.M. (2020) Effective thermal conductivity of an intact heterogeneous limestone, Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 12: 682-692.
317. Zhang, D., Kang, Y., Selvadurai, A.P.S. and You, L. (2019) Experimental investigation of the effect of salt precipitation on the physical and mechanical properties of a tight sandstone, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, doi.org/10.1007/s00603-019-02032-y.
316. Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2019) A multi-phasic perspective of the intact permeability of the heterogeneous argillaceous Cobourg limestone, Scientific Reports, 9: 17388, .
315. Suvorov, A.P. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2019) The Biot coefficient for an elasto-plastic material, International Journal of Engineering Science, 145: 103166.
314. Selvadurai, A.P.S., Selvadurai, P.A. and Nejati, M. (2019) A multi-phasic approach for estimating the Biot coefficient for Grimsel granite, Solid Earth, 10: 2001-2014.
313. Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2019) Proppant-induced opening of hydraulically created fractures, Open Geomechanics, 1: 2-10
312. Zhang, D., Kang, Y., Selvadurai, A.P.S., You, L. and Tian, J. (2019) The role of phase trapping on permeability reduction in an ultra-deep tight sandstone gas reservoirs, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 178: 311-323.
311. Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2019) Mechanics of geosynthetics subjected to chemical exposure: Experiments, constitutive models and computations, Geotechnical Engineering, Special Issue on Recent Advances in Geomaterial-Structure Interaction and Fibre-Optic Sensors, 50: 96-105.
310. Rezaei Niya, S.M. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2019) Correlation of joint roughness coefficient and the permeability of a fracture, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 113: 150-162
309. Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2019) The Biot coefficient for a low permeability heterogeneous limestone, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 31:939–953.
308. Chen, Y., Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Liang, W. (2019) Computational modelling of groundwater inflow during longwall coal mining advance: A case study from the Shanxi Province, China, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 52: 917-934.
307. Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Suvorov, A.P. (2018) On the development of instabilities in an annulus and a shell composed of a poro-hyperelastic material, Proceedings of the Royal Society, Mathematical and Physical Sciences Series A,
306. Selvadurai, A.P.S.(2018) Indentation of a surface-stiffened elastic substrate, Scientific Reports, 8:16781 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-34540-2
305. Selvadurai, A.P.S., Selvadurai, P.A. and Suvorov, A.P. (2018) Contact mechanics of a dilatant region located at a compressed elastic interface, International Journal of Engineering Science ,133. 144-168.
304. Selvadurai, A.P.S., Zhang, D. and Kang, Y. (2018) Permeability evolution in natural fractures and its influence on loss of productivity in ultra-deep gas reservoirs of the Tarim Basin, China, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 58: 162-177.
303. Selvadurai, A.P.S. and GÅ‚owacki, A. (2018) Estimates for the local permeability of the Cobourg limestone, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, . jrmge.2018.07.002
302. David, C., Wasserman, J., ….. Selvadurai, A.P.S,…. (2018) KG2B: a collaborative benchmarking exercise for estimating the permeability of the Grimsel granodiorite- Part 1: measurements, pressure-dependence and pore fluid effects, Geophysical Journal International, 215: 799-824.
301. David, C., Wasserman, J., ….. Selvadurai, A.P.S,…. (2018) KG2B: a collaborative benchmarking exercise for estimating the permeability of the Grimsel granodiorite-Part 2: modeling, microstructures and complementary data, Geophysical Journal International, 215: 825-843.


Rezaei Niya. S.M. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2017) A statistical correlation between permeability, porosity, tortuosity and conductance, Transport in Porous Media, 10.1007/s11242-017-0983-0


Wu, L., Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Yang, J. (2017) The role of surface infiltration on hydro-mechanical coupling effects in an unsaturated porous medium of semi-infinite extent, Geofluids,
298. Selvadurai, A.P.S., Couture, C.-B. and Rezaei Niya, S.M. (2017) Permeability of wormholes created by CO2-acidized water flow through stressed carbonate rocks, Physics of Fluids, 30: 096604 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.5002129
297. Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2017) On Boussinesq’s problem for a cracked halfspace, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, DOI: 10.1007/s10665-017-9934-6.
296. Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Suvorov, A.P. (2017) On the inflation of poro-hyperelastic annuli, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 107: 229-252
295. Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Najari, M. (2017) Thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of the argillaceous Cobourg Limestone, Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth), 122: doi:10.1002/2016JB013744.
294. Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Glowacki, A. (2017) Stress-induced permeability alterations in an argillaceous limestone, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 50: 1079-1096.
293. Rezaei Niya, S.M. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2017) The permeability of a porous medium with a generalized pore structure, Physics of Fluids, DOI: 10.1063/1.4977444
292. Glowacki, A. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2017) On some factors influencing the laboratory measurement of permeability of rock, Geotechnique Letters, 7: 1-7.
291. GÅ‚owacki, A. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2016) Stress-induced permeability changes in Indiana Limestone, Engineering Geology, 25: 122-130.
290. Suvorov, A.P. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2016) On poro-hyperelastic shear, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 96: 445-459.

Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Suvorov, A.P. (2016) Coupled hydro-mechanical effects in a poro-hyperelastic material, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 91: 311-333.

288. Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Katebi, A. (2016) The Boussinesq-Mindlin problem for a non-homogeneous elastic halfspace, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (ZAMP), 67-68: doi 10.1007/s00033-016-0661-z.
287. Shi, L. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2016) Dynamic response of an infinite beam supported by a poroelastic halfspace and subjected to a concentrated load moving at a constant velocity, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 88-89:35-55.
286. Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Kim, J. (2016) Poromechanical behaviour of a surficial geological barrier during fluid injection into an underlying poroelastic storage formation, Proceedings of the Royal Society, Mathematical and Physical Sciences Series A, doi.org/10.1098/rspa.2015.0418.
285. Kim, J. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2016) A note on the consolidation settlement of a rigid circular foundation on a poroelastic halfspace, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, DOI: 10.1002/nag.2519.
284. Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Najari, M. (2016) Isothermal permeability of the argillaceous Cobourg Limestone, Oil and Gas Science and Technology, Special Issue on Low Permeability Geomaterials, 71: 53-69.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2016) Indentation of a spherical cavity in an elastic body by a rigid spherical inclusion: influence of non-classical interface conditions, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 28: 617-632.


Wu, L. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2016) Rainfall infiltration-induced groundwater table rise in an unsaturated porous medium, Environmental Earth Sciences, 75: 134-147.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Shi, L. (2015) Biot’s problem for a Biot Material, International Journal of Engineering Science, 97: 133-147.


Selvadurai, A.P.S., Suvorov, A.P. and Selvadurai, P.A. (2015) Thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in fractured rock formations during glacial advance, Geoscientific Model Development, 8: 2167-2185.


Kim, J. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2015) Ground heave due to line injection sources, Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 2: 1-14.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Kim, J. (2015). Ground subsidence due to fluid extraction over a circular region within an aquifer, Advances in Water Resources, 78: 50-59.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2015) Bridged defects in continuously and discretely reinforced solids, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 95: 359-380.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Najari, M. (2015) Laboratory-scale hydraulic pulse testing: Influence of air fraction in the fluid-filled cavity in the estimation of permeability, Geotechnique, 65: 124-134.


Katebi, A. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2015) A frictionless contact problem for a flexible circular plate and an incompressible non-homogeneous elastic halfspace, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 90:239-245.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2015) Normal stress-induced permeability hysteresis of a fracture in a granite cylinder, Geofluids, Special Issue on Crustal Permeability, 15: 37-47.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Katebi, A. (2015) An adhesive contact problem for an incompressible non-homogeneous elastic halfspace, Acta Mechanica, 226: 249-265.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2015) Contact problems for a finitely deformed incompressible elastic halfspace, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 27: 287-304.


Selvadurai, P.A. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2014) On the effective permeability of a heterogeneous porous medium: the role of the geometric mean, Philosophical Magazine, 94: 2318-2338.
270. Massart, T.J. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2014) Computational analysis of dilatancy-induced permeability evolution in degrading geomaterials, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 70: 593-604.
269. Keller, T., Berli, M., …, Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2014) Transmission of vertical stress under agricultural tyres: Comparing measurements with simulations, Soil and Tillage Research, 140 :106-117.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2014) A mixed boundary value problem in potential theory for a bi-material porous region: An application in the environmental geosciences, Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems, 2, doi.org/10.2140 /memocs.2014.2.109.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Suvorov, A.P. (2014) Thermo-poromechanics of a fluid-filled cavity in a fluid-saturated porous geomaterial, Proceedings of the Royal Society, Mathematical and Physical Sciences Series A, 470: 20130634. .


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2014) Mechanics of contact between bi-material elastic solids perturbed by a flexible interface, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics,79: 739-752


Najari, M. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2014) Thermo-hydro-mechanical response of granite to temperature changes, Environmental Earth Sciences, 72: 189-198.


Nikopour, H. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2014) Concentrated loading of a fibre-reinforced composite plate: Experimental modelling of boundary fixity, Composites Part B: Engineering, An International Journal, 60, 297-305.


Wu, L.Z., Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Huang, R.Q. (2013) Two-dimensional coupled hydromechanical modeling of water infiltration into a transversely isotropic unsaturated region, Vadose Zone J.,doi:10.2136/vzj2013.04.0072


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2013) On Fröhlich's Solution for Boussinesq’s Problem, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 38: 925-934


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Ichikawa , Y. (2013) Some aspects of air-entrainment on decay rates in hydraulic pulse tests, Engineering Geology, 165:38-45.


Katebi, A. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2013) Undrained behaviour of a non-homogeneous elastic medium: the influence of variations in the linear elastic shear modulus, Geotechnique, 63: 1159-1169.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Katebi, A. (2013) Mindlin’s problem for an incompressible elastic half-space with an exponential variation in the linear elastic shear modulus, International Journal of Engineering Science, 65: 9-21.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Najari, M. (2013) On the interpretation of hydraulic pulse tests on rock specimens, Advances in Water Resources, 53:139-149.


Nikopour, H. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2013) Torsion of a layered composite strip, Composite Structures, Vol. 95, pp.1-4.


Keller, T., Lamandé, M., Selvadurai, A.P.S., …(2013) An interdisciplinary approach towards improved understanding of soil deformation during compaction, Soil and Tillage Research, 128: 61-80.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Suvorov, A.P. (2012) Boundary heating of poroelastic and poro-elastoplastic spheres, Proceedings of the Royal Society, Mathematical and Physical Sciences Series A, doi: 10.1098/rspa.2012.0035.


Massart, T.J. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2012) Stress-induced permeability evolution in quasi-brittle geomaterials, Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth), doi: 10.1029/2012JB009251.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2012) A geophysical application of an elastostatic contact problem, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, DOI: 10.1177/1081286512462304


Benson, P.M., Heap, M.J, ….Selvadurai, A.P.S.,..(2012) Laboratory simulations of tensile fracture development in a volcanic conduit via cyclic magma pressurization, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 349-350:231-239.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2012) Fluid leakage through fractures in an impervious caprock embedded between two geologic aquifers, Advances in Water Resources, 41:76-83.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Nikopour, H. (2012) Uniform loading of a cracked layered composite plate: Experiments and modelling, Computer Modeling in Engineering and Science, 85: 279 -298.


Oliveira, M.F.F., Dumont , N.A. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2012) Boundary element formulation of axisymmetric problems for an elastic halfspace, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 36: 1478-1492.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Jenner, L. (2013) Radial flow permeability testing of an argillaceous limestone, Ground Water, doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2012.00932.x.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Nikopour H. (2012) Transverse elasticity properties of a unidirectionally reinforced composite with a random fibre arrangement, Composite Structures 94: 1973-1981.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Shi, M. (2012) Fluid pressure loading of a hyperelastic membrane, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, doi:10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2011.05.011.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Selvadurai, P.A. (2011) Historical Notes: On a momentary lapse of concentration by the genius? Mathematics Today, 47: 244-245.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Dumont, N.A. (2011) Mindlin's problem for a halfspace indented by a flexible plate, Journal of Elasticity, 105: 253-269.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2011) On the incremental torsional stiffness of an annular disc bonded to a finitely deformed elastic halfspace, The International Journal of Structural Changes in Solids, 3: 1-10.


Suvorov, A.P. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2011) Effective medium methods and a computational approach for estimating geomaterial properties of a porous material with randomly oriented ellipsoidal pores, Computers and Geotechnics, 38: 721-730.


Selvadurai, A.P.S., Letendre, A. and Hekimi, B. (2011) Axial flow hydraulic pulse testing of an argillaceous limestone, Environmental Earth Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s12665-011-1027-7.


Suvorov, A.P. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2011) Macroscopic constitutive equations of thermo-poroelasticity derived using eigenstrain-eigenstress approaches, The Philosophical Magazine, DOI: 10.1080/14786435.2011.557402.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2011) On the hydraulic intake shape factor for a circular opening located at an impervious boundary: Influence of inclined stratification, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 35: 639-651.
238. Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2010) Transport in porous media. Application of mathematical methods, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 14: 949-987.


Suvorov, A.P. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2010) Macroscopic constitutive equations of thermo-poroviscoelasticity derived using eigenstrains, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids.


Ichikawa, Y., Tachibana, S., Choi, J.-H. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2010) A new development of coupled diffusion, seepage and consolidation problem of multi-component mixture in saturated porous media, Journal of the Society of Materials Science.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2010) Crack-bridging in a unidirectionally fibre-reinforced plate, Journal of Engineering Mathematics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Selvadurai, P.A. (2010) Surface permeability tests: experiments and modelling for estimating effective permeability, Proceedings of the Royal Society, Mathematical and Physical Sciences Series A. [Awarded the IACMAG 2011 Best paper Prize]


Khoshghalb, A., Khalili, N. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2010) A three-point time discretization technique for parabolic partial differential equations, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2009) On the Mode I stress intensity factor for an external circular crack with fibre bridging, Composite Structures.


Turrin, S., Hanss, M. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2009) An approach to uncertainty analysis of rockfall simulation, Computer Modeling in Engineering and Science.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2009) Fragmentation of ice sheets during impact, Computer Modeling in Engineering and Science.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2009) Heave of a surficial rock layer due to pressures generated by injected fluids, Geophysical Research Letters.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2009) Influence of residual hydraulic gradients on decay curves for one-dimensional hydraulic pulse tests, Geophysical Journal International.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2009) Boussinesq indentation of an isotropic elastic halfspace reinforced with an inextensible membrane, International Journal of Engineering Science.


Ghiabi, H. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2009) Time-dependent mechanical behaviour of a granular medium used in laboratory investigations, International Journal of Geomechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2009) On the surface displacement of an isotropic elastic halfspace containing an inextensible membrane reinforcement, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids.


Dong, W. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2009) A combined finite and infinite element approach for modeling spherically symmetric transient subsurface flow, Computers and Geosciences.


Kringos, N., Scarpas, T. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2008) Simulation of mastic erosion from open-graded asphalt mixes using a hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian finite element approach, Computer Modeling in Engineering and Science.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2008) On nonclassical analytical solutions for advective transport problems, Water Resources Research.


Selvadurai, A.P.S., Scarpas, T. and Kringos, N. (2008) On a Winkler ligament contact between a rigid disc and an elastic halfspace, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Yu, Q. (2008) Mechanics of polymeric membranes subjected to chemical exposure, International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics.


Edwards, M.P., Hill, J.M. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2008) Lie group symmetry analysis of transport in porous media with variable transmissivity, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications.


Kringos, N., Scarpas, T., Casbergen, C. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2008) Modelling of combined physical-mechanical moisture-induced damage in asphaltic mixes, Part 1: governing processes and formulations, International Journal of Pavement Engineering.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Ghiabi, H. (2008) Consolidation of a soft clay composite: Experimental results and computational estimates, Computer Modeling in Engineering and Science.


Dong, W. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2008) A Taylor-Galerkin approach for modelling a spherically symmetric advective-dispersive transport problem, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and GÅ‚owacki, A. (2008) Permeability hysterisis of limestone during isotropic compression, Ground Water.


Selvadurai, A.P.S., Kringos, N. and Scarpas, A. (2008) Bond stress development at a surface coating-substrate interface due to the action of a nucleus of thermo-elastic strain, SurfaceÌý and Coatings Technology.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2007) On adhesion energy estimates derived from the pressurized brittle delamination of a flexible thin film, Acta Materialia.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2007) The analytical method in geomechanics, Applied Mechanics Reviews.


Yu, Q. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2007) Mechanics of a rate-dependent polymer network, Philosophical Magazine.


Selvadurai, A.P.S., Labanieh, S. and Boulon, M.J. (2007) On the mechanics of contact between a flexible transducer diaphragm located at a rigid boundary and an elastic material, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2007) Interface porosity and the Dirichlet/Neumann pore fluid pressure boundary conditions in poroelasticity, Transport in Porous Media.


Selvadurai, P.A. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2007) On cavity flow permeability testing of a sandstone, Ground Water.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2006) Nonlinear mechanics of cracks subjected to indentation, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering.


Dong, W. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2006) Image processing technique for determining the concentration of a chemical in a fluid-saturated porous medium, Geotechnical Testing Journal.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Yu, Q. (2006) On the indentation of a polymeric membrane, Proceedings of the Royal Society, Mathematical and Physical Sciences Series A.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Willner, K. (2006) Surface-stiffened elastic halfspace under the action of a horizontally directed Mindlin force, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Dong, W. (2006) A time adaptive scheme for the solution of the advection equation in the presence of a transient flow velocity, Computer Modeling in Engineering and Science.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2006) Gravity-driven advective transport during deep geological disposal of contaminants, Geophysical Research Letters.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Dong, W. (2006) The numerical modelling of advective transport in the presence of fluid pressure transients, International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2006) Deflections of a rubber membrane, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Dong, W. (2006) Modelling of advection-dominated transport in a porous column with a time-decaying flow field, Transport in Porous Media.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Yu, Q. (2006) Constitutive modelling of a polymeric material subjected to chemical exposure, International Journal of Plasticity.


Shirazi, A. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2005) Lateral loading of a rigid rock socket embedded in a damage-susceptible poroelastic solid, International Journal of Geomechanics.


Yu, Q. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2005) Mechanical behaviour of a plasticized PVC subjected to ethanol exposure, Polymer Degradation and Stability.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Yu, Q. (2005) On the indentation of a chemically-treated polymeric membrane, Computer Modelling in Engineering and Science.


Alonso, E.E. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2005) The FEBEX benchmark test: case definition and comparison of modelling approaches, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences.


Nguyen, T.S., Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Armand, G. (2005) Modelling the FEBEX THM experiment using a state surface approach, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Shirazi, A. (2005) An elliptical disc anchor in a damage-susceptible poroelastic medium, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering.


Selvadurai, A.P.S., Willner, K. and Gaul, L. (2005) On frictionally constrained wing-cracks, Archives of Mechanics.


Hill, J.M. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2005) Mathematics and mechanics of granular materials, Journal of Engineering Mathematics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Yu, Q. (2005) Mechanics of a discontinuity in a geomaterial, Computers and Geotechnics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2005) Plane cracks with frictionally constrained surfaces, Computers and Structures: An International Journal.


Selvadurai, A.P.S., Boulon, M.J. and Nguyen, T.S. (2005) The permeability of an intact granite, Pure and Applied Geophysics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Shirazi, A. (2004) The fluid-filled spherical cavity in a damage-susceptible poroelastic medium, International Journal of Damage Mechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2004) Fluid intake cavities in stratified porous media, Journal of Porous Media.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2004) On the advective-diffusive transport in porous media in the presence of time-dependent velocities, Geophysical Research Letters.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Shirazi, A. (2004) Mandel-Cryer effects in fluid inclusions in damage-susceptible poroelastic geologic media, Computers and Geotechnics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2004) Stationary damage modelling of poroelastic contact, International Journal of Solids and Structures.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2004) Advective transport from a penny-shaped crack in a porous medium and an associated uniqueness theorem, International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2004) On the uniqueness theorem for advective-diffusive transport in porous media: A canonical proof, Transport in Porous Media.


Khalili, N. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2003) A fully coupled constitutive model for thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis in elastic media with double porosity, Geophysical Research Letters.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2003) Intake shape factors for entry points in porous media with transversely isotropic hydraulic conductivity, International Journal of Geomechanics.


Meleshko, V.V. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2003) Contributions to the theory of elasticity by Louis Napoleon George Filon as viewed in the light of subsequent developments in biharmonic problems in applied mechanics and engineering mathematics, Journal of Engineering Mathematics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2003) On the axisymmetric loading of an annular crack by a disc inclusion, Journal of Engineering Mathematics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2003) Contaminant migration from an axisymmetric source in a porous medium, Water Resources Research.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2003) On an invariance principle for unilateral contact at a bimaterial elastic interface, International Journal of Engineering Science.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2003) On certain bounds for the in-plane translational stiffness of a disc inclusion at a bi-material elastic interface, Mechanics Research Communications.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Hanss, M. (2003) Contaminant transport in a thin layer: the influence of fuzzy orthotropic diffusivity, Modelling and Simulation in Material Science and Engineering.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2002) Mechanics of a rigid circular disc bonded to a cracked elastic half-space, International Journal of Solids and Structures.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2002) The advective transport of a chemical from a cavity in a porous medium, Computers and Geotechnics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2002) Influence of pressurized water influx on the hygro-thermal behaviour of an engineered clay barrier in a waste emplacement borehole, Engineering Geology.


Yin, J.-H., Wang, Y.-J. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2001) Influence of nonassociativity on the bearing capacity of a strip footing, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2001) Mindlin’s problem for a halfspace with a bonded flexural surface constraint, Mechanics Research Communications.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2001) On the displacements of an elastic half-space containing a rigid inhomogeneity, International Journal of Geomechanics.


Singh, B.M., Danyluk, H.T., Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Dhaliwal, R.S. (2001) Effects of inclusions in ductile cracks, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (ZAMP).


Gnanendran, C.T. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2001) Strain measurement and interpretation of stabilising force in geogrid reinforcement, International Journal of Geotextiles and Geosynthetics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2001) On Boussinesq’s problem, International Journal of Engineering Science.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2000) An application of Betti’s reciprocal theorem for the analysis of an inclusion problem, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2000) The penny-shaped crack at a bonded plane with localized elastic non-homogeneity, European Journal of Mechanics A.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2000) Boussinesq’s problem for an elastic half-space reinforced with a rigid disc inclusion, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2000) Fracture evolution during indentation of a brittle elastic solid, Mechanics of Cohesive-Frictional Materials.


Hill, J.M. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2000) A.J.M. Spencer FRS, Journal of Engineering Mathematics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2000) The indentation of a precompressed penny-shaped crack, International Journal of Engineering Science.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2000) An inclusion at a bi-material elastic interface, Journal of Engineering Mathematics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S., Hu, J. and Konuk, I. (1999) Computational modelling of frost heave induced soil-pipeline interaction II. Modelling of experiments at the Caen test facility, Cold Regions Science and Technology.


Selvadurai, A.P.S., Hu, J. and Konuk, I. (1999) Computational modelling of frost heave induced soil-pipeline interaction I. Modelling of frost heave, Cold Regions Science and Technology.


Esposito, G., Allersma, H.G.B. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1999) Centrifuge modeling of LNAPL transport in partially saturated sand, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1999) The in-plane loading of rigid disc inclusion embedded in a crack, International Journal of Solids and Structures.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Nguyen, T.S. (1999) Mechanics and fluid transport in a degradable discontinuity, Engineering Geology.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Sepehr, K. (1999) Discrete element modelling of fragmentable geomaterials with size dependent strength, Engineering Geology.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Sepehr, K. (1999) Two-dimensional discrete element simulations of ice–structure interaction, International Journal of Solids and Structures.


Spencer, A.J.M. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1998) Some generalized anti-plane strain problems for an inhomogeneous elastic halfspace, Journal of Engineering Mathematics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Mahyari, A.T. (1998) Computational modelling of steady crack extension in poroelastic media, International Journal of Solids and Structures.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1998) The modelling of axisymmetric basal crack evolution in a borehole indentation problem, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements.


Basha, H. A. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1998) Heat-induced moisture transport in the vicinity of a spherical heat source, International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.


Mahyari, A.T. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1998) Enhanced consolidation in brittle geomaterials susceptible to damage, Mechanics of Cohesive Frictional Materials.


Nguyen, T.S. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1998) A model for coupled mechanical and hydraulic behaviour of a rock joint, International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Lan, Q. (1998) Axisymmetric mixed boundary value problems for an elastic halfspace with a periodic nonhomogeneity, International Journal of Solids and Structures.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Lan, Q. (1997) A disc inclusion at a nonhomogeneous elastic interface, Mechanics Research Communications.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Carnaffan, P. (1997) A transient pressure pulse method for the measurement of permeability of a cement grout, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Mahyari, A.T. (1997) Computational modeling of the indentation of a cracked poroelastic half-space, International Journal of Fracture.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1996) On the problem of an electrified disc located at the central opening of a coplanar earthed sheet, Mechanics Research Communications.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Nguyen, T.S. (1996) Scoping analyses of the coupled thermal-hydrological-mechanical behaviour of the rock mass around a nuclear fuel waste repository, Engineering Geology.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1996) On integral equation approaches to the mechanics of fibre-crack interaction, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements.


Lan, Q. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1996) Interacting indentors on a poroelastic half-space, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (ZAMP).


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and J.Hu (1996) The axial loading of foundations embedded in frozen soils, International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1996) Heat-induced moisture movement in a clay barrier II.Ìý Computational modelling and comparison with experimental results, Engineering Geology.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1996) Heat-induced moisture movement in a clay barrier I.Ìý Experimental modelling of borehole emplacement, Engineering Geology.


Selvadurai, A.P.S., Au, M.C. and Singh, B.M. (1996) The matrix–fibre crack in an elastic solid, Journal of Applied Mechanics.


Frydrychowicz, W. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1996) On some aspects of a nonlinear convection–diffusion equation arising in heat-induced moisture transport in porous media, International Journal of Engineering Science.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1996) The settlement of a rigid circular foundation resting on a half-space exhibiting a near surface elastic non-homogeneity, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. [IACMAG Best Paper Award]


Lan, Q., Graham, G.A.C. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1996) Certain two-punch problems for an elastic layer, International Journal of Solids and Structures.


Singh, B.M., Danyluk, H.T. Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Vrbik, J. (1995) A note on the torsion of a nonhomogeneous solid by an annular disc, International Journal of Solids and Structures.


Nguyen, T.S. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1995) Coupled thermal-mechanical-hydrological behaviour of sparsely fractured rock: Implications for nuclear fuel waste disposal, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and Geomechanics Abstracts.


Yue, Z.Q. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1995) On the mechanics of a rigid disc inclusion embedded in a fluid saturated poroelastic medium, International Journal of Engineering Science.


Yue, Z.Q. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1995) Contact problem for saturated poroelastic solid, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. andÌý Busschen, A. ten (1995) Mechanics of the segmentation of an embedded fibre, Part II: Computational modeling and comparisons, Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME.


Busschen, A. ten and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1995) Mechanics of the segmentation of an embedded fibre, Part I: Experimental investigations, Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Nguyen, T.S. (1995) Computational modelling of isothermal consolidation of fractured porous media, Computers and Geotechnics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1994) A contact problem for a smooth rigid inclusion in a penny-shaped crack, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (ZAMP).


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1994) Separation at a pre-fractured bi-material geological interface, Mechanics Research Communications.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Yue, Z.Q. (1994) On the indentation of a poroelastic layer, International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.


Yue, Z.Q. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1994) On the asymmetric indentation of a consolidating poroelastic half space, Applied Mathematical Modelling.


Yue, Z.Q., Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Law, K.T. (1994) Excess pore pressure in a poroelastic seabed saturated with a compressible fluid, Canadian Geotechnical Journal.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1994) On the problem of a detached anchor plate embedded in a crack, International Journal of Solids and Structures.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1994) Matrix crack extension at a frictionally constrained fibre, Journal of Engineering Materials Technology, ASME.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1994) A unilateral contact problem for a rigid disc inclusion embedded between two dissimilar elastic half-spaces, Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1993) Mechanics of a rock anchor with a penny-shaped basal crack, International Journal Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and Geomechanics Abstracts.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Shinde, S.B. (1993) Frost heave induced mechanics of buried pipelines, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1993) The axial loading of a rigid circular anchor plate embedded in an elastic half-space, International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.


Boulon, M.J., Selvadurai, A.P.S., Benjelloun, H. and Feuga, B. (1993) Influence of rock joint degradation on hydraulic conductivity, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and Geomechanics Abstracts.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1993) Uplift behaviour of strata-grid anchored pipelines embedded in granular soils, Geotechnical Engineering.


Gao, Y.L., Tan, C. ‑L., and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1992) Stress intensity factors for cracks around or penetrating an elliptic inclusion using the boundary element method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1992) Transient thermo‑viscoelastic response of a crack in a layered structure, Journal of Thermal Stress: An International Quarterly.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Bakht, B. (1991) Development of an impact cone penetration device for backfill evaluation, Transportation Research Board Record.


Selvadurai, A.P.S., Au, M.C. and Singh, B.M. (1991) Asymmetric loading of an externally cracked elastic solid by an in‑plane penny‑shaped inclusion, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1991) Non-linear interfaces and fracture mechanics, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Hochschule fur Architektur und Bauwesen, Weimar.


Selvadurai, A.P.S., Singh, B.M. and Au, M.C. (1991) The in‑plane loading of a rigid disc inclusion embedded in an elastic half-space, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions of the ASME.


Rajapakse, R.K.N.D. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1991) Response of circular footings and anchor plates in non-homogeneous elastic soils, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1990) Hertzian contact in the presence of a Mindlin force, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (ZAMP).


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Rajapakse, R.K.N.D. (1990) Axial stiffness of anchoring rods embedded in elastic media, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering.


Selvadurai, A.P.S., Au, M.C. and Phang, W.A. (1990) Modelling of low-temperature behaviour of cracks in asphalt pavement structures, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. [Awarded the Leipholz Medal of the CSCE]


Karpurapu, R., Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Tanoesoedibjo, R.E.S. (1990) Consolidation analysis of symmetrically loaded strip footings on a poroelastic layer, Computers and Geotechnics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1990) The unilateral contact between a rigid circular punch on a halfspace and a Mindlin force, Mechanics Research Communications.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Dasgupta, G. (1990) Harmonic response of smoothly embedded rigid sphere, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Pang, S. (1990) Mechanics of the interaction between a nuclear-waste disposal container and a buffer during discontinuous rock movement, Engineering Geology: Special Issue on Engineered Clay Barriers.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1990) Heat-induced moisture movement within a clay-based sealing material, Engineering Geology: Special Issue on Engineered Clay Barriers.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1989) The influence of a boundary fracture on the elastic stiffness of a deeply embedded anchor plate, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.


Singh, B.M., Danyluk, H.T. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1989) The Reissner‑Sagoci problem for a half-space with a surface constraint, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (ZAMP).


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1989) Elastic stiffness of flat anchor region at cracked geological interface, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Karpurapu, R. (1989) Composite infinite element for modeling unbounded saturated-soil media, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE.


Rajapakse, R.K.N.D. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1989) Torsion of foundations embedded in non‑homogeneous soil in a weathered crust, ³Òé´Ç³Ù±ð³¦³ó²Ô¾±±ç³Ü±ð.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Gnanendran, C.T. (1989) An experimental study of a footing located on sloped fill: influence of a soil reinforcement layer, Canadian Geotechnical Journal.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1989) Enhancement of the uplift capacity of buried pipelines by the use of geogrids, Journal of Geotechnical Testing, ASTM.


Selvadurai, A.P.S., Singh, B.M. and Au, M.C. (1989) Axial loading of a rigid disc inclusion with a debonded region, International Journal of Solids and Structures.


Selvadurai, A.P.S., Singh, B.M. and Au, M.C. (1989) Boussinesq's problem for a debonded boundary, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (ZAMP).


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1988) A Galerkin finite element scheme for the analysis of transient effects of heat and moisture flow in porous media, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Hochschule fur Architektur und Bauwesen, Weimar.


Sutcliffe, D.E. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1988) Computer adaptation of Newmark's charts, Microcomputers in Civil Engineering.


Selvadurai, A.P.S., Spencer, A.J.M. and Rudgyard, M.A. (1988) Second‑order elasticity with axial symmetry-II. Spherical cavity and spherical rigid inclusion problems, International Journal of Engineering Science.


Singh, B.M., Selvadurai, A.P.S., Cardou, A. and Vrbik, J. (1988) Closed-form solution for two finite length cracks moving in an orthotropic layer under anti‑plane loading, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Rajapakse, R.K.N.D. (1987) Variational scheme for analysis of torsion of embedded nonuniform elastic bars, Journal of Engineering Mechanics.


Singh, B.M., Danyluk, H.T. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1987) Thermal stresses in a transversely isotropic elastic solid weakened by an external circular crack, International Journal of Solids and Structures.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1987) In-plane loading of a cracked elastic solid by a disc inclusion with a Mindlin‑type constraint, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, (ZAMP).


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Singh, B.M. (1987) Axisymmetric problems for an externally cracked elastic solid.Ìý II. Effect of a penny‑shaped inclusion, International Journal of Engineering Science.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Singh, B.M. (1987) Axisymmetric problems for an externally cracked elastic solid.Ìý I.Ìý Effect of a penny‑shaped crack, International Journal of Engineering Science.


Singh, B.M., Danyluk, H.T., Vrbik, J., and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1986) Impact response of a pressurized penny‑shaped crack in an elastic‑plastic material, Engineering Fracture Mechanics.


Tan, C.‑L. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1986) Internally indented penny‑shaped cracks:Ìý a comparison of analytical and boundary integral equation estimates, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S., Singh, B.M. and Vrbik, J. (1986) A Reissner‑Sagoci problem for a non‑homogeneous elastic solid, Journal of Elasticity.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Au, M.C. (1986) Generalized displacements of a rigid elliptical anchor embedded at a bi‑material geological interface, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. [IACMAG Best Paper Award]


Singh, B.M., Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Danyluk, H.T. (1986) Two moving cracks in a layered composite, Engineering Fracture Mechanics: An International Journal.


Rajapakse, R.K.N.D. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1986) On the performance of Mindlin plate elements in modelling plate‑elastic medium interaction: A comparative study, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Singh, B.M. (1985) The axial displacement of a disc inclusion embedded in a penny‑shaped crack, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (ZAMP).ÌýÌý


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Singh, B.M. (1985) Body force loading of an annular adhesive contact region, International Journal of Fracture.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Rajapakse, R.K.N.D. (1985) On the load transfer from a rigid cylindrical inclusion into an elastic half space, International Journal of Solids and Structures.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1985) On an integral equation governing an internally indented penny‑shaped crack, Mechanics Research Communications.


Rajapakse, R.K.N.D. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1985) Torsional stiffness of non‑uniform and hollow rigid piers embedded in isotropic elastic media, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1985) Rotational stiffness of a rigid elliptical disc inclusion embedded at a bi‑material elastic interface, Solid Mechanics Archives.


Soldatos, K.P. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1985) Flexure of beams resting on hyperbolic elastic foundations, International Journal of Solids and Structures.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1985) Bounds for the elastic stiffness of a rigid penny‑shaped inclusion embedded at a bi‑material elastic interface, Research Mechanica.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1985) On the buckling of an infinite beam of finite width embedded in an isotropic elastic solid, Journal of Structural Mechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Singh, B.M. (1985) The annular crack problem for an isotropic elastic solid, Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1984) Circular raft foundation with a restrained boundary, Geotechnical Engineering.


Dhaliwal, R.S., Singh, B.M., Vrbik, J. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1984) Diffraction of torsional wave or plane harmonic compressional wave by an annular rigid disc, International Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1984) The rotation of a rigid elliptical disc inclusion embedded in a transversely isotropic elastic solid, Mechanics Research Communications.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1984) Large strain and dilatancy effects in pressuremeter, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Singh, B.M. (1984) On the expansion of a penny‑shaped crack by a rigid circular disc inclusion, International Journal of Fracture.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1984) A contact problem for a Reissner plate and an isotropic elastic halfspace, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1984) The flexure of an infinite strip of finite width embedded in an isotropic elastic medium of infinite extent, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1984) Elastostatic bounds for the stiffness of an elliptical disc inclusion embedded at a transversely isotropic bi-material interface, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, (ZAMP).


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1984) The use of auger-type devices for the in‑situ testing of soft sensitive clays, Geotechnical Engineering.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1984) Indentation of smooth elastic interface by disc inclusion, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Singh, B.M. (1984) Some annular inclusion problems in elasticity, International Journal of Solids and Structures.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1983) The body force induced separation at a frictionless pre‑compressed transversely isotropic elastic interface, Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering Transactions, 7: 154‑157.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1983) On three‑dimensional fibrous flaws in unidirectional fibre reinforced elastic composites, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (ZAMP).


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1983) Fundamental results concerning the settlement of a rigid foundation on an elastic medium due to an adjacent surface load, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1983) Flexure of an infinite beam embedded in a Vlazov layer, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Rabbaa, S.A.A. (1983) Some experimental studies concerning the contact stresses beneath interfering rigid strip foundations resting on a granular stratum, Canadian Geotechnical Journal.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1983) Approximations for the low frequency response of a rigid plate embedded in an infinite space, International Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1983) Concentrated body force loading of an elastically bridged penny shaped flaw in a unidirectional fibre reinforced composite, International Journal of Fracture.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1982) The statical Reissner‑Sagoci problem for an internally loaded transversely isotropic halfspace, International Journal of Engineering Science.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1982) The additional settlement of a rigid circular foundation on an isotropic elastic halfspace due to multiple distributed external loads, ³Òé´Ç³Ù±ð³¦³ó²Ô¾±±ç³Ü±ð.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1982) On the interaction between an elastically embedded rigid inhomogeneity and a laterally placed concentrated force, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, (ZAMP).


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1982) The axisymmetric displacement and rotation of an elastically embedded disc inhomogeneity due to the action of external loads, Fibre Science and Technology: An International Journal.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1982) Axial displacement of a rigid elliptical disc inclusionÌýÌý embedded in a transversely isotropic elastic solid, Mechanics Research Communications.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1981) Betti's reciprocal relationships for the displacements of an elastic infinite space bounded internally by a rigid inclusion, Journal of Structural Mechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1981) The displacements of a flexible inhomogeneity embedded in a transversely isotropic elastic medium, Fibre Science and Technology: An International Journal.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1981) Rotary oscillations of a rigid disc inclusion embedded in an isotropic elastic infinite space, International Journal of Solids and Structures.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1981) A theoretical estimate of the tilt of a surface foundation due to an inclined anchor load applied at the interior of the soil medium, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1980) On the displacement induced in a rigid circular punch on an elastic halfspace due to an external force, Mechanics Research Communications.


Selvadurai, A.P.S., Bauer, G.E. and Nicholas, T.J. (1980) Screw plate testing of a soft clay, Canadian Geotechnical Journal.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1980) Asymmetric displacements of a rigid disc inclusion embedded in a transversely isotropic elastic medium of infinite extent, International Journal of Engineering Science.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1980) Elastic contact between a flexible circular plate and a transversely isotropic elastic halfspace, International Journal of Solids and Structures.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Kempthorne, R.H. (1980) Plane strain-contact stress distribution beneath a rigid footing resting on a soft cohesive soil, Canadian Geotechnical Journal.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1980) The eccentric loading of a rigid circular foundation embedded in an isotropic elastic medium, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1980) The penny‑shaped crack problem for a finitely deformed incompressible elastic solid, International Journal of Fracture.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1979) On the displacement of a penny‑shaped rigid inclusion embedded in a transversely isotropic elastic medium, Solid Mechanics Archives.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1979) The displacement of a rigid circular foundation anchored to an isotropic elastic half-space, ³Òé´Ç³Ù±ð³¦³ó²Ô¾±±ç³Ü±ð.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1979) The interaction between a uniformly loaded circular plate and an isotropic elastic halfspace: A variational approach, Journal of Structural Mechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1979) An approximate analysis of an internally loaded elastic plate containing an infinite row of closely spaced parallel cracks, Engineering Fracture Mechanics: An International Journal.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1979) The displacements of a rigid disc inclusion embedded in an isotropic elastic medium due to the action of an external force, Mechanics Research Communications.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1979) An energy estimate of the flexural behaviour of a circular foundation embedded in an isotropic elastic medium, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1979) On the estimation of the deformability characteristics of an isotropic elastic soil medium by means of a vane test, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1979) Some results concerning the viscoelastic relaxation of prestress in a surface rock anchor, International Journal of Rock Mechanics, Mining Sciences and Geomechanics Abstracts.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1978) The time‑dependent response of a deep rigid anchor in a viscoelastic medium, International Journal of Rock Mechanics, Mining Sciences and Geomechanics Abstracts.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1978) The response of a deep rigid anchor due to undrained elastic deformation of the surrounding soil medium, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and J.C. Osler (1978) Undrained modulus from shear vane tests, Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division, Proceedings ASCE, 104: 1417‑1419.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1978) The interaction between a rigid circular punch on an elastic halfspace and a Mindlin force, Mechanics Research Communications.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1977) The influence of a Mindlin force on the axisymmetric interaction between an infinite plate and an elastic halfspace, Letters in Applied and Engineering Sciences.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1977) Axisymmetric deformation of a Winkler layer by internally loaded elastic halfspaces, Mechanics Research Communications.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1976) Axisymmetric flexure of an infinite plate resting on a finitely deformed incompressible elastic halfspace, International Journal of Solids and Structures.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1976) The response of a rigid circular plate resting on an idealized elastic‑plastic foundation, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1976) The load‑deflexion characteristics of a deep rigid anchor in an elastic medium, ³Òé´Ç³Ù±ð³¦³ó²Ô¾±±ç³Ü±ð.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1975) The distribution of stress in a rubber‑like elastic material bounded internally by a rigid spherical inclusion subjected to a central force, Mechanics Research Communications.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Moutafis, N. (1975) Some generalized results for an orthotropic elastic quarter-plane, Applied Scientific Research.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1974) Second‑order elastic effects in the torsion of a spherical annular region, International Journal of Engineering Science.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1973) Plane strain problems in second‑order elasticity theory, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1973) Bending of an infinite beam resting on a porous elastic medium, ³Òé´Ç³Ù±ð³¦³ó²Ô¾±±ç³Ü±ð.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. (1973) Second‑order elastic effects in an infinite plane containing a rigid circular inclusion, Fibre Science and Technology: An International Journal.


Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Spencer, A.J.M. (1972) Second‑order elasticity with axial symmetry-I General Theory, International Journal of Engineering Science.


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